After the disappearance of the Zhengzheng Agreement, the first person in Dongzhou to be impacted was the intelligence department.

Twelve hours after the Suzheng Agreement was confirmed and disappeared, sixteen international intelligence lines of the Light Length Bureau were out of order.

Although these intelligence lines were not really broken, those countries began to refuse to share intelligence, and even communicated wrong intelligence.

It seems that people's desire to share disappeared with the disappearance of the Zhengzheng Agreement.

What was subsequently impacted was the world's extraordinary scientific research system, and many countries began to recall their expatriate scientific researchers.

However, this incident has little impact on Dongzhou. After all, Yueyang Tower is in Dongzhou, and the relevant research of the visitors is also in Dongzhou.

Instead, the Guangleng Bureau began to consciously expel a group of people from Yueyang Tower, because since the loss of contact with the Suzheng Agreement, confidential information has been leaked in Yueyang Tower more than once. Although most of it has been intercepted, how much has been leaked is still unknown. unknown.

Probably around the beginning of this month, the haze of war returned to the world. The first place where the war broke out was in the northern continent.

Unlike East Continent and West, which are huge in size, the northern continent is about 1.5 times the size of East Continent, but it is dotted with dozens of countries.

The land there is barren, there are not many survival resources, the distribution is uneven, and the productivity is relatively backward. Before the emergence of the Suzheng Agreement, it was a land prone to wars.

When the Suzheng Agreement existed, the Northern Continent established a continental joint consultation body to communicate with the Suzheng Agreement as a whole.

But after the Suzheng Agreement disappeared, the functions of the Federation were paralyzed almost instantly.

The cause was an armed confrontation between two small countries over a batch of lost chemical resources.

Originally, the situation was not serious. After all, no one knew whether the Suzheng Agreement would come back, and they did not dare to cross the red line easily.

But until an extraordinary person detonated extraordinary power in the center of the confrontation zone, the rolling poisonous mist instantly swallowed up the border between the two countries, not only causing the death of a large number of armed personnel, but also many civilians were involved, and strange diseases Start to wreak havoc.

Then the association's mediation failed, and it even became a target.

Because the extraordinary power that erupted in the center of the battlefield was one of the extraordinary cultivation technologies, the Parasite Mist, that the Alliance purchased from Rhine Technology, an extraordinary cultivation company in the Western Federation, a few years ago.

After the incident, the Western Federation's official extraordinary organization "Fort Hope" immediately launched an inquiry into Rhein Technology, but Rhein Technology stated that they had stopped using this immature technology system a few years ago.

Hopeburg originally wanted to conduct further investigation into Rheinland Technology, but was ultimately rejected on the grounds that it involved commercial confidentiality.

This has always been the case in the Western Federation. Due to the independence of each city-state, it is difficult to carry out work in Fort Hope. The company is the strongest force there. They are united, fierce and full of aggression.

They have their own armed forces, extraordinary cultivation technology, ambition and greed.

On the day that Fort Hope proposed investigating Rheinland Technologies, more than a dozen companies questioned the legitimacy of Fort Hope's investigation, which ultimately led to the investigation being dropped.

All in all, this incident led to two results.

The first is that the Federation, known as the negotiating table in the northern continent, collapsed, and the thunder of war descended on the northern continent.

The second thing is that the whole world has realized one thing, that is, the Suzheng Agreement has really left, maybe because it is tired of protecting human beings, maybe for other reasons.

In short, since that day, Dongzhou's war prediction has increased to 94%. As for what will happen after Dongzhou is involved in the war, no one knows.

Just as Lin Zheng was reading the incident report, there was a knock on the door of the office, and Liang Qian poked his head in from the outside with an excited head.

"Hey, Team Leader Lin is busy right now?" He smiled.

"It's not too busy. It should be said that I have been too idle during this period." Lin Zheng said, leaning on the sofa.

Liang Qian walked in and sat down on another single sofa. He sighed and said, "Well, there is nothing we can do about it. In peacetime, our intelligence network can cover the whole world and we have more than enough manpower." , but now we are extremely short of manpower.”

"We have all begun to cooperate with the company now. You know, those guys not only want to make money, but also have too many calculations in their minds. They also have SSS-009-1 created by the visitors. That matter has also been troublesome recently. no."

SSS-009-1, the two-dimensional frame, is the white mold made by Lin Zheng.

There are now six organizations that have mastered the technology of using a two-dimensional framework to create two-dimensional transcendent beings.

Because this technology is so simple, as long as the two-dimensional frame is absolutely still and merged with the transcendent, directional transcendence can be achieved.

The two-dimensional supernatural beings born under this technology are called the second generation. Although their growth and growth are not as good as those of the generation directly selected by the visitors, they are enough to trigger the enthusiasm of extraordinary organizations.

"Well, anyway, the situation is like this now. I'm afraid the promise I made to you before is really not easy to handle." Liang Qian took out a cigarette from his arms a little irritably. He put the cigarette in his mouth and started to daze.

After being in a daze for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "I suddenly thought of a person, a very unfathomable person. He will definitely be able to help you."

"But it's not easy to meet that gentleman. His habits are weird and his personality is quite withdrawn."

"Who? Is there such a number one person in Yueyang Tower?" Lin Zheng was curious.

Liang Qian lowered his arms, sat up straight and said, "The director of the Endless Destruction Countermeasures Department, whose real name is unknown, is codenamed Umbra. We all call him Mr. Umbra."

"Huh? Mr. Umbrella?" Bai Qingxue on the side also showed a hint of curiosity and said, "I have often heard this name recently. He seems to be a very powerful guy."

Liang Qian nodded and said: "Not only is he awesome, if you are lucky enough to attend a regular meeting of Mr. Umbra, you will understand that he is probably on the same level as the director."

Lin Zheng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth and said, "Forget it, I've heard of that guy too, but I don't like him very much."

"Why?" Liang Qian asked curiously.

"Well, it's because my eyes hurt." Lin Zheng pressed his eye sockets.

Liang Qian was a little confused and looked at Lin Zheng with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, by the way, does the director of the Light Length Bureau know about Mr. Umbra?" Lin Zheng suddenly thought of this question.

The Director of the Light Length Bureau, the top decision-maker of the Light Length Bureau, seems to be very low-key. Lin Zheng has never met him. After the void incident, Liang Qian sent an incident report to the Director, and the feedback he received was only "already aware". Big letters.

"Oh, the director has known about this for a long time. He said that Mr. Umbrella is his friend and has already issued a letter of appointment." Liang Qian said.

Lin Zheng couldn't help but be stunned.

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