For the first time, Jiang Mian felt that time could pass so slowly!

He now had a dormitory but couldn't go back, so he could only choose to stay in a coffee shop to kill time. He was targeted by the game mechanism and lost nine out of ten games.

He was brainwashed by the anchor selling goods while watching videos, and almost made a fool of himself again.

He turned around and finished reading the comics and novels he had hoarded for two months.

As a result, when he glanced at the time, only half a day had passed!

When he was so sleepy that he yawned, he found that his battery was almost running low, so he simply scanned a power bank. He kept waiting like this until the flowers were almost withered.

During this time, the front desk brother of the coffee shop gave her a small portion of Black Forest cake with a red face.

And she also rejected several boys who came up to chat with her, mainly showing the aura of being uninterested and don't get close to me.

But Jiang Mian forgot that drinking coffee only refreshes the mind, not filling the stomach.

After he felt hungry for the third time, he decided to go for a meal first.

Before leaving, the front desk brother who kept cheering her up finally plucked up the courage to walk up to her��

He asked naively and shyly,"Can I add you on WeChat?"

As a man, Jiang Mian knew what he was thinking. He replied expressionlessly,"No."

The other party was at a loss as to what to do after being rejected,"Why?"

Jiang Mian asked back,"Then why do you want to add me on WeChat?"

"want to be friend with you"

"Which friends?"

"Just... we can chat when we are bored"

"When I'm bored, I always choose to sleep."

"I can sing or tell you a story to put you to sleep"

"I have a lot of friends like you on WeChat."

The other party looked hurt and said,"I thought you would agree. After all, I gave you a cake and you didn't refuse it. Besides, the money for the cake had to be deducted from my salary."……"

Jiang Mian's eyes rolled up to the sky. It was true that in this world, the rain would not fall forever, but some men's heads would fall forever.

She used to think it was strange to hear the girls around her being indignant, but now that she encountered it herself, she was really disgusted. She wanted to get a chance with just a small piece of cake, and when she found out that she was rejected, she began to openly ask for a clear price.

Jiang Mian didn't want to argue with him any more, so she walked directly to the front desk to scan the payment code and asked,"How much is that piece of cake?"


Jiang Mian almost laughed when she heard the price.

It turned out that she was the wronged one. A small piece of cake could become a tool for this kind of low-class man to pick up girls.

If it succeeded, it would satisfy this low-class man. If it failed, he would ask her for money.

If the water is too clear, there will be no fish. If the man is too cheap, he will be invincible!

What a loud abacus! The abacus beads were about to jump on her face.

Jiang Mian thought that she had paid for a lesson. She was too lazy to argue with him about the price and simply paid directly.

Seeing this, the other party said unnaturally:"You don't have a partner anyway, what's wrong with making friends? It won't cost you a piece of meat."

Originally Jiang Mian wanted to quit while she was ahead, but seeing the other party's argumentative attitude, if she showed weakness, wouldn't it make her seem too easy to bully.

After thinking it over, she still clicked on He Yubai's circle of friends.

And she kept apologizing in her heart, don't blame me, big brother, now my brother is in trouble, I can only rely on you to save face!

Jiang Mian pointed at He Yubai's selfies and the photos of luxury cars in his house, and told him word by word:"I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend, and the other party is a rich second-generation~"

He Yubai's family is rich, and he has been well raised since he was a child. He has handsome features, a tall figure, and because of his temperament, he is simply the ideal perfect boyfriend.

It's easy to beat this scumbag in front of him!

Although he was slapped in the face, the man was still unconvinced.

When Jiang Mian turned around and left, he said sarcastically behind her:"What boyfriend? You can tell he's a liar at first glance. If he was really your boyfriend, would he be willing to stand you up and let you wait in the coffee shop for a long time?"

The absent boyfriend mentioned by Jiang Mian made the other party think that she was just showing off to save face.


Such a coquettish and shameless woman, he looked down upon her!

But he turned around and felt angry again. If he were rich, he would have thrown money in her face!

But Jiang Mian was too lazy to pay attention to him. He couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart. It was normal for him to be stood up. If He Yubai really came, that would be a big deal!

But he didn't know that what happened today seemed to come true later. It was inconvenient to carry things in his hands. After Jiang Mian entered the mall, Just stuff them all into the locker.

There were many couples walking together, head to head, shoulder to shoulder.

Perhaps because he had become a girl, Jiang Mian felt a little envious as he watched, and then he couldn't help but fantasize that if he also had a boyfriend...

Ah! No!

Da Mei ah ah ah ah!

Is he going to become a girl's mind! ?

Jiang Mian shook his head quickly, and quickly, immediately, got rid of these dangerous thoughts in his mind.

What boyfriend! ?

That's impossible! It's impossible in this life!

Back off! Back off!



After a day and a night of hard work, He Yubai said goodbye to his friends and prepared to go back to school.

Yang He, holding a cigarette in his mouth, teased:"Master He always drives a luxury car when he goes out. Can't he even afford to rent a house outside? In such a small place like the dormitory, can you stretch your legs and feet?"

He Yubai made an international gesture to him:"Although I am funny, I am not as delicate as you."

""Fuck you!" Yang He exhaled a puff of smoke,"I was just thinking about hiding a beautiful woman in a golden house!"

"Then hide your little girls well, in case the truth comes out someday, be careful they will unite and beat you up"

"Stop cursing at me, but you," Yang He said,"next time you go out to play, remember to bring your girlfriend along."

He Yubai ignored him and made an international gesture as he left:"Let's go, let's make an appointment next time when we are free."

He Yubai had never thought about renting a house outside.

Although everyone knew that his family was rich, he usually acted and behaved in a low-key manner in school.

As for those who always think that rich second-generations are very high-profile, they must have been fooled by reading cool novels?!

When they returned to the dormitory, Feng Jun was playing games with his sister, Chen Yu was studying online, and only Jiang Mian's seat was vacant.

He Yubai asked casually:"Where is Jiang Mian?"

"I don't know. He went out early in the morning and hasn't come back yet," Feng Jun pulled off his headphones and replied,"Don't go, don't go, wait for me to start the group together!"

He Yubai raised his eyebrows. It seems that the one he saw at the bus stop today should be Jiang Mian.

This is strange. I haven't heard that he has any plans for today.

Is he secretly in a relationship?

Oh, little sheep is good. Is he going to be the first one in their dormitory to get out of being single?

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