After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 97 General Nian rebelled

Dayuan had been restructured in the past few years, with repeated changes in the process. The official system is still somewhat chaotic, but the General Manager is also the highest local official, and he has to take care of military affairs with one hand and people's livelihood with the other. He has to be tough on both hands. If the governor of Jinzhou saw this former subordinate, he would be envious, jealous and hateful.

He Lingchuan never expected that his father, who had been dormant for so long, would suddenly rise to prominence.

This span is too big.

It was a great achievement to defeat the rebels' plan to seize Dafanghu and counterattack the official army.

Killing Sun Fuping was the second most important achievement.

The position of national advisor has always been held by the most loyal and magical person to the emperor, and it can even interfere with the destiny of the country. Therefore, Sun Fuping's rebellion was a heavy blow to the Yuan Kingdom, directly shaking the morale of the military and the people.

Not to mention, he has so many shocking secrets in his hand that if he casually leaks one or two, it will shock the world.

How many shady secrets surround power and rule? Just relying on the rich imagination of ordinary people, they can make up dozens of dramas for you, and they will not be the same every day.

As soon as Sun Fuping died, the king suddenly felt relieved and could sleep more peacefully at night.

He Chunhua has a clear vision, so these two achievements must be fought for.

"It's still far away from the sky, but it's still a big progress!" Although he said it calmly, the red light on his face betrayed the real fluctuations in his heart, "Xiazhou is not rich, but its geographical location is key, and it is further away from the capital. Closer, at least much closer than Jinzhou and Qiansong County."

The closer they are to the hinterland, the more attention they receive. For example, they originally lived in Qiansong County, which is a remote frontier and enjoys the three characteristics of bitter cold, scorching heat, and poverty at the same time. No real dignitary would go near it.

Because of the poor local conditions, the emperor exiled criminals here to do hard labor, such as He Chunhua back then.

He Lingchuan extended congratulations.

No matter what, the geographical location of Xiazhou must be better than that of Jinzhou, otherwise my father would not laugh so hard that he can't even see his eyesight. Moreover, the General Manager's Office has great power in the local area. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can cover the sky with one hand.

The big tree behind me has become thicker and stronger, and I feel more comfortable and comfortable leaning against it. It's very good.

"Also, the Nian Praising Ceremony was reversed." He Chunhua's smile faded slightly, "He raised troops in Xunzhou to respond to Da Sima."

He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows and looked at He Yue.

So, you're right?

He Yue said: "No wonder Wang Ting urgently appointed you as the general manager of Xiazhou. This is to urge you to hurry up and fight on the front line."

"The former general manager of Xiazhou died of illness within three months. Wang Ting was busy with the war, so the position has always been vacant." He Chunhua nodded, "You are right. The superiors believe that I have made contributions in eliminating border bandits, keeping foreign enemies away, and encouraging farmers and trade. I hope I If you go north to resist the enemy, you will be greeted with disaster in ordinary years.”

He rubbed his hands in excitement: "I can finally leave Blackwater City and show off my talents in a legitimate way!"

It is difficult to achieve great achievements in peace, but heroes emerge only in troubled times.

He has no ambitions and has been confined to Qiansong County, a borderland. It is a serious crime to leave one's post without permission. Now that Wang Ting has issued an order, he can finally enter the customs according to the order and show his ambition.

How many years had he waited for such an incredible opportunity?

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "If you want me to go north to resist the enemy, you must have troops. You have just taken office, are the local soldiers in Xiazhou easy to use?"

I don’t know the roots, I don’t know the bottom, I don’t know if it’s a bad thing or a good thing.

"The backbone will naturally be drawn from Blackwater City. I will build my own team first."

"Well, aren't the Blackwater City troops allowed to guard the border? If they are transferred..."

"Currently, our relations with the countries to the west are on friendly terms. The sand season will not end for a while. With the Panlong Desert as a natural barrier, there will be no border troubles for at least the next three or four months. This is what Wang Ting planned." He Chunhua said with a smile, "We Let’s lead the team north first, and the county magistrate will temporarily take care of the affairs of Blackwater City. As for the city army, he will also recruit new people to fill the vacancies, so you don’t need to worry about me.”

He paused and looked at his two sons: "The war is urgent. I want to select people to go north. You can make some preparations and set off in three days."

Mrs. Ying smiled and said, "There will be a banquet at home tomorrow night. Yue'er, come and help write the invitations. They will be handed out before tomorrow morning; Lingchuan, you will also help deliver the invitations."

Both sons deserved it. He Lingchuan had already finished two large bowls of mutton soup noodles and a plate of green onion and meat pot stickers, so he wiped his mouth and walked out of the side hall with He Yue.

There was laughter and laughter from behind. The Hes and his wife had not been so happy for a long time.

After walking about ten feet, He Yue took a long breath and said, "Sure enough, as soon as the news of our killing of Nian Songyu spread in the capital, the Nian Praising Ceremony was reversed."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Don't take the problem on yourself. If Nian Zanli had no objection, why would he send Nian Songyu to get the big square pot? Dad just... pushed him."

"He has a murderous grudge against us, and we will soon meet each other on the battlefield, and he will be extremely jealous when the time comes."

He Lingchuan asked him: "How much do you know about the war situation in the north?"

"After Da Sima retreated to Wuzhou, he won two consecutive victories and his morale was high. It was not until twelve days ago that he was defeated by Wei Ao and lost a general. As for Xunzhou Mu, I only know that he supported Da Sima. Alas, we can't leave. It’s too far away and the information is no longer fresh.”

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "This time I want you to go to the north to open your eyes."

"Sooner or later this day will come, I'm ready." He Yue looked at his brother, "What about you?"

"Me?" He Lingchuan said carelessly, "What should I be prepared for?"

"Brother, you have been practicing martial arts for many years. Don't you want to find a job in the army?" He Yue said softly, "Only with military merit can you be promoted. Look at the influential figures on Dayuan's territory now. Which one does not have illustrious military merit?"

Be an official? He Lingchuan was confused for a moment. The original person was a little ignorant about this aspect and had no plan. But the He family wants to enter the hinterland of Dayuan and no longer settle in a corner. Where will He Lingchuan's future path be?

It's not impossible to continue to be a second-generation ancestor, but...

He inexplicably remembered last night's dream, the battlefield where blood and fear coexisted, hope and despair intertwined.

If he also went to the northern front, maybe he would have to experience such a battle? But, this time it’s for real.

"You're right." He was silent for a moment, "I will consider it."

Brothers say goodbye and each is busy with his own business.

He Yue looked at his brother's back and felt that there was something different about him.

It's just a little feeling, I can't put it into words.

Taking advantage of the rest after dinner, He Lingchuan asked someone to find a target and nail it in the martial arts training ground. He also asked for a strong bow, a one-handed crossbow, and some arrows.

Soon, these were all ready.

He used to only practice martial arts as a hobby and basically ignored long-range shooting. However, Panlong's trip to the Desert made him realize that it was better to make up for his shortcomings as soon as possible.

He grabbed his big bow, took aim, and shot.

The original person has been very strong since he was a child, and he has practiced martial arts since he was a little older. Once he has the blessing of true energy, he can draw a six-stone strong bow. Of course, you can only use a three-stone bow to practice martial arts. Using Zhenqi will damage the target, so there is no need.

"Immortal" will enter the third round of PK starting today, which will last for one week. I hope to have a good result and roll into the fourth round, and then go all the way to the sky and the earth.

The method is also very simple, just keep reading, no need to stock up.

By the way, we didn’t see where the second round of PK was, so why did it suddenly become the third round?

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