After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 98 Let’s go! Mr. He’s journey to success

What he wants to practice is his accuracy.

Because he has practiced martial arts for many years, his skills are very stable.

But he shot several arrows, and the hit rate was very poor, and he missed the target twice.

So the successful flying knife to save his father in the Panlong Desert was really unlucky.

No, it was He Chunhua who was lucky and didn't get shot in the head by his son.

He Lingchuan was not discouraged. He recalled that Hu Min could shoot an arrow as well as his fingers.

After drawing the bow fifty times, He Lingchuan put down the strong bow. He relaxed his sore shoulders and arms first, then evened out his Qi, and began to practice the sword.

This is what he's wanted to do since he woke up.

He closed his eyes and slowly thought back to the past night of fighting.

Every parry, every dodge, every injury, every head-on blow, and—

Every killing!

In the dream, he killed six enemies and injured or assisted nineteen more.

Now these images are clearly recalled, frozen, and enlarged in his mind, allowing him to calmly record every success and examine every mistake.

He even remembered Commander Xiao's sword, which was sharp, fierce and decisive, without any sloppiness.

And Meng Shan, with his fierceness and domineering attitude that never flinched in the face of swords, mountains and seas of fire, even Commander Xiao did not dare to let go of his edge.

He Lingchuan seemed to have returned to yesterday's battlefield.

When he came back to his senses, he had finished practicing the sword in one stroke, his sword skills were perfect, and many obscure things in the past were suddenly solved.

Just as a sweet-scented osmanthus fell, He Lingchuan struck out with his knife, with the blade about an inch away from the petals.

The sweet-scented osmanthus seems to be slightly stagnant in the air, and then falls back to its original trajectory.

In mint condition.

The servant standing in the corner of the courtyard couldn't bear to look at him, but He Lingchuan seemed very satisfied and even smiled.

When dancing with a knife, there is a wind of the sword. The faster the knife, the stronger the wind of the sword.

The sweet-scented osmanthus is less than an inch away from the blade, but is not disturbed by the wind. This is his progress.

He Lingchuan has actually developed some sword skills, but sending and receiving from the heart is much harder than it sounds. From the outside to the inside, he still has a long way to go.

However, when did his memory become so good that he could remember all the details of last night and review it frame by frame?

Looking back, it seems that both dreams were like this.

Probably, this is due to Broken Sword again, right?

Then he went to draw the bow and practice the sword again, and so on again and again.

Seeing the sun slowly setting in the west, the servant had to remind him: "Young Master, don't forget your wife's instructions."

What did Mrs. Ying explain? He Lingchuan thought for a long time before remembering that she wanted to go to the upper circles of Blackwater City to send out invitations to invite them to come to He's house for a tail-burning banquet tomorrow night.

When an official is promoted and his colleagues, relatives and friends come to congratulate him, the host will prepare a sumptuous banquet with singing and dancing, which is called a "roasting tail banquet". He Chunhua has made great achievements this time and has been promoted several levels. Of course, the tail-burning banquet must be held beautifully.

Finish your work, take a shower, and work.

By the time He Lingchuan finished sending the invitations and returned home, the bright moon had already risen.

He Lingchuan looked at the broken knife on the wall. He was still a little excited when he lay down to sleep, hoping that he would dream about Panlong again tonight.

He desperately wanted to know the outcome of the Battle of the River Plate.

Unfortunately, it was a dreamless night.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Congratulations to the governor for his promotion, Blackwater City was as lively as a festival. Even the servants of the He family enjoyed the joy of being surrounded by stars and the moon when they went out.

The He family is full of people, and those who come to congratulate and give gifts quickly cross the threshold.

Most of these were received by He Yue, because He Chunhua was busy finalizing the list of his personal guards.

There are currently more than 1,300 people in the Blackwater City Army. It is impossible for him to take away all of them. In the end, he carefully selected and asked for 300 people.

These three hundred elites were the foundation for his vigorous development in Xiazhou. In this regard, loyalty is more important than force value.

Among them were three generals, including Zeng Feixiong.

He Lingchuan was surprised that this filial son was actually willing to follow them north. After asking, I found out that Zeng Feixiong's father suddenly died of illness five days ago and regained consciousness before his death. The father and son finally chatted for a while.

Zeng Feixiong fulfilled his wish and passed away to his father. With no more worries, he no longer has any nostalgia for Blackwater City.

In fact, one of the criteria for He Chunhua's selection of personal guards is that they should be young and strong bachelors, preferably not burdened by family members. Otherwise, when traveling thousands of miles to join the army, the guards would have to bring their own families, and the march would not be as fast as expected.

In addition, He Chunhua also brought several staff with him.

Mrs. Ying was busy settling wages and then dismissed the servants in the house. In addition to the old manager, the He family only took two attendants, one male and one female, on the road this time. They were both loyal servants who had been serving for seven or eight years.

Keep things simple on the road, just recruit new people when you go to a new place.

Uncle Hao was also willing to go to Xiazhou, but he was assigned by He Chunhua to stay in Blackwater City temporarily to help deal with the He family's property, and then go north in about three to five months.

He Lingchuan also met Situ Han, but the bandits did not go.

"I can't go. My family is here and they are all counting on us." At this time, Situ Han and other bandits have been recruited into the city army, and they will have royal rations to eat. Everyone is at ease and unwilling to go all the way to challenge Xiazhou’s unknown.

Who doesn’t know that there will be a war there? Who would want to go to the front line if they could live a stable life? Situ Han pushed Mao Tao forward and said, "This guy is the only one who insists on following you." Not listening to any advice is called recklessness.

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Your mother-in-law is not in Heishui City?"

"We broke up yesterday, and she slapped me twice." Mao Tao grinned and didn't take it seriously, "I heard that the girls in Xiazhou have bigger and brighter eyes, unlike the rough old ladies here. There are Thousands of miles of fertile wilderness, why do I have to guard this acre of thin farmland?”

Then taking into account the family members, logistics, and other things that must be brought along, He Chunhua finally formed a group of more than 430 people.

He Lingchuan didn't expect that the first person he saw when he stepped out of the door was Liu Baobao. This guy came up to him with a box in his hands: "Young Master, this is what you asked me to get a few days ago. Just treat it as a farewell gift."

He Lingchuan was curious, so he took it and opened it. He found that there were several bottles of medicinal powder, which were thin and white.

The bottle is also ridiculously big.

"Uh..." Why does he think this thing is contraband? "Will I ask you to get such a thing?"

No, no, how is that possible? He is a promising young man.

"Don't you want a medicine that will immediately relieve pain and not hinder your movement?" Liu Baobao pointed to the powder in the bottle, "This is it, it's called Shituo powder."

He Lingchuan was relieved and accepted it happily.

With a smile on his face, Liu Baobao bowed his head and said goodbye: "In the future, when you are prosperous and prosperous, you must never forget that you still have old friends in the small border town."

"That's inevitable!" He Lingchuan agreed.

In the morning of that day, the He family led the 400 bodyguards to have pre-departure tea, bid farewell to the people, and then left Heishui City amid people's greetings and headed north.

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