After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 91 Temporary Recruitment

Before he finished speaking, his eyes blurred, and the commander's spear was already pressed against his neck.

He was startled and took two steps back, but the gun light surged and followed him like a shadow.

In fact, the tip of the spear was still three inches away from his throat, but the cold light almost reached his skin. Forced by this powerful murderous aura, Mr. Sun felt that he could hardly breathe.

"Say one more word, and I'll cut off your head and give it to Sheriff Sun!"

Mr. Sun's face turned pale and he suppressed the rest of his words.

Even he was withered, and the other servants and nurses of the Sun Mansion certainly didn't dare to stop him, so the progress on the scene was accelerated, and the two horses pulling the cart were changed into three horses or five horses. With the strong power, the ten boxes of military supplies quickly climbed up. Go up the mud slope.

As for the other boxes in the Sun Mansion, they were all pushed away by everyone and either dragged down the slope or thrown into the water.

The commander saw the civilians stealing Sun's property and didn't care at all.

In the current crisis, catching thieves and maintaining stability are not important. Getting the team to escape quickly is the key.

When the road was clear again and everyone cheered, he turned his horse's head and prepared to rush to the rear.

At this time, there was a commotion from the rear of the team, and civilians were crying and running forward desperately.

The pursuers are coming.

Everyone's expression changed and they scrambled to climb up the slope.

Several of them didn't step firmly and fell directly into the river.

Commander Xiao shouted: "If you still have the strength to fight, pick up your weapons and follow us. If you enter the pass, you will be rewarded heavily!"

He drank three times in a row, which shocked the whole country.

Liu Sanjiu, who was in the group, couldn't help but turn around, as if he was moved. But his wife immediately grabbed his arm and shouted: "Don't even think about it, you still have children!"

After the man dies, how difficult will it be for the orphans and widowers to live in a foreign land?

Thinking of this, Liu Sanjiu had no choice but to give up the idea.

He looked back guiltily, picked up the child and ran forward.

Among the fleeing crowd, more than a dozen men gradually stopped. Some people turned around immediately, while others hesitated for a moment, but still came closer.

Commander Xiao pointed to the box that had just been opened in the Sun family and said: "You have been temporarily recruited into the army. If you can come back alive today, you will be given additional titles, more food, and more fields! Now choose the weapons you have, and choose horses! Those who can shoot arrows will climb uphill and climb trees. Prepare!"

Everyone chose weapons one after another.

There are also thin men here, but they know in their hearts that once the Gale Army cannot hold on, the troops in front will suffer, and their families will be slaughtered.

In this battle, no one can stay out of it, so it is better to win a big deal.

After passing this test, I will have a good life in a foreign land from now on.

In fact, this is not a mountainous area. It is just because the water level drops during the dry season, exposing a large area of ​​​​the river bed. Everyone was walking on the river bed, which was actually three to four feet (ten meters) away from the river bank above.

This is a shortcut to the territory of Panlong City, and only the Gale Army, who are well versed in the terrain and seasons, know this. Otherwise, the fleeing team would have to go around the stone forest above, and the journey would take a full three hours longer.

Three hours are enough to rewrite the outcome of a battle.

However, the enemy still caught up, and Wei City fell faster than expected.

The archers climbed up the river bank one after another, and stood down to prepare to release arrows.

The remaining people put on their light armor and grasped their weapons. One of them shouted loudly: "Let's move the cart back to block the road and prevent the enemy from advancing."

The boxes containing the Sun family's belongings were thrown on the side of the road together with the carriage.

In the past they could block the path of civilians, but now they could certainly block the path of pursuing soldiers, making them an effective defensive fortification.

Commander Xiao's eyes showed approval: "What a great idea. What's your name?"

"My surname is He." The man smiled, showing his white teeth, "He Lingchuan."

He had already figured out that since the worst outcome was to wake up, there was nothing to worry about in the dream, so he could just let it go and have fun.

Even if you can survive by following the refugee flow, what's the point?

"The rear army knows the terrain and must retreat here. The car formation must leave a line for entry and exit." Commander Xiao jumped off the horse and stepped into the mud with the others, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and moved the cart back to the halfway slope. .

This is a laborious task that cannot be dragged by a horse, and is even more difficult by manpower. The gale army had to shout slogans and use all their strength to pull the carriage over.

No one complained, because as difficult as it was to move it now, it would be two or three times more difficult for the enemy to move it.

In order to cause more trouble for the enemy, they dug the mud pit under the carriage deeper, so that it would have greater resistance to dragging.

He Lingchuan was following Commander Xiao. The heavy rain stuck his clothes to his body. When he exerted force, the muscles of his shoulders and neck stretched out, outlining stern lines.

Just the two of them can pull a large vehicle.

The two of them moved two more large boxes and put them in the car. Before they could straighten up, Commander Xiao said to He Lingchuan, "Aren't you from Weicheng?"

He Lingchuan was startled, but his face was confused: "Huh?"

"The accent is different, and the clothes are different." Commander Xiao tilted his head towards the hillside, "Weicheng people are generally short."

There were several archers lying on the hillside. He Lingchuan looked up and saw that they were all thin and small.

"No." A wrong answer would risk death, so He Lingchuan immediately replied, "I was originally a Tusu person!"

Tusu City was captured ten years ago, and it made sense for the refugees to flee to Weicheng.

He Lingchuan then asked: "Will we have reinforcements?"

Otherwise, staying here is waiting for death.

"Yes." Commander Xiao said firmly, "One hour at most!"

His voice was loud, and the soldiers around him became energetic.

They only need to hold on for an hour before reinforcements arrive!

Everyone was rummaging through the boxes in the Sun family, hoping to get some more useful supplies. However, most of the military supplies have been transported away, leaving only a box of weapons.

Of course, a lot of gold and silver also fell out of the boxes scattered everywhere. The newly recruited men always saw them when they walked around, and they became jealous.

He Lingchuan saw a man hiding a gold plate in his chest.

Commander Xiao also saw it and did not stop him. He only reminded them: "The stuff is too heavy and will affect your skills. As long as you survive, you can choose whatever you want here!"

There was a smile on everyone's face.

He Lingchuan opened a box, looked at the contents inside, and was stunned: "This Governor Sun is a glutton, right? Why do you have to pack up everything?"

Commander Xiao came over to take a look and couldn't help but smile: "It's useful! Although it's not military equipment, it's really useful. Let's decorate it now."

He Lingchuan looked at the soft gold and silver in the big boxes on the floor and rolled his eyes: "I have another idea, why not..."

Commander Xiao also adopted his idea.

So everyone arranged it and spent a lot of time.

More and more refugees were fleeing from behind, and they all fled uphill through the gap in the convoy.

Two quarters of an hour later, the shouts of killing were getting closer and closer.

Commander Xiao and others stood guard on the slope, concentrating on the situation. The rain hit their faces, but no one felt cold.

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