Yueyang Tower's accommodation of visitors has begun to enter the formal preparation stage. Not everyone knows about this matter, and not everyone needs to know about it.

During the seven days of preparation, Liang Qian, in the name of the head of the containment department, sent most of the non-internal and non-essential personnel to the office in the main material world.

Only the most streamlined and relevant departments were left in the Yueyang Tower area.

Including reality distortion research, mental expansion research, anthropological research, life preservation and other departments, but even though they were streamlined as much as possible, there were still more than a thousand staff members left.

Some people think that their attempt is equivalent to putting lightning in a glass bottle, but when they actually do it, they still try their best.

Lin Zheng stood on the top floor of the reception center. On one side was the mighty Dongting Lake and the majestic Yueyang Tower, and on the other side was a motorcade traveling through the city.

In just seven days, the originally ordinary urban area has turned into a science fiction city.

Huge obelisk-like instruments full of technology are scattered in every corner of the city, as well as silver-white cannons and satellite dishes that are taller than buildings.

Liang Qian told him that these are observation equipment in various ways. These observation equipment will help them determine the visitor's absolute position after the visitor arrives, thereby ensuring that the visitor is in a physical state.

Then Lin Zheng started to think...

Maybe these guys who look completely unreliable can actually succeed? ?

What if they actually succeed?

After thinking about it, Lin Zheng suddenly felt that this seemed to be a good thing for him?

Rationally speaking, being touched by an old man and an old lady in Yueyang Tower is better than facing the nagging moon who wants to kill himself all day long on the night of Yongning.

Moreover, there are mountains and water here, there is a supermarket downstairs, not only the transportation is convenient, but also a famous scenic spot. I don’t know how livable it is compared to Yongning at night.

"The weather has been good in the past few days. It seems that our chances of success are good." Liang Tie, wearing a white coat, came from behind him, holding coffee and stirring it gently.

"Do you have any explanation?" Lin Zheng asked.

"I told you, Yueyang Tower's response to internal changes is very accurate, even so high that it is equivalent to having a certain ability to predict." Liang Qian took a sip of coffee and said.

"I think Yueyang Tower knows what we plan to do, and the fact that it didn't issue a warning means we will succeed."

Lin Zheng took a deep breath and turned to look at Liang Qian and said, "I've always had a question to ask you."

Liang Qian's face became serious, he nodded and said, "You can ask, I can answer you as long as it's not a confidential question."

“Are there hairy crabs in Dongting Lake?”

"Uh...no, nothing."

"Hiss, it shouldn't be, such good water."

"Anyway, no." The muscles on Liang Qian's face twitched, turning into a slightly resentful sigh, "Anyway, it starts tomorrow, are you ready?"

"Of course I'm ready." Lin Zheng looked at the endless lake, "Are you ready? The guy you want me to summon is very strong, maybe much stronger than you think."

"Don't worry, I have a hunch that we will succeed."

The next day, Dongting Lake was still calm and calm, and the sun shone on the bright yellow tiles of Yueyang Tower, making it slightly dazzling.

The urban area where people usually come and go is now deserted. Only huge extraordinary technological machines stand there. The whole city echoes with some kind of regular signal sound, which means that these giant cannon-like machines are in standby mode. Waiting for prey to appear.

At 12:12 noon, mankind's first attempt to contain visitors entered the final stage of preparation, taking place in the square in the center of the city.

75 members of the containment department are making final adjustments to the core equipment here. The equipment that Lin Zheng cannot name occupies almost half of the square, with huge cables and pipes crisscrossing it.

The core of this mechanical array is a huge metal ring, which Liang Qian calls the "target."

Lin Zheng will summon visitors from the target. The moment the visitors appear, precise directional observation will begin.

Liang Qian was in charge of the command, and Lu Qiushan was the only spectator without any mission, but he still insisted on staying.

Lin Zheng did not have any equipment mounted on him, only a life preservation system and a pair of headsets.

Liang Qian was still giving orders through the headset.

"I would like to reiterate again at the end, this is just an attempt."

"When there are any negative changes in the weather at Yueyang Tower, it must be stopped immediately."

"When Lin Zheng at position zero is hurt in any way, he must stop immediately,"

"Is position zero ready?"

"Okay." Lin Zheng nodded and stood in the center of the ring.

"Don't be nervous. Follow the plan step by step. Even if there is an accident, nothing will happen. Your life safety always comes first." It was Lu Qiushan who spoke this time.

But in fact, Lin Zheng didn't feel nervous at all. He was even vaguely looking forward to it.

"The main program has started."

"Observation position No. 1, ready."

"Observation position No. 2, ready."

"Observation position three, ready."

"Wind force level one, wind speed 0.5, air humidity 35%."

"The weather of Dongting Lake has not shown any obvious fluctuations and is tending to be stable..."

"Point to the keyword, prosperous, which meets the prerequisites for launching a containment plan."

"Okay Lin Zheng, we can start." Liang Qian said.

Lin Zheng slowly closed his eyes, his heartbeat gradually slowed down, and his body temperature dropped. However, he had already alerted Liang Qian to these conditions, so it did not trigger an alarm from the life-saving system.

His body began to rise slowly, and at the same time the huge ring shook violently, and then suddenly stood up, quickly and irregularly turning around Lin Zheng's body, forming a huge and illusory sphere.

The moment Lin Zheng opened his eyes again, the whole city suddenly fell into an indescribable and subtle atmosphere. Everyone heard, saw, or felt...

That extremely powerful SSS-level anomaly has arrived!

So can it be successful? Lin Zheng thought to himself.

Immediately afterwards, all the observation equipment in the city launched a bombardment on the visitors, completely synchronized, completely at the same time, exactly.

In an instant, the visitor has been "pierced" by the bombardment, his absolute position has been captured, his reality distortion ability has been deconstructed, and his morphological characteristics and energy characteristics have all been revealed.

At the same time, the Meteorological Hall monitored that the weather conditions in Yueyang Tower turned to excellent, and the probability of all possible disaster situations was reduced to 0%.

In the sky, Lin Zheng, who was in a two-dimensional state, suddenly felt that his brain was in a trance. His body suddenly fell out of control. When he fell, he saw his original body floating in the air...

Was he really stripped? ? ?

At 12:18 noon, the SSS-level anomaly and the visitors were contained. For Yueyang Tower, this seemed to be a trivial matter, and it did not even blow a single breath of wind for it.

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