Half an hour later, Lin Zheng was sitting on a chair wrapped in a thick blanket, with a dozen doctors and nurses surrounding him.

Take blood pressure, check heart rate, test his mental status and various physiological reactions.

Next to it was a noisy crowd.

Everyone involved in the operation gathered here at this moment, watching the technicians use instruments to seal the visitor's body into a special containment unit, and then the entire scene burst into strong cheers.

But at this moment, Lin Zheng felt a little confused.

Is this it?

Was his original body fished out of Yongning Night just like that?

Is it that simple? It turns out that the seemingly awesome organization in Yongning Night is only at this level?

Fortunately, I was worried that they might exterminate the human race. Judging from the current situation, asking them to attack Ping'an County would probably cost more than half?

Just when he was confused, Liang Qian and Lu Qiushan came over excitedly.

"Lin Zheng, how is your physical condition?" Liang Qian asked with a smile, "Can you attend the celebration banquet tonight?"

Lin Zheng moved his shoulders slightly and said, "It shouldn't be a problem to attend the celebration banquet, but is it really a success?"

"Otherwise?" Liang Qian asked back, "As I told you, Yueyang Tower can neutralize any entity that enters it. Even if it is SSS level, it must follow this logic."

"Then what are you going to do next? An autopsy or something?"

Liang Qian shook his head: "We will not take destructive measures, because it is very important to ensure the effectiveness of the visitor's abnormal characteristics. The next step is to study how to produce direct subjects and two-dimensional extraordinary beings, and truly master the visitor's anomalous characteristics." strength."

At this moment, a correspondent hurried over and said, "Mr. Liang, here's the letter confirming the agreement."

Liang Qian and Lu Qiushan both looked unsurprised or even took it for granted. They knew from the beginning that Suzheng Agreement would definitely intervene after the matter was over.

"What did they say? If it's criticism or warning, don't read it. Don't ruin my mood." Liang Qian even waved his hand impatiently.

"It's not a warning letter, it's a congratulatory letter," the correspondent said. "They said they congratulated us on completing the first feat in human history and thought it was very important for the development of mankind."

Although Liang Qian wanted very much to appear nonchalant, at this moment his mouth was grinning almost to the base of his ears, looking like a happy hippopotamus.

"Has the situation been reported to the capital?" Hippo asked again.

“A letter has been sent to the capital, and the capital responded and said it would reply as soon as possible,” the correspondent said.

The hippopotamus seemed even happier. He turned to ask Lin Zheng: "Then what will Mr. Lin Zheng do next? Take a break and attend the celebration banquet?"

"I may have to go back first. I still have a girl at home. If I attend the celebration banquet, I have to bring her with me." Lin Zheng said, rubbing his confused head.

"Let's go, I'll pick up Xiaobai with you. You can't drive in this state." Lu Qiushan said while helping Lin Zheng up from the chair.

He found a car on the roadside and drove Lin Zheng towards the entrance where they came in. The journey was not long, but Lu Qiushan kept chattering along the way.

Lin Zheng still didn't recover. He felt inexplicably unreal.

Are the visitors really being contained?

If he, the visitor, were to judge for himself, his answer would be "yes."

Because he experienced the entire incident completely, he guided the visitor's power into the Yueyang Tower, was observed, and then was neutralized by the power of the Yueyang Tower. He fell from the air and the life preservation device was activated.

The facts have happened and this will not change.

And although it is still in a state of containment, it is still free of Yongning Night, which is also a good thing.

But what is wrong?

The car slowly stopped on the side of the road. The sun was shining brightly on the slightly empty road. The street trees on both sides were swaying gently in the breeze, and the huge Dongting Lake was sparkling.

Lu Qiu Shan got out of the car, stretched his body and said, "Ah, today is really the most perfect day. It would be great if we could deal with the endless consumption so smoothly."

He knocked on Lin Zheng's car window and said, "Get out of the car yourself. I'll open the door first."

After saying that, he ran toward the vermilion panel door from which he came, looking a little funny.

Lin Zheng sat in his seat, closed his eyes and took a deep breath silently.

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now. Maybe I'm too preoccupied." He muttered silently in his mind.

He took a deep breath, suppressed those strange and inconsistent feelings, and got out of the car.

But then he realized that something was wrong with Lu Qiushan's state. He opened the door, but stood motionless by the door.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" He walked up to Lu Qiushan, but then he also froze on the spot.

Lin Zheng was very sure that this vermilion double panel door was the space passage through which they entered the Yueyang Tower.

But now, outside was not the dim corridor of the Visitor Research Center, but an endless dark void. A tiny pebble was kicked down by Lin Zheng, without the slightest sound or echo, and just disappeared silently. In the darkness.

Lu Qiushan's cell phone rang and he picked up the phone. Lin Zheng heard Liang Qian's voice on the other end of the phone.

"Have you reached the door?" Liang Qian asked.

"We're here." Lu Qiushan replied dully.

"Is it abnormal?"


"I just received the intelligence. Currently, six doors have been found to be abnormal. And if I guessed correctly, I'm afraid all the doors have been affected."

"Is it related to the visitor?"

Liang Qian did not answer immediately. He was silent for a while and said, "Bring Lin Zheng back immediately. Be careful on the way. I have a feeling that the Yueyang Tower now is no longer the Yueyang Tower we know."

"It's becoming very dangerous."

Lu Qiushan hung up the phone and looked back blankly into the distance. The Yueyang Tower was still full of spring and scenery, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a little nervous at this moment.

And Lin Zheng suddenly discovered that as a visitor, he didn't even know what was going on.

And inexplicably...he is also a little scared! !

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