The Endless Destruction Countermeasures Department has become one of the most expensive departments in Yueyang Tower in just two months.

Only one meeting was held, and the funds it requested were already almost two-thirds of what the Technology Development Department needed.

Liang Qian always said that this was all as it should be. After all, that department was fighting against SSS-level anomalies and endless consumption, and it was normal to burn money.

But when someone asked what he was doing, Liang Qian always kept silent.

But what’s even weirder is that no one knows where the Endless Destruction Countermeasures Department is, not even Liang Qian, the boss of Yueyang Tower.

This strange situation will certainly attract the attention of other staff in Yueyang Tower, especially those in the audit department.

Some people even think that bureaucracy has spread to this holy land of human scientific research, and the so-called Mr. Umbra is just the identity of some people to make money.

But as soon as the 15th comes, a regular meeting notice submitted by Mr. Umbrella will appear on Liang Qian’s desk, and then a dozen scholars will rush to a certain place for a meeting.

After coming out of the meeting, if I asked any of the participants, they all said that they were planning a major event related to the destiny of mankind.

When asked about the specific content, no one said anything. No one knew.

Have you seen Mr. Umbra? They all said they had seen him and asked him what Mr. Umbra looked like, but he still remained silent.

So everyone seemed to be in a strange situation.

Mr. Umbra has become an urban legend in Yueyang Tower, just like Hanako in the toilet or Hachiku-sama.

They all say it's awesome and scary, but I've never seen it.

At this moment, the second regular meeting of the Endless Destruction Countermeasures Department is being held, and Liang Qian is still leading everything.

He and a dozen scholars stood in a dark and deep space. There were no walls or floors, but the table was still visible and was covered with thick materials.

Mr. Umbrella, the most mysterious existence in Yueyang Tower is showing them something, something completely beyond their knowledge.

Various types and levels of spacecraft, huge starships, and some buildings they had never seen before were ground bases used to launch rockets.

In this dark room, they could finally recall and talk freely about the universe.

They discussed the materials of spacecraft, various heat-resistant alloys, graphite fibers, ablation materials, space engines and how to break through the first cosmic speed, and how to observe their world from space orbit.

During the whole process, Mr. Umbra stood there, watching everyone silently. Everyone could feel a deep and heavy oppression from Mr. Umbra.

"Mr. Umbra, I want to know why we can't directly imitate the starship? Instead, we should start with the smallest manned spacecraft?" Liang Qian asked cautiously.

Mr. Umbra didn't answer, he just looked at Liang Qian, which made Liang Qian feel panic for no reason.

He was actually very afraid of Mr. Umbra, not in terms of force, but because he was afraid that the other party would be disappointed or impatient with them, and that there would not be another regular meeting of the Endless Destruction Countermeasures Department.

"I don't mean to compete, I just..." Liang Qian quickly wanted to explain.

"Let's start with something simple," Mr. Umbra replied.

Liang Qian didn't dare to ask anymore. He realized that Mr. Umbrella didn't intend to tell him his thoughts and strategies. He must have some long-term plans.

But actually at this moment, Mr. Umbra... was feeling a little nervous.

He was unable to participate in the discussion. After all, he knew nothing about this knowledge. All he did was use his spiritual field to completely reproduce the scene he saw in the void.

In contrast, he felt that these scientists were really powerful. Although they had their own mental power to assist them in thinking, their observation and judgment abilities were also shocking.

For example, the color and shape of the metal can be used to judge the material properties and processing technology, and the function of the instrument can be judged based on the text, the appearance and display of the instrument.

If it were placed on himself, he would only feel that there is a lump of iron here and a monitor there.

"Pay attention to the logic of your writing." Mr. Umbra reminded in a low voice.

The logic of writing is that in the process of writing written information, we must completely avoid any expressions about deep space.

No one may directly mention anything about deep space in the text, and no one may create any associations with deep space.

Everyone makes sure they forget everything in the room after they leave it.

After an unknown amount of time, Mr. Umbra's calm voice sounded again: "It's almost time."

"Mr. Umbra, can you wait a moment, let's..." A scholar was about to speak when he "saw" Mr. Umbra shake his head slowly.

He sighed softly and said nothing more. After all, this was what Mr. Umbra had stipulated from the beginning. The maximum time for each regular meeting was six hours. Their purpose was to learn as much as possible about the spacecraft within six hours. principles and methods.

They also worked to a deadline during the first regular meeting, and this time it was still the case.

"If possible, I will increase the number of regular meetings." Mr. Umbra said slowly, "Everyone, prepare to save."

Everyone present silently moved their stools and sat together. Everyone closed their eyes and tried to relax as much as possible.

"Archive." Mr. Umbra said, this time his voice seemed long and distant.

When they opened their eyes again, they were standing in the corridor of the Yueyang Building Technology R&D Center. There were vacant offices and seminar rooms on both sides, but no one remembered which room they came out of.

Liang Qian looked at the memo in his hand. The handwriting on it was all written by himself, but he had no impression of it. He only knew that this matter was related to the Endless Destruction Countermeasures Department.

Judging from the records in the memo, it seems that he has a lot of money to spend and a lot of things to do.

After dissipating his shadow, Lin Zheng sat up straight on the sofa, and then stretched for a long time.

Bai Qingxue was sitting opposite him, holding a cup of hot tea in both hands, blowing on it slowly, and then handed the hot tea over.

"When did you come back?" Lin Zheng asked as he took the tea.

"I came back an hour ago. I saw you rolling your eyes on the sofa. I thought you were doing something strange, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

"No wonder my eyes hurt so much. It turns out I rolled my eyes for six hours." Lin Zheng took a sip of tea and asked, "Is there any new news from the Intelligence Department?"

"As for the Intelligence Department." Bai Qingxue said, clasping her hands on her chest, "It's basically useless."

Lin Zheng was not surprised. The scrapping of the Yueyang Tower's intelligence department was completely within his expectation. He looked out the window through the glass. There was strong wind and thunder and lightning. It had been two full months and Yueyang Tower had not cleared up even for a single day.

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