Everyone, everyone was immersed in unparalleled shock, unable to extricate themselves, and seemed to be trapped in some deep fear.

Only Lin Zheng sat there in a daze, acting obediently and at a loss.

In the end what happened?

Can anyone explain it to myself?

Why does everyone look so shocked?

Do you want to ask?

Wouldn't it be bad to ask now?

After struggling internally for a while, Lin Zheng still cautiously spoke: "Excuse me, who can give me a brief explanation of our situation?"

Liang Qian looked up at him and finally spoke after being silent for a long time.

"It is a zero-probability and impossible thing for all different categories of equipment to start up at the same time," Liang Qian said.


"Because objectively speaking, simultaneity itself is an extremely harsh concept. Absolute simultaneity almost does not exist, but we have... so many devices, simultaneity occurs at the femtosecond level."

"But what does this mean?" Lin Zheng became more and more confused as he listened.

"It means something impossible has happened." Lu Qiushan said in a deep voice: "Lin Zheng, if you have a six-sided die now, can you throw a seven?"

"No, it's not within the sample range."

"So do you think someone who can throw a seven exists?"

Lin Zheng shook his head. Since the result does not exist, then the person who can achieve the result naturally does not exist. This is a very simple logic.

Liang Qian took a deep breath and said, "But we did it, and not only did we do it, every dice we threw, the final result was seven."

"We're outside the sample range, we're outside the normal likelihood, we're outside the correct probability."

His expression suddenly turned ferocious: "Yueyang Tower successfully accommodated visitors. The essence of this matter is that the probability is 0 and it is absolutely impossible. It is the number seven in the six-sided dice!"

"But now, it fucking happened!"

"It's not that the world is destroyed, it's that we no longer exist!!"

The possibility of rolling a seven on a six-sided die does not exist, so people who can roll a seven do not exist, and the final conclusion is that they do not exist.

Lin Zheng still didn't understand, but he vaguely seemed to understand something.

"But this is wrong. Things that do not exist will not exist in any form. That means that when we complete the visitor containment, we should turn into nothingness." Someone stood up and retorted.

"And don't forget!" Another person suddenly stood up and said, "After completing the containment, we also received a letter confirming the agreement and even contacted the capital. All of this shows that we will not cease to exist. "

When he finished speaking, no one present felt more relaxed. On the contrary, several people suddenly turned pale.

"No...impossible." He muttered to himself.

"Did the capital give us a feedback? Track the source of that feedback!" Liang Qian ordered.

The Minister of Information immediately turned on his office computer, and at the same time took out his mobile phone to control it and issue instructions to the information center. Everyone else was silent, silently watching him being a little crazy busy.

Thirty minutes. For thirty minutes, no other sound could be heard except the roar and curse of the Minister of Information. Then the person in charge of the observation center also joined in the busyness.

Lin Zheng didn't understand the parameters they were talking about, but he could feel that things seemed to be developing in a direction that was not good for the Light Prism Bureau. The two leaders were becoming more and more irritable.

Thirty minutes later, the Minister of Information raised his head and said: "Confirmed, the signal source is inside, and it has been confirmed that the space in the Yueyang Tower area has been greatly expanded."

"A huge enclave was generated ten kilometers away from us. There is no sign of life, but the signal source comes from this enclave. Its outline is like...like the capital!"

The pressure in the conference room seemed to become heavier. Liang Qian slowly raised his head and said: "In other words, the visitor, in this ending, he created a capital that did not exist, even with us. The solemn agreement... was all created by him?? Is he planning to create the world from scratch??"

"No, things are not as simple as you think." Lu Qiushan suddenly spoke again, but this time his voice seemed a little weaker, "I see it, I see the trend."

He tremblingly took out a cigarette from his pocket, his arms trembling: "This is a war, a war that stirs up the underlying logic, and now we are involved in this war."

"Who's fighting whom?" someone asked.

"Visitors and the Dark Moon Realm." He lit the cigarette, held it in his mouth and took a deep breath.

"What I see is that when we take in the visitors, we are not fighting against the visitors at all, but against the Dark Realm of the Moon. But compared to the Dark Realm of the Moon, we are really too small, even smaller than ants. , the probability of containing visitors is 0 and impossible."

"But we still succeeded." Liang Qian murmured.

"Yes, and the reason why we succeeded is...the visitors wanted us to succeed, so we succeeded," Lu Qiushan continued.

"The Dark Realm of the Moon made the visitor's possibility of being contained by Yueyang Tower become 0 and impossible, and the visitor made this 0 and impossible thing... happen."

"This is their war. Both sides are dancing on the underlying logic of the world, and we have become the pebbles being kicked away on this battlefield..."

"What's even more frightening is that the power of the visitors has stabilized this wrong ending and is generating all reasonable logic, including the formation of the Zhengzheng Agreement and the capital."

No...it shouldn't be. Lin Zheng began to feel his hair standing on end. Yes, he indeed hoped in his heart that Yueyang Tower could pull him out of Yongning Night, but he only had this idea and no clear implementation logic.

He couldn't remember when the visitor's power had become so powerful.

But suddenly, Lin Zheng realized something. In this result, the visitor had been contained, so he was not in Yongning Night, but right here, in Yueyang Tower.

He is using the full power of the Visitor.

It's like a full-level account on the test server.

He fully demonstrated his true power in the no longer existing Yueyang Tower, and unconsciously stabilized a non-existent result.

Then he generated the capital, generated the Zhengzheng Agreement, and generated everything logically related.

This Yueyang Tower... turned into the world he created!

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