Although the news was a long one, the truth is still a long story.

There was a lot of controversy on the Internet, and the comments in the live broadcast room were full of smoke and smoke, with some people not optimistic and some supporting.

"This match will definitely be the same as a few years ago, we will lose to foreign players."

"This kind of trick is only suitable for fighting Chinese people. It is really not good enough to be used in the international arena. It is simply embarrassing to the foreign countries."

"I heard that the foreign contestant this time is Shunsuke Mie, the genius speed calculator a few years ago."

"Is it really Shunsuke Mie? God, he is invincible in speed calculation."

"Don't say it, the Japanese pirates will definitely win this time."

"The person above, you are a crooked ass, right? You are licking the stinky feet of the Japanese pirates before the game even starts."

"Just look at the contestants of the strongest brain this time. Shunsuke Mie was the strongest brain when he was nine years old. "The King of Power, he is already fourteen years old and has won many honors internationally. How can a kindergarten kid compete?"

"There is no such person as Nie Youlin on the Internet, and the program team has no specific information about him, which means he has never participated in international competitions. The program team does not know how to choose such an inexperienced person, and arrange a script for such a young child."

"I am afraid this is the director's own son, right?"

The discussion on the Internet did not affect Director Lin's mood. On the contrary, the louder the discussion, the more popular the program is. Moreover, the win or loss in the real duel with the international team can let people know whether there is a script.

Winning is a matter of winning glory for the country. No one will make a fuss about it. No matter how many bad remarks there are, they will only collapse at that time.

And losing is even less likely to have a script problem.

The third round of international competitions will start soon. Mie Shunsuke and his team leader, who have been watching for a long time in the spectator seats, are not very concerned.

During the interview, the team leader Kondo Gang said contemptuously that China's competition system was a bit too childish, and the mixed operations of addition and subtraction of large digits were a bit too simple.

Mie Shunsuke also laughed: "Maybe the Chinese people tend to be more conservative? So the numerical selection is a bit smaller."

It was a clear satire that the Chinese were timid and chose small numbers to participate in the competition.

This interview immediately caused a debate in the live broadcast room. Some people thought that Mie Shunsuke was a bit too boastful, while some people thought that Mie Shunsuke's usual training numbers were much higher than the current competition, and the array arranged by the program team was just an ordinary training for him.

The content of the two people's interview also appeared on the big screen at the scene, which made the people in the audience sigh. The originally high spirits seemed to be a bit depressed. After all, the Chinese players had been defeated by Mie Shunsuke before, which made them somewhat lack of confidence.

Nie Youlin looked at Mie Shunsuke who walked onto the stage, and Mie Shunsuke gave him a provocative thumbs-down.

He clenched his fists instantly. He must defeat this annoying Japanese pirate and let him know the strength of the Chinese.

The international competition is a mental arithmetic point competition. There are two rounds in total. In the first round, different values ​​and additions and subtractions will appear in the sixteen grids, just like lightning mental arithmetic. The difference is that each completed question will occupy a grid, and the points of each grid will be large or small according to the difficulty.

This not only tests mental arithmetic ability, but also requires strategy and hand speed to seize the initiative in points.

For this kind of competition, Mie Shunsuke is more adept. He has already thought about getting medium points first, which can not only ensure his accuracy but also allow him to make large or small choices in subsequent choices.

Nie Youlin didn't think much about it. This was the first time he participated in this kind of game that integrated strategy and calculation. He just had a general understanding of it when preparing for the game, and just wanted to grab more questions to win points.

Bai Mengqi was a little anxious. Sanye Shunsuke was an old hand and could think of countermeasures quickly, but Nie Youlin couldn't. However, the program team did not allow the team leader to help the players understand and analyze the rules.

She knew Nie Youlin's calculation ability and could only pray that Nie Youlin could get as high a score as possible.

After the game started, the two began to grab positions at the same time. Nie Youlin's hand speed was very fast and he was the first to grab the higher value of 16 points. Yae Shunsuke failed to grab 16 points, but he quickly reacted and grabbed 14 points.

Nie Youlin quickly clicked the numeric keypad and entered the answer. Yae Shunsuke did not dare to fall behind and quickly followed and occupied a grid.

Both of them kept grabbing grids and entering answers.

The two contestants were evenly matched for a while. The audience and the guests held their breath and dared not make any sound, fearing that they would disturb the two contestants.

After Nie Youlin grabbed the 17-point question, Sane Shunsuke hesitated and chose the 19-point question. Their scores were too close. If he did not choose a question with a higher score than Nie Youlin, he would most likely lose. Although there were still points higher than his in the next round, he could not gamble on the next round. After all, Nie Youlin's strength was not weak. If he did not make mistakes in the mental arithmetic of large digits in the next round, he would really have no chance.

However, the 19-point question was the most difficult. Sane Shunsuke felt that his brain was about to explode. He kept calculating in his mind with the numbers flashing continuously. The more he calculated, the more impatient he became. Fortunately, Nie Youlin had already finished calculating. Now only the 19 points he grabbed were left. Because he was calculating, Nie Youlin could not calculate and could only wait for him to finish calculating. If he calculated correctly, he would be one point higher than Nie Youlin. If he failed, Nie Youlin could calculate this question.

The longer the time dragged on, the more pressure he felt. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead and onto the ground. After the numbers flashed again, he closed his eyes tightly and entered the answer firmly.

A big red × hit his screen. He exhaled and knew that he had failed.

After Mie Shunsuke made a mistake in his calculation, Nie Youlin immediately grabbed the question and quickly answered it.

The results of the first round have come out. Nie Youlin, plus the points of the last question, has 37 more points than Mie Shunsuke. This is incredible to many people. If Nie Youlin does not make a mistake in the next round, it will be difficult for Mie Shunsuke to pull back this score.

Mie Shunsuke's failure this time did not affect his mentality too much, because the large-digit multiplication and division in the next round is his strong point. He believes that he can definitely get back more points in the next round.

The second round began. When the questions appeared, the whole audience exclaimed.

"Oh my god! Eighteen digits multiplied by seventeen digits, that's too scary!"

"Isn't this just ID card number multiplied by bank card number? I can't figure it out even if I try all day."

"If someone says this is cheating, that's really amazing!"

"It's not just multiplication, it's a mixed operation of multiplication and division. Just looking at the question makes me dizzy."

"Mie Shunsuke is best at multiplication and division of large digits. Nie Youlin may not win this time."

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