The food was very delicious, but it was not as delicious as the one in the kindergarten.

Over at Nie Youlin's house, little Nie Youlin was eating the food made by his mother with a bitter face.

"Mom, why is this so unpalatable?"

Nie Siyu asked in surprise: "Don't you like sweet and sour pork ribs the most?"

"But this is not delicious, not as delicious as the one in the kindergarten."

Nie Youlin was picking at the food, but he couldn't swallow it.

Thinking of the food in the kindergarten, it was really delicious and made people want to swallow their tongues. Nie Siyu had to admit that her cooking skills were not as good as others.

Nie Siyu had to smile and shake her head and said, "Then please be patient for a while. You will be able to eat your favorite food in kindergarten tomorrow."

Thinking of the mother and son who had to fight every time the child went to kindergarten, and had to fight with other children in kindergarten.

Now, the most eager thing every day is to go to kindergarten.

I wish I could eat and live in kindergarten all day.

No teacher came to complain to her, and she felt much more relaxed.

Nie Siyu asked curiously, "What is so attractive about kindergarten? Why didn't you like kindergarten so much before?"

"That's different!"

Nie Youlin got excited, "Kindergarten is so fun!"

"The teacher taught us a lot of things!"

Nie Youlin couldn't wait to show his little flame to his mother.

He stretched out his finger and gathered the spiritual energy at his fingertips.

"Mom, look! This is what the teacher taught me. I will learn it as soon as I learn it!"

Nie Siyu's eyes widened in disbelief. How could there be a flame on the fingertips?

She almost screamed and rushed over to put out the flames.

This sudden action scared Nie Youlin, and he quickly retracted his fingers.

"Mom! Don't touch it, you will get hurt!"

Teacher Tang said that you can't use spiritual energy on people, he just wants to show his learning results.

Nie Siyu grabbed Nie Youlin's hand and checked it carefully. She only saw that the white and tender little hand was clean, and there was no flame.

"Are you okay? Why did the fire suddenly appear?"

At that moment, she thought her son had spontaneously combusted!

Nie Youlin looked at her as if she was making a fuss, "Mom, this is my spiritual power!"

"The kindergarten teacher taught me, didn't you learn it?"

"Spiritual power?"

Nie Siyu frowned, isn't this a magic trick?

Thinking of the magician's performance she had seen before, she bought some magic paper to amuse Nie Youlin at that time.

But at that time, she also showed it to the child herself. Although it was magic paper, it had flames.

How could a kindergarten let a child play with such things casually?

Nie Siyu was a little dissatisfied. Isn't it too dangerous?

She said to Nie Youlin seriously: "Linlin, you are still young. You can't play with this thing casually. It's very dangerous."

Nie Youlin said puzzledly: "But the teacher asked us to practice more."

Practice magic?

Are there any performance activities in the kindergarten?

Nie Siyu was a little puzzled. She planned to ask the teacher tomorrow: "No matter what, this thing is dangerous. We should not touch unsafe things. Did your mother teach you?"

"Of course, if it is carried out under the guidance of the teacher, you can still learn."

Nie Youlin listened to his mother and nodded.

He knew that he could only learn in front of the teacher.

In this way, Nie Siyu missed the opportunity to know the truth that her child was cultivating immortals.

Later, when she knew it, she beat her chest and stamped her feet, regretting that she didn't know it earlier.

Han Momo was also eating at home.

Momo was a well-behaved child. Although she felt that the food at home had become less delicious recently, she did not say anything. She would eat whatever her mother cooked.

A family of five, four adults were discussing taking the children out to play during the summer vacation.

"How about going to Hainan? I can also take Momo to see the sea."

"It's too hot to go to Hainan today, so it's better to go to Qinghai."

Several adults were exchanging opinions, and Momo could not help but say: "Let's go to Tengwang Pavilion, grandpa and grandma, mom and dad, I want to go to Tengwang Pavilion."

Hearing Han Momo's suggestion, the four adults looked over.

Grandpa Han smiled and said: "My good granddaughter also knows Tengwang Pavilion! OK! My granddaughter says to go wherever she wants to go!"

Grandpa Han, who dotes on his granddaughter, was the first to support.

Mother Han couldn't help asking, "Why does Bao'er suddenly want to go to Tengwang Pavilion?"

Han Momo said like a little adult, "I want to see the setting sun and the solitary wild goose flying together, and the autumn water and the sky being the same color."

Hearing Han Momo

, Grandma Han smiled and said: "Our baby Momo can recite poems, who taught you?"

"Teacher Lanlan!" Han Momo said as a matter of course, "Teacher Lanlan taught us "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng" today, I memorized it after reading it twice."

The four looked at each other, kindergartens teach this?

Although Han Momo is 5 years old now, she has never been to kindergarten before.

At home, Grandma Han and Grandpa Han only teach simple pinyin at home, and never let her recite ancient poems!

Unexpectedly, their child can actually recite "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng"?

"Momo, can you really recite it?" Dad Han asked with some doubt. If it was a Tang poem, he would absolutely believe that his child could recite it.

But "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng" is not a simple ancient poem. The whole poem has 773 words, which is equivalent to an essay!

At least he can't remember it.

"Then recite it to us."

Han Momo blinked and recited fluently: "Yuzhang is the old county, Hongdu is the new capital. The stars are divided into Yi and Zhen, and the land is connected to Henglu. It embraces three rivers and five lakes, controls the barbarians and leads Ouyue..."

Hearing Han Momo recite the "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng" with ups and downs and emotions, and explaining the meaning of the whole article to them after reciting it.

The Han family was even more shocked. Not only can they recite, but they can also understand. Are all kindergartens like this now?

Although they can't recite, they can hear the child fluently reciting obscure poems, which should be correct.

"Good, good, good! My baby granddaughter is great!"

Grandpa Han laughed. In his heart, his granddaughter is a child prodigy!

Mother Han couldn't help but say to Grandma Han with gratitude: "Mom, thank you! You chose a very good kindergarten."

Han Momo looked at her family with pride, and she also felt that she was very good.

Then she added: "Besides, I can recite a lot more, like "The Ballad of Mulan" and "The Story of Yueyang Tower", I can recite them all!"

The Han family was stunned. They didn't expect Han Momo to have learned so much knowledge.

"It seems that our Momo has really learned a lot in kindergarten!" Han's father exclaimed.

"Yes, this kindergarten is really good, and the teachings are very comprehensive." Han's mother also agreed.

But, do normal kindergartens really teach these?

Several people couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Whether normal kindergartens will teach these is not known for the time being, but Tang Yifeng knows that it is urgent to find a cultural teacher.

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