As the time went by and the sky got darker,

Jiang Mian finally compromised. It seemed that he was destined to spend the night outside.

Cinderella's magic would disappear at midnight, but the dormitory's access control would be closed at 11 p.m.

He couldn't wait!


The mall was closed, Jiang Mian was carrying a bunch of things, walking aimlessly on the street again.

He comforted himself, maybe when he woke up tomorrow after a good sleep, this strange transformation would disappear, and then he would be back to normal.

Then he looked for the hotel where he would stay tonight on the navigation, but at this moment.

A voice sounded in his mind: [The gender transformation test was successful, and you can change your gender freely afterwards. If you need to change your gender, the host can directly say the word"transformation". ]

After hearing that strange voice disappear for a long time, Jiang Mian woke up from his dream.

Isn't this the system! ?

It turns out that this thing is the cause of all the trouble!

(/‵Д′)/~ ╧╧

He was so angry!

He was so scared for the whole day, and thought he could never change back!

His little heart! He almost collapsed!

Becoming a woman is not scary, but the troubles that come with it are scary!

Painless sex change, this is simply a living material for medical research!

If he is discovered, he will definitely be used as a guinea pig for experiments!

Is this broken system a starfish?

How can it dive so well! ?

┏| ̄Å ̄* |┛

The trouble was finally solved, and Jiang Mian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

So he found a public toilet, and took advantage of the dark night and the poor light in the toilet, and ran in.

Then he began to try to speak:"Transform."

Then, his black hair instantly shortened, the big chest quickly disappeared, and his brother reappeared.

Transformed back!

Jiang Mian almost wanted to cry, he finally transformed back!

The joy at this moment came from the heart. If he was not afraid of causing some urban legend that the public toilet was haunted, he really wanted to cover his mouth and cry. o(TヘTo)

He also wanted to try other functions of this system, but no matter how he called, the panel that should appear and the space that should appear did not appear.

After many attempts, he found that this system was simply useless. In addition to gender transformation, it was useless.

It was a waste of his expression.

No wonder he could hide for a whole day without showing up. It is estimated that if there is a malfunction in the future, he may not know it.


After transforming back into a boy again, Jiang Mian quickly changed his women's clothes back into men's clothes.

Without the restraint of underwear, he felt much freer and more comfortable walking and running.

But when he looked at the time, it was over!

If he didn't go back quickly, he would be locked outside the dormitory building again.

When the dormitory aunt is in a good mood, she can come to help open the door. If she is in a bad mood, she will probably nag through the door for half an hour.

Jiang Mian didn't dare to delay and took a taxi directly to the roadside to rush back.

While the guard at the school gate was about to close the door, he rushed in quickly. Fortunately, there were still five minutes left, and he was in time.

Jogging all the way, Jiang Mian soon arrived at the downstairs of the dormitory building, but unexpectedly found a familiar figure.

It was He Yubai.

The other party was smoking and watching videos with his head down. Jiang Mian walked over with something in his hand and asked,"Who are you waiting for? The curfew is coming soon, why don't you go back?"

He Yubai raised his head when he heard the words, extinguished the cigarette in his hand, and put the phone lock screen into his trouser pocket. His movements were smooth and flowing.

Jiang Mian sighed inwardly, damn, I’m impressed by his handsomeness again!

"Waiting for you," He Yubai glanced at the bags in his hands,"Did you finish your date with your rich girlfriend? Bought so many things?"

"Come on, what rich girlfriend, am I worthy of her?" Jiang Mian explained,"I bought these for myself."

"So you were rejected, sad and upset and then you went to bleed profusely?"

He Yubai raised his eyebrows:"My mother also likes to do this when she is sad."

"Oh, really?" Jiang Mian said with a wry smile,"Then please help me carry the things."

He was really fed up with carrying this pile of clothes today!

He Yubai laughed in his heart, but he still managed his expression well as a cool boy.

After taking the bag from Jiang Mian, his steps became a little brisk.

In fact, he didn't know why he went downstairs, it was as if it was a subconscious reaction of his body.

After hearing that Jiang Mian went out early in the morning, he began to pay attention to the time frequently. As a result, he had been waiting since dinner, but Jiang Mian still didn't come back. Seeing that the time was getting later, he even wondered if Jiang Mian was going to spend the night outside with his girlfriend?

But for some reason, when he heard that this boy was dating his girlfriend outside, he felt uncomfortable all over. He even... Malicious fantasies, Jiang Mian's fragile little body must not be tormented.

But he finally went downstairs to wait for people, even he himself was a little annoyed.

Speaking of Jiang Mian, this boy is indeed good-looking. If he were a girl, she would definitely be beautiful enough.

But I won't become a gay for a good-looking boy, right?

When He Yubai thought of this, he became even more annoyed. He felt that he was more like a fool for going downstairs to wait for someone!

But at this moment, after hearing Jiang Mian's self-deprecating statement that he didn't have a girlfriend, he didn't know why he seemed to be relieved.

Then he didn't forget to tease Jiang Mian:"The four of us in the dormitory are all single dogs. No one can think of getting out of singleness first. Even if we want to get out of singleness, I should be the first one to get out of singleness."

"Yes, yes, yes."

After being worried all day, Jiang Mian just felt exhausted physically and mentally, and was too lazy to argue with him:"Handsome He not only has an outstanding family background, but is also handsome and suave. If he doesn't find love before us, it would be God's fault!"

Now that his body and mind were relaxed, Jiang Mian felt a little sleepy and yawned with his hand covering his mouth. When he looked up again, he saw He Yubai staring at him straight, and that look made him feel uneasy. He even began to be alert and reflect. Did the other party discover something?

But he shouldn't have said the word"transformation" just now.

The curfew time has passed, and the dormitory auntie has closed the door and returned to her room to rest. At this moment, there is only one light in the hall on the first floor.

He Yubai said nothing, and the atmosphere was weirdly quiet. Jiang Mian swallowed his saliva and broke the atmosphere first.

"Don't be angry, I don't mean to be sarcastic to you, those are my sincere words, really, you are so handsome, it would be a pity for your face if you don't get married soon.……"

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, He Yubai said,"Jiang Mian, if you were a woman, why not become my partner?" No matter how much he had expected, he could not have expected that this young master would make such a unique confession in such an extremely weird atmosphere.

Almost scared to death by the heavy breathing, Jiang Mian rolled his eyes and said,"Wait until the next life!"

Looking at the back of the other party leaving angrily, He Yubai said,"How heartless!"

"But the next life is too far away."

He Yubai followed with something in his hand. The black bag was a little loose at the neck. The light in the corridor was dim, so he couldn't see clearly what was exposed. He only vaguely saw that it was a pink thing.

A grown man still likes pink things. It's a pity that Jiang Mian doesn't want to be a girl.

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