The first time, the second time.

Several stars invited to the guest seats couldn't help but sigh. Even if there was a child with excellent speed calculation ability in the previous strongest brain, it took 6 minutes to complete this kind of empty screen speed calculation. Unexpectedly, a four-year-old child can surpass that value in just five minutes. Don't look at it as only one minute. You have to know that for their speed calculation children, five seconds is one question, and one minute is 12 questions!

During the backstage interview, Nie Youlin said lightly: "This question is too simple, there is no difficulty."

Soon Ye Dongling finished the answer second, followed by Shu Zhuo, and eight contestants came out one after another.

The first place winner Nie Youlin took 4 minutes and 58 seconds, the second place winner Ye Dongling took 5 minutes and 59 seconds, and the last place winner even took 18 minutes and 12 seconds.

The gap between the first place and the eighth place was so big that it shocked everyone!

Soon the second round of the competition began. The eight-to-one competition was a lightning mental arithmetic, mixed addition and subtraction operations, divided into single-brain calculation and dual-brain calculation. Numbers and addition and subtraction will appear on the electronic screen in a short time. After the numbers are displayed, the contestants need to come up with the answer.

This round of the competition is a points competition. The greater the challenge, the more points you get.

Many contestants chose the single-brain mode, because the single brain only needs to calculate one question, and the interval between questions is short. If they calculate two questions at the same time, they feel that the possibility of getting points is too slim, so it is better to be safe.

Nie Youlin did not have any idea of ​​taking a safe approach, but directly chose the highest difficulty. The eight-digit numbers in the dual-brain mode are gradually mixed, and the next number appears every 0.25 seconds, and it consists of 100 questions.

He calculated that he could get 42 points in one go, so he didn't have to participate in more rounds for points.

Ye Dongling and Shu Zhuo also chose dual brains, because dual brains need to calculate at the same time, so they adjusted the interval time to the range they felt they could bear.

Single brains were carried out first. Nie Youlin looked carefully at the first contestant who started calculating and found that this contestant only chose five-digit addition and subtraction. He couldn't help shaking his head.

Five-digit addition and subtraction were too simple, and the points that could be obtained were too few. Even if he won this round, he could only choose difficult ones for points in the future, otherwise it would be equivalent to giving up the game.

Sure enough, even if he won, he only got 13 points.

The calculation of the single brain was finished quickly, but because of the difficulty, the highest score was only 19 points.

The challenge of dual brains began. Shu Zhuo went on stage first. He chose a six-digit addition and subtraction mixed calculation with an interval time of 0.4 seconds and got 34 points.

When the cheers came out, Nie Youlin couldn't help but applaud. This boy was the one he paid more attention to. In the previous game, he found that this boy named Shu Zhuo was very stable. Although he was the third place, he was not in a hurry. Even if he made mistakes, he was not panicked at all. When others were nervous about time and wrong answers, they would sweat profusely, but he was not nervous at all. Instead, he was very relaxed.

In the current points challenge, it can be seen that he is really not in a hurry at all. Both brains have to calculate at the same time, and there is a possibility of changing the questions, but except for his eyes constantly wandering between the two numbers, he has no other reaction, and he is calm when answering the questions.

This moment made Nie Youlin know that this person is his opponent.

Ye Dongling and Shu Zhuo made the same choice, but she obviously did not have the mentality of Shu Zhuo. She missed a number, which led to her wrong calculation and only got 17 points.

When she stepped down, she sighed deeply, knowing that she might not be able to stand on the stage to compete with foreigners and win glory for the country.

The points gap was too big, not to mention that there was still one Nie Youlin who hadn't competed yet. She focused her eyes on Nie Youlin. Although this kid was the youngest among them, he was really strong.

As expected, when Nie Youlin started the game, he didn't move his eyes at all. The 0.25-second interval between numbers was too short, almost fleeting, not to mention that it was an eight-digit number. Almost everyone on the field felt that they couldn't even see the numbers clearly.

The numbers came out quickly and stopped quickly. Nie Youlin picked up a pen and wrote down the answers to two calculation questions.

He stood beside the host with ease, seemingly unaffected by the heated atmosphere on the field.

"This kid is really steady!"

"God, I didn't see a single number clearly."

"This is not just a matter of brainpower.

, poor eyesight is not good. "

The guests on the stage were also discussing it, because Nie Youlin really shocked them too much.

The host kept it a secret, and he was not in a hurry to announce the answer to the last contestant. Instead, he spoke a paragraph first, and the audience couldn't help but urge him, so he announced the answer slowly.

"Nie Youlin answered correctly!"

Instantly, the atmosphere on the stage was so heated that it almost blew the roof off.

"Oh my God! How did this child train! "

The second round of the points competition started again. This time, Ye Dongling chose to be more conservative, because the points competition is based on the final results of the game. She can only hope that her results after three rounds can make her points higher.

After all, it is not certain that the two of them can maintain correctness throughout the whole process.

Ye Dongling's comfort to herself is really effective. At least she got 17 points again, although it is not as high as Nie Youlin and Shu Zhuo.

Shu Zhuo is still the previous choice, but this time he is obviously not as leisurely as before.

The calculation of the two brains is too energy-consuming. Although he seemed to be light-hearted in the last round, he actually spent all his energy.

This time, he chose the points of the last round because he knew clearly that He knew that he could not surpass Nie Youlin, so he chose to challenge himself. Even if he failed, he would not regret it.

Sure enough, he failed this round. He did not calculate the two questions, but his score was the same as Ye Dongling's.

But this was before Nie Youlin started.

Nie Youlin thought about it and chose the highest difficulty. After all, this difficulty was just average for him.

He knew that even if he chose the lowest score, other children's scores would not be able to surpass him. It is better to choose the most difficult one to keep himself undefeated.

The final result is beyond doubt and everyone is sure that Nie Youlin won.

"This child is simply abnormal. Two brains are too simple for him. If I were to say, he might be able to answer three brains."

"Don't you think it's strange? Ye Dongling and Shu Zhuo both have two brains. They have to keep moving their eyes to read the questions, but he didn't move his eyes."

"I also think that it won't be the director team who leaked the questions? ”

There were many people on the live broadcast platform questioning whether the Brainiest program team deliberately missed the question.

But many people refuted, "Even if this question was leaked, I may not be able to remember the answer."

"Just because you can't remember it doesn't mean others can't remember it. These children are said to have been selected. They naturally have their own talents. Maybe their memory is better than ours?"

"You're right. He hardly calculated the previous questions. He knew the answer after looking at them. Shu Zhuo is the world champion in speed calculation. He would pause for a second, but Nie Youlin didn't pause at all. Doesn't this mean he already knew the answer?"

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