This guy Liang Qian seems to be a crazy critic who dares to think about anything!

However, it is obvious that his plan was not a whim. He had a complete plan, a time process, and even personnel allocation and equipment demand planning.

"So you really plan to use S-level to contain 3S? These two things are not of the same level at all, right?" Lin Zheng couldn't help but ask as he looked at the plan in his hand.

Liang Qian stood in front of the glass curtain wall and looked silently at the "lantern" that spread out of sight. He was silent for a while before speaking.

"I was the first person to discover and observe the Yueyang Tower, and I was also the person who led the space penetration of the entire Yueyang Tower. I also proposed the Dongting Lake immersion plan."

"I know Yueyang Tower. This project is like my child. I know its potential is unfathomable and it has never let me down. The reason why it is classified as S-level is because 3S either does not exist physically or cannot be physically Being tracked and guided.”

"But the Visitor is different. Although it is very powerful, it has an entity and can be summoned. This is our opportunity."

"Then your child really had an unfortunate childhood." Lu Qiushan took a deep puff of his cigarette and said, "I still can't agree. Yueyang Tower is our largest shelter. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be serious."

"It is also our strongest weapon. If we don't use it because we are afraid of breaking it, the weapon will lose its value." Liang Qian replied.

He continued: "And that is the visitor, the core of the two-dimensional transcendence, the ghost above the anomaly. How many scientists and scholars in the world are eager to see, touch, contact and study him, Don’t you want to?”

"I...of course I want it too!" Lu Qiushan said without hesitation.

Lin Zheng suddenly felt hairy all over his body.

Are there so many old men and women in the world who want to touch themselves?

Even Lu Qiushan thinks about it?

He felt that he couldn't accept it...

"All in all, if we can really capture this powerful ghost through this method and gain knowledge from him, it will definitely be enough to change the current situation of human existence, so why don't we give it a try?" Liang Qian continued.

Lu Qiushan seemed to be convinced. He put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray angrily, leaned on the sofa and let out a long breath.

"But won't you object to the solemn agreement?" Lin Zheng asked as the two looked at each other in silence.

"We will not object to the Suzheng Agreement. The ban they proposed is to prohibit communication and prohibit penetration. We have not done either of these. They may express their dissatisfaction, but they cannot punish us for crossing the red line they have set." Liang Qian replied.

"They are the order and justice of the world, the laws that bind the entire world. If they themselves have flexibility, then they will lose their effectiveness."

"What about the security issue?" This time it was Lu Qiushan who asked the question.

"In terms of safety, it's not easy for Lin Zheng to explain it when he's here for the first time. I'd better take you to see it directly."

The Light Prism Bureau is the strongest and most mysterious containment agency in the entire Eastern Continent.

In the past, Lin Zheng would never have believed that the core unit of such a shelter was actually a meteorological center.

I would never have thought that the weather would actually be related to the direction of the national destiny.

But that’s the case with Yueyang Tower.

The weather center is right next to the office building of the shelter center. It is a huge silver-white oval building with dazzling lights and bustling people. Everyone who works here is running away.

In the center of the building are two huge floor-to-ceiling monitors.

A monitor displays weather cloud images, air moisture content data, wind data, wind direction, Dongting Lake tide conditions, etc.

Another monitor shows the possibilities of all scenarios.

War: 0%.

Plague: 12%

Destructive abnormal invasion: 2%

Harmful meme spread: 7%

These data are constantly jumping every moment, but the jump amplitude of each data is very small.

Liang Qian stood in front of the huge display with his hands clasped on his chest, looking up at the data that was constantly flowing on it. There was even a hint of pride in his tone: "This is our weather monitoring system. It is very accurate, and it can also realize meteorological and Correlate event situations and predict the probability of an event occurring.”

"Will the climate of Yueyang Tower change due to internal events?" Lin Zheng asked.

"Yes, and it is much more sensitive than the detection of external events. You can understand it as a kind of prediction. We can ensure the safety of Yueyang Tower through prediction." Liang Qian replied.

Lin Zheng looked at these two huge displays and was still a little shocked.

This should be the first time he saw the real in-depth application of human beings on abnormal things. He did not even expect that human beings' research on controllable abnormalities had developed to this point.

"Then the last question comes." Liang Qian turned to Lin Zheng with a serious look on his face, "Mr. Lin Zheng, we want to get your help. As a reward, we will do our best to assist you in investigating the mysterious matter. Organizational things.”

Lin Zheng looked at Liang Qian's serious expression. Lin Zheng couldn't help but feel a little headache. This matter always develops in an unexpected direction.

He originally wanted to use the pressure brought by the war to promote himself to join the Light Prism Bureau.

After all, the knowledge and intelligence gathering capabilities of the Light Prism Bureau are much stronger than his alone. Whether it is investigating Yongning Night or exploring the fourth definition, it will be easier.

But who knows what happened, the thing suddenly became that he had to help the Light Prism Bureau to contain him.

But what if? What if the Light Prism Bureau really rescued him from Yongning Night?

Well, it's impossible, not possible at all. The technical level mastered by Yongning Ye is completely not at the same level as humans.

And to say the least, after being fished out, he would have to be groped around by a bunch of old men and old ladies, which he actually found quite unacceptable.

"Oh... okay, okay." Lin Zheng sighed softly and said, "Since there is no danger, it doesn't matter if I help you, but there is something I want to explain in advance."

"You can tell me anything!" Liang Qian immediately expressed his stance.

"Just because I can summon it doesn't mean I can control it. The power of the visitor is an out-of-control force. It directly leads it to Yueyang Tower. I am not responsible for any unintended consequences."

Liang Qian smiled and said: "Don't worry, Yueyang Tower is not that fragile. Any abnormality that enters the interior of Yueyang Tower will inevitably fail. As long as it is an entity, this is the basic law of Yueyang Tower."

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