The problem is that the answer is not good.

Sanjo Shunsuke is really good at multiplication and division of large numbers. He almost finished the first question at the same time as Nie Youlin. You should know that Nie Youlin has already done the question as soon as he read it.

Nie Youlin also felt Sanjo Shunsuke's strength. He saw that Sanjo Shunsuke's early work was mainly division formulas, so he simply chose the multiplication with the most numerical values. Although it would take more time to enter the answer, the score would be relatively higher.

What's more, he has absolute confidence in himself, that is, he will not make mistakes.

As expected, he answered several questions with the highest points correctly in a row. Mie Shunsuke also knew Nie Youlin's thoughts. He began to get anxious. Nie Youlin's crisp answers still affected his mentality. He accidentally entered the wrong number for the question that should have been calculated correctly, resulting in failure.

He could only grit his teeth and answer the next question. Now he could not think too much and could only keep answering questions.

"Nie Youlin is so amazing. The answer is more than 20 digits. I can't remember the answer even if I calculate it."

"Someone said it was cheating before. I really don't believe that anyone can remember such a long answer."

"Yes, it will take me a long time to copy this answer."


Now there is no need for the program team to clarify the fairness of the competition. Just looking at the difficulty of the questions, netizens also know that this calculation is impossible to cheat.

When all the sixteen positions were occupied, the game was over.

Mie Shunsuke took a deep breath, and the hair hanging down from his forehead covered his sinister eyes.

He lost!

In his most proud field, he actually lost, and lost to a kindergarten kid from China.

It was ridiculous. As a player from the Japanese pirate country, their country has always been proud of mathematical calculations, but this time they lost in a small competition.

However, he knew that he was recording a program now, so he could only suppress his complicated emotions and try to calm his emotions.

But his team leader was not satisfied with the result of this competition, and kept shouting in Japanese that this was a conspiracy.

The shouting was so loud that it could be heard in the live broadcast room.

"The Japanese pirates just can't afford to lose."

"Why? Only the Japanese pirates can win, but our China can't win?"

"I said it was a conspiracy. The team leader is calling it a conspiracy. There must be something wrong."

"The director team arranged it, right? I don't believe that a newcomer who has never participated in an international competition can win a world championship."

"How long have you been kneeling in front of you? If you can't stand up, just lie in the grave. Please don't pollute the air of our China."


The program team hurriedly stepped forward to negotiate with the team leader.

Kondo Tsuyoshi was furious: "This is impossible. Our Mie Shunsuke can't lose! You know, we have participated in several world competitions and have never lost. Why did we lose in your China? There must be something shady. We demand a thorough investigation of the program team."

The staff of the program team had a headache. They didn't expect that the Japanese pirates would be so reluctant to lose. It was just the first game. Who knew that they would send their strongest players in the first episode? It was obviously to slap the Chinese in the face, but they didn't expect that they would be slapped in the face.

You think the game is shady after losing the game, and you really think this is your home.

After the appeasement failed, the program team could only calmly say: "If you think this game is unfair, you can report it to your own country at any time, and our players will accept your challenge at any time."

Winning or losing is not up to you. If you have the ability, come and challenge us.

Kondo Tsuyoshi was almost angry to death. Isn't China a country of etiquette? Shouldn't they be polite to the great Japanese pirate empire? !

On the stage, the recording of the program was still going on. They were not affected by this. On the contrary, they were in a good mood.

You should know that in the international competitions in the past few years, they did not win once, and they lost to these international players every time.

Many countries have belittled them that China does not have outstanding talents, and China's future will be ruined sooner or later.

Now let them see that there are so many geniuses in China. Do you really think that only your country has them?

Nie Youlin successfully sat on the honor seat.

At this time, thunderous applause came from the audience, and Nie Youlin's mother was so excited that tears fell.

She always felt that her child was a naughty little boy. He had been persuaded and rejected by so many kindergartens. He didn't even think about what to learn when he entered Xianmiao Kindergarten. As long as the child was happy and safe, it was fine.

She never thought that her child was a genius. Even when he went to the TV station for an interview,

They all thought that it was the kindergarten teacher who gave the child this opportunity, allowing the child to better show himself.

But she didn't expect that her child could stand out among so many outstanding players and even beat the world champion.

She no longer had to face ridicule, and she could let the man who abandoned his wife and children know how good the child he abandoned was!

Dad Han and Grandma Mao were also clapping desperately. Seeing the little child win, they were also very excited. From Nie Youlin, they saw the possibility of their own children winning.

So far, the recording of the first episode has come to an end. After Nie Youlin returned to the backstage, Bai Mengqi rushed over and hugged him tightly, "Xiao Linlin! You are really great!"

She was too excited. She was originally worried that Nie Youlin was young and would be weaker in strategy than Sane Shunsuke, who was much older than him, but it turned out that in the face of absolute strength, all strategies are paper tigers!

Nie Youlin was a little proud. He shook his head and said, "The questions are too simple, and there is no difficulty at all."

Hearing this, the contestants in the backstage couldn't help but shout in their hearts: This kid is too Versailles! This kind of question is not difficult. They said they didn't even read the question clearly, okay? Especially for multiplication and division with large digits, they really have to press the numbers for a while when they are given a calculator.

What's wrong with this kid's brain?

Originally, I thought the program team invited a few little kids to come to make a gimmick, but I didn't expect that the most powerful ones were these little kids.

But I think it's natural. In terms of speed calculation, children have always been more popular, because children's attention is more focused than adults.

The contestants who participated in speed calculation were convinced of their defeat. There was no way. They couldn't compare with these children in terms of concentration alone. In terms of mentality, Nie Youlin's mentality was obviously much better than those adults.

If he doesn't win, who will win?

Although the first episode of the program has ended, the hot discussion on the Internet has not disappeared. On the contrary, it has become more discussed because of Nie Youlin's victory.

"China and Japan compete in speed calculation, Japan loses miserably" directly became a hot search.

Due to historical reasons, China and Japan have not been friendly, and Japan also likes to compete with China secretly.

So when this hot search appeared on the Internet, passers-by who did not pay attention to the strongest brain could not help but click in to see it. When they saw that a 4-year-old child from China defeated the 14-year-old world champion of Japan, they could not help but cheer and feel that their country had breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people also paid attention to Nie Youlin, a 4-year-old genius child, who is the youngest contestant in the strongest brain!

"Little brother, this is really little brother! Mom asked me why I knelt on the ground to watch, and I said I knelt down and called big brother."

"A child in kindergarten has such strong strength. My God, this child has unlimited future!"

"Excuse me, what angle should I use to give birth to such a smart child? Waiting online, urgent!"


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