Yueyang Tower Meteorological Center, main conference hall.

This large conference room that could originally accommodate 300 people was now filled with almost 500 people. Many people were standing or squeezed into the corner, stretching their necks to look at the chairperson's seat with difficulty.

But even though there were a large number of people, there was no sound at all in the conference room. Everyone was waiting for news in silence.

"Message from Gate 14." The correspondent's voice sounded over the radio, "An abnormality has been confirmed, and the abnormality type is nothingness."

Door No. 14 is the last door in the inspection sequence. The locking of this door means that Yueyang Tower has been completely sealed.

The lights flickered, and unknown anxiety spread in the room.

"If it's a space lock, can we abandon the current doors and use space penetration technology to open a new door?" A scholar looked at the person in charge of the Space Penetration Research Institute.

The burly-looking person in charge said: "We have been doing this an hour ago, but unfortunately, this may not be realistic. We have not detected any abnormal increase in the density of space barriers, which means that there is no Pierce the node.”

"Please explain it a little simpler." Liang Qian pinched the bridge of his nose with one hand, his expression full of fatigue.

The person in charge took a deep breath and said: "To carry out space penetration, at least we must know where to penetrate."

"Generally speaking, the penetrable space is tangent to the main material world, just like two circles, and the tangent point is the hole node. The node usually has an increase in density or thickening on the spatial level."

"But the current situation is that Yueyang Tower is not tangent to any other material world. Even the density and thickness of the door we penetrated have returned to normal."

"To use a relatively common method, our situation is not a space blockade. It's not that someone blocked the door with bricks and mud, but it was thrown into the deep sea. No matter which direction we pierce through, we can't go back. To the main material world.”

"Where can that lead?"


The conference room fell into dead silence again.

"There is...there is another abnormal phenomenon." The person in charge of the meteorological center looked at the tablet in his hand. His finger slid on the screen, and the data was displayed on the big screen.

War: 0%

Plague: 0%

Destructive abnormal invasion: 0%

Harmful meme spread: 0%

All situation prediction data are all 0%, they no longer jump, but show an absolutely static state.

"In principle, whether we are blocked or thrown into nothingness, no matter what the state is, it will not affect the Yueyang Tower's response to the state of the main material world, but now all the data has not moved."

"Have you done the system self-test?"

"The self-test did not report any problems and the system is operating normally."

"So what do you think this situation means now?"

The person in charge of the meteorological center was silent for a while, then put on an ugly smile and said: "I think... the world is destroyed, and the void at the door is the corpse of the main material world."

It sounds like a very absurd idea, but no one is laughing at this moment, everyone is silent.

"I think it should be impossible. The probability is too small. How could it be possible that the world was destroyed just after we took in the visitors?" Someone retorted.

"And we also contacted the capital after the containment was completed, and the capital did not report any abnormal conditions."

"Lin Zheng, tell me your opinion." Liang Tie turned to Lin Zheng, and others also looked over. Liang Tie asked, "Do you think this matter has something to do with the visitor?"

"Nine times out of ten, I am sure that the power of the visitors is at work, but... I don't know what happened now."

Lin Zheng was telling the truth. He was very sure that he summoned the visitor, and then the visitor was taken into custody...

And then……

"If we can find a way for you to use the power of the visitor, do you have the ability to reverse or cancel this effect?" A scholar asked quickly.

Lin Zheng shook his head and said: "You have misunderstood the point. What affects Yueyang Tower now is not the power of the visitors, but the results of the power of the visitors."

"To put it simply." Lin Zheng pointed to his head, "When a person is shot, it does not mean that the bullet itself kills him, but the death caused by the physiological damage caused by the bullet. The problem now is that the bullet kills him. The healing process is complete, but we don’t know where the injury is.”

"So how should I cancel it if there are no wounds? Say like a little fairy, 'Let everything get better' and 'Let everyone be happy'? Then who knows if something more terrible will happen."

"Then what if it is used forcefully without regard to logic?"

"Then I can only ensure that I alone survive." Lin Zheng replied.

Dead silence fell once again.

At this moment, Lu Qiushan, who had been looking at the table with his head in his hands, suddenly raised his head.

There was a hint of blood in his eyes, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down before he said, "Do you have a feeling? Today is really the most perfect day in our lives."

His voice no longer had the usual frivolity, but was instead deep with a hint of hoarseness. When he spoke, everyone looked at him.

"Don't you think? Today's weather is very good, the coffee is brewed very well, all of us are in good condition, and the data on the instrument is also very good. We have succeeded in doing something together on a sunny day. Great things at very low rates.”

"Then, without any suspense, without any twists and turns, without any surprises, we succeeded. We caught the big baby that the whole world wanted. Isn't this the most perfect day?"

"So...so what do you want to say? I remember you are the famous minister of the Department of Idealism, right?" A foreign scholar said tremblingly.

The Idealistic Matters Department has been established for six years. There is always only one member. That person does not participate in research. He just does it, interferes, and then blindly draws conclusions, but he can always push things on the right track.

Lu Qiushan said: "Do you know the biggest problem with perfect things?"

There was still silence, but there was a hint of depression in the silence.

"Then perfect things are scams and don't exist at all!"

This sentence exploded in the conference room like silent thunder. Liang Qian suddenly pulled the computer in front of him, raised his head and shouted to the person in charge of the equipment department: "Transfer the equipment work records to my computer."

The person in charge of the equipment department lowered his head and took out his notebook. After some operations, the work records of all the equipment were projected on the big screen.

Those vast amounts of data were continuously traced back, traced back, traced back, all the way back to 12:12.

That was their final stage of preparation.


The containment plan was officially launched, and visitors were summoned to Yueyang Tower.

At 12:14:35.044060, observation position No. 1 was activated.

At 12:14:35.044060, observation position No. 2 was activated.

At 12:14:35.044060, observation position No. 3 was activated.



All different types of equipment, different principles, and different startup procedures throughout the city.

Whether it is manual or manual, whether the startup process is simple or complex, whether the operator of the equipment has dozed off or distracted, whether he suddenly spilled coffee on the keyboard just before startup.

all in all.

At the time point of 12:14:35.044060, all the equipment started at the same time and hit the target.

Even if Liang Qian enlarged the time unit to femtoseconds, there was still no error at all.

Everyone was silently looking at the timestamps automatically generated by the devices. Everyone was horrified. They suddenly realized that they seemed to have accomplished something easily...

Something with zero probability.

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