The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

Chen Ting received the news that the school bus was about to arrive, and hurried to the gate of the community to pick up Little Pudding.

This was Little Pudding's first time to go to kindergarten, and she wanted to talk to the teacher about her child's situation in kindergarten.

Before she had time to admire the luxury of the school bus, the door opened and Little Pudding came out.

Seeing her mother waiting at the door of the car, her eyes lit up.


Chen Ting's hand, which she stretched out to hug the child, froze.

What did she hear?

The child was calling her?

Her hands trembled slightly, and she was a little unbelievable.

Little Pudding couldn't wait to pounce on her.


Chen Ting's eyes were red in an instant.

"Little Pudding, spoke."

She hugged Little Pudding tightly, and the depression she had been holding for so many years was released at this moment.

Teacher Huahua in the car saw the state of Chen Ting's mother and felt a little strange. Little Pudding went to class with Tang Yifeng in the afternoon.

She didn't know Little Pudding's situation.

She just thought that the child was going to school for the first time, and the parents were more worried.

"Little Pudding is very well behaved today! Teacher Tang said that Little Pudding is in a very good condition, and parents can rest assured."

Chen Ting was in ecstasy about her child's recovery and didn't notice what Teacher Huahua said.

She couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and call her husband Lin Jianbin, "Husband, come back soon!"

Hearing his wife's crying voice, Lin Jianbin thought something happened at home and asked anxiously, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Chen Ting told Lin Jianbin about Little Pudding's recovery without any rules.

Lin Jianbin said anxiously, "I'll be back soon!"

After a while, Lin Jianbin rushed back home.

Chen Ting had heard Little Pudding call her mom a few times, and her excited heart slowly calmed down.

Two adults surrounded a child, "Little Pudding, call daddy."


The clear voice of a child rang out, and Lin Jianbin almost cried.

God knows how much pressure he has to bear for this child.

Originally an ordinary family, the child needs intervention every year, which requires a large amount of expenditure.

The parents disagreed and asked to send Little Pudding away and have another one.

He had to endure all the hardships of being ridiculed by relatives, friends and colleagues, and he couldn't show it in front of his wife.

Otherwise, his wife, who was already nervous, would be even more uncomfortable.

Now the child is suddenly fine, just like a traveler who has been thirsty for a long time in the desert suddenly got water and came back to life instantly.

"What happened today?" Lin Jianbin, who had calmed down, finally came to his senses and asked Chen Ting.

Chen Ting told Lin Jianbin about sending her child to kindergarten.

"Can going to kindergarten bring such a good effect?"

After hearing this, Lin Jianbin was a little annoyed that he had not sent Little Pudding to kindergarten earlier. Maybe Little Pudding would have recovered long ago.

Chen Ting shook her head, "I think this kindergarten may be a little different."

She told Lin Jianbin that Han Momo's health had suddenly recovered.

"Did she recover suddenly? Did she go to the hospital for a checkup?"

"Auntie Han said that she was going to take the child to the hospital for a checkup this week to see the child's physical condition."

Lin Jianbin nodded, "Of course, we should also take Little Pudding to the hospital for a checkup to make sure that the child has fully recovered."

Chen Ting nodded, she couldn't wait to tell everyone the good news that her child had recovered.

Chen Ting's Kuaiyin account has more than one million followers.

After she knew that Little Pudding had autism, she quit her job to take care of him at home, and took a lot of videos and uploaded them to the Internet to record the child's growth.

Because of Little Pudding's cute appearance and special situation, he gradually became popular.

She couldn't help but take a video of Little Pudding calling Mom and Dad and posted it on Kuaiyin to share the good news with her fans and friends.

"Little Pudding has recovered! That's great!"

"In Sister Chen's video the day before yesterday, Little Pudding still couldn't call people! What a great improvement."

"Old fans are really moved! Seeing Little Pudding calling Mom and Dad!"

"Sister Chen, where did Little Pudding get treatment? Can you recommend it?"


Not only a group of netizens follow Chen Ting's account, but also many parents of autistic children.

They learn some useful information shared by Chen Ting and actively accompany their children for treatment.

Now seeing the video posted by Chen Ting, it seems like I see hope.

Many people have privately chatted with Chen Ting.

Chen Ting saw too many private chat messages and felt a little silly.

eyes, her own child was not taken to the hospital for treatment.

He just went to a kindergarten.

She decided to start a live broadcast and chat with fans who have children with autism at home.

After packing herself up, she turned on the live broadcast, and fans who had been waiting for Chen Ting to reply to messages poured into the live broadcast room.

"Sister Chen, what's the situation?"

"Can little pudding call auntie?"

"Which hospital did little pudding get cured in?"

As a parent of an autistic child, Chen Ting understands their anxiety.

She smiled and said, "Little pudding didn't go to the hospital for treatment. I took him to the kindergarten today."

"He stayed in the kindergarten for an afternoon, and he can talk after coming back!"

Hearing Chen Ting's words, the live broadcast room was instantly like a flower exploded.

"Really? Going to a kindergarten can have such a good effect?"

"Going for an afternoon will be fine, how is it possible?"

"Did the anchor take some kindergarten advertisement and come here to advertise? ”

Seeing the doubts on the live broadcast barrage, Chen Ting was also a little helpless.

Many people even said that she was paid to advertise for others.

But to be honest, if this incident had not happened to her, she would not believe it.

"Old fans all know that my account has been opened for many years. Although I occasionally accept advertisements, they are all maternal and child products that I have used at home."

"I have never made any false advertisements." She said seriously.

"Yes, the products on Sister Chen's window are all frequently used by her family. We also bought them at home. They are really easy to use."

"Put yourself in her shoes. Sister Chen has children herself. It is impossible for her to advertise on this."

"It's so funny. Who knows if they pay too much for advertising."

"That's right, you don't need to go to the hospital to treat the disease, but you can go to the kindergarten to cure it? It's just fooling these parents who are desperate for medical treatment."

"Did the anchor meet a liar? Is there anyone who studies medicine who can come out and say it."

"I am a psychiatrist and I have never heard that autism can be cured in kindergarten. There is no specific drug treatment for autism. Only by insisting on non-drug treatment as the main treatment, supplemented by drug treatment, and combined with physiological intervention therapy, can it be improved. "

"Although interpersonal relationships are a good intervention therapy, their absoluteness cannot be guaranteed. Those who say that going to kindergarten can cure it definitely do not understand autism."

"Yes, the doctor in front of me is right. My child also went to kindergarten, but he was not cured because of entering the kindergarten. Instead, he was always alone and did not respond to anything."

"Don't take it too seriously. This may be directed and acted by the anchor. "

Hearing that the speculation was getting more and more outrageous, Chen Ting simply aimed the camera at Little Pudding who was reading a book on the sofa.

She called out: "Little Pudding."

Little Pudding looked up when she heard the voice, "What's wrong? Mom?"

Seeing Little Pudding who was no different from an ordinary child, the fans in the live broadcast room had to believe that Little Pudding seemed to have been cured.

In this way, the rumor that kindergartens can treat autistic children began to ferment on the Internet.

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