After Those Years of Misery

Chapter 257: Good luck

"It was a friend of my mother. She said you were the president of Qiao's. At that time, my father's factory was going to close down, and my mother was anxious to let me marry out.

"How about you? How did you come? Qiao Sinan asked you to come?"

"No, it's my grandma. Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

Qiao Yushi dialed the number of Qiao Zhai and asked grandma to answer the phone.

"Grandma, I always went on a blind date a few years ago. Where did your blind date come from?"

"Ah, those are all introduced by your grandfather's friends or something." He had asked twice before and said that.

"Isn't it? I know it, not at all, Qiao Sinan asked you to mention it to me, right?"

"You know? Yes, Sinan is also good for you. He always said that you are too tired for Joe's. You should get married and have children earlier. If you have children, you can pick up your class earlier. You know, grandma wants to hug you earlier. Great grandson."

"Grandma, I know Sinan is doing me good. Just assume I haven't asked about this. He doesn't know that I already know these things. Is grandma in a good mood today? Is there any physical discomfort? "

"I’m fine. Recently you have been busy, and you don’t always come back to see us. Especially since the last time I said I went to get a marriage certificate with Xiaoqi, I didn’t hear from it. Alas! My great grandson, you When will I wait? Did you break up with her again? Didn’t I say everything the last time was a misunderstanding? Why didn’t you take her home? What's the matter?” It’s been many days, she’s been there every day. Miss this matter.

Want to mention, the old man has a grumpy temper. Even if it was a misunderstanding, she didn't like Zellogg anymore, and she didn't dare to mention it.

"Grandma, there have been some changes in her family recently. Her father passed away, so we didn't go back to Qiao's house much."

"Amitabha, you don't want to tell us about such a big thing. We should go to condolences."

"Grandma, I won't talk to you while I'm driving. I must go back to Qiao's house to see you as soon as possible. Don't worry." Qiao Yushi hung up the phone hurriedly.

"The blind date was also arranged by Qiao Sinan?"

"Yes! So I suspect that your car accident was also intentional by him. Can you tell us about the specific situation at the time? I forgot, you don't remember those." Qiao Yushi and Qiluog have been working for her father for so many days Things run around.

Except for that little communication, she didn't tell him about recovering her memory.

"I already remembered it." She said softly, sometimes she wished she had never thought of it.

If she didn't think about it, when Qiao Yushi was nice to her, she might be easier to open up and accept him again.

The car was stopped urgently.

Qiao Yushi looked at Zilog with fear, the blood in his body seemed to freeze.

She knows, she knows how he took her for the first time?

She must hate him more, right?

"I know it all, just after I wanted to commit suicide last time, my memories were all restored. I also know what happened that night..."

"That's why you hate me more and don't forgive me, don't you?" Qiao Yushi was in pain.

I hope that time can go back, he will not violate her.

Can time go back? Obviously it is impossible, and there will never be a way to make up for the mistakes he made.

"When I first thought of it, I hated you very much. It was obviously the first time you took me away, and I always confidently suspected that I was not good to me. Now, there is no hate and no love. We used to be very good. , You are not good to me, and you are good to me. I still hope you can live well and have a happy life. My father’s matter, I am very grateful to you, and it can be considered even.” He died for her She also nearly died twice for him.

These words made him panic more than she hated him. There is a saying that grief is more than heartbreaking.

She had no love or hatred for him, so what could be there? I just didn't feel anything, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't catch it anymore.

The confidence that was once was full of confidence at the moment when she learned that she recovered her memory, it seemed to be completely defeated.

Qiao Yushi, what are you expecting? Do you hope she will always have a gap in her memory, do you let her forgive you by chance?

Hurting is hurting, you are a man, you should pay for what you have done.

"I know, I won't bother you. You also want to be happy, okay?"

The vehicle restarted and moved forward slowly, Zillog didn't dare to look at his sad profile.

She said there was no more love and no hate, and she lied to him. Seeing him uncomfortable, she was also uncomfortable, seeing him happy, she would still be unconsciously happy.

Escaping from depression, just don't want to be hurt again, don't want to repeat the same mistakes.

"I will," she said softly.

"That night, I was caught by you... I was desperate, and when Lu Xiufeng caught up, I felt very ashamed. A car happened to be coming and it was driving fast, so I rushed up. You say so , I was also a little surprised. If I didn't rush forward, would he hit me?"

Will Xiao Yong really hit a woman cruelly? There should always be a reason.

"Let's go to Chengnan Villa to find evidence to make a conclusion on this matter."

When he arrived at the Chengnan Villa, Qiao Yushi took Zilog up to the hillside outside his villa to check, and went inside the villa.

Sure enough, seeing a camera, it seems that Qiao Sinan knows what happened on that mountain slope.

"He really deliberately hit me? Impossible? He didn't know me at that time." Qiao Yushi was also thinking about this question. He probably didn't know Zilog, so why did he hit her again?

Don't say that he is not a heinous villain, even if he is, he still scores the bad guys.

Suddenly remembered a person, he bumped her, maybe because of Xia Wanru.

"I see, he thought you were Xia Wanru. You look alike. I took you for her that night, and it is likely that he also took you for her." Qiao Yushi smiled bitterly, and everything can be explained. Up.

From beginning to end, Xia Wanru was a chess piece in the hands of Qiao Sinan, which was used to deal with his beauty.

Later, Xia Wanru’s appearance was enough to show that it was related to Qiao Sinan. Why did Qiao Sinan play on his own pawn? I am afraid there is only one explanation, he likes Xia Wanru.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yushi immediately called Jiang Donghai and asked him to check Xia Wanru's information and to find out her current situation.

"Let's sit here and chat." Qiao Yushi said softly, and Zillog sat down beside him.

"Don't hate Qiao Sinan. He hit you at the time. I guess it was because he liked Xia Wanru. He thought Xia Wanru betrayed him and was with me. He wanted to punish that woman, at least not at you. To hate, it should be. Xia Wanru hates her."

"Xia Wanru..." Zilog murmured the name. There were so many things that she hardly recalled the past.

"My father said that I have a sister, do you think she might be my sister? I think her age is the same, let alone we are so similar."

"I also suspected that Jiang Donghai has been asked to check her information, and I will be able to reply to you soon."

In this way, Qiao Sinan was the one who separated her and Qiao Yushi, and there was also the woman who might be her sister.

"I thought about it!" she whispered.

"What do you think of?"

"Do you remember that I mentioned to you that a woman warned me. She was wearing sunglasses and covering her face. I can't see what she looked like. I guess that person is Xia Wanru, it must be her!"

"She had known Qiao Sinan's conspiracy a long time ago, and knew to deal with us, so she warned me. She said that I would not be happy with you, and asked me to cherish the fate with Xiao Baiyu. It seems she still can't bear it, she is not a Bad guys."

"Fool!" Qiao Yushi sighed and took Zilog over, letting her lean on his shoulder.

"Little Luoluo, you are the best woman in the world, you must be happy." Lean on his shoulder for the last time, she didn't refuse, and gently leaned on it.

"Do you think Qiao Sinan is truly ashamed of you, or just want to use you?"

According to his own judgment, he still believes that his brother is a good person.

Seeking Zillog's opinion, he wanted to be more affirmative.

The lesson to him can be big or small, all depends on whether Qiao Sinan has lost his conscience.

"I believe that his nature is not bad, and I can feel that he is still a little sincere to me. Sometimes a person is controlled by hatred, and even his mind becomes distorted. I really hope that one day he can let go All the unpleasantness, stop being attached."

"He will, and I will find a way to get him on the right track. It is also my older brother who didn't do a good job and didn't find out his problems in time. If he started to guide him when he was young, maybe there would be no today." Therefore, their catastrophe was also a punishment for him, and perhaps a punishment for the affairs of his father and Qiao Sinan's mother.

No matter who it is against, he is the eldest son of the Qiao family, and he should be punished.

"You have done well enough, but your trust in him has become a tool for him to use you. Qiao Yushi, don't blame yourself, you should be happy." She was about to leave, and she was reluctant and not assured.

In the contest between him and Qiao Sinan, she didn't know who would win. She wished not to have this contest, but Qiao Sinan had prepared for so many years and would not give up easily. Qiao Yushi said to teach him a lesson, and this lesson must be given.

Her eyes were filled with concern and distressed. He should have read it right?

His little things are always so soft and kind.

"I will, we will all be happy."

"Let's go, I have to pack my things and go home."

"Come with me for a meal."


Qiao Yushi carried Qiluoge to a meticulous fast, but he was a little sad.

They all understand that they are designed to be good for others, but they are unable to hold hands.

After eating and returning to the residence, Zilog began to pack things, Qiao Yushi leaned against the door and watched her walking around in front of him.

Step forward, you can hug her, maybe you can kiss her.

He didn't move, as if his feet were heavy, so he could only stay there and watch her.

"I'm leaving!" Zillog said softly.

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