Chapter 143 The truth is not true

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yunniang was so frightened that she could no longer hold anything in her hands.

She knew that if Niuniu found her biological parents, it would be a good thing for her to have another pair of parents to love her.

But when things really happened before her eyes, her first reaction was to run away, taking Niuniu far away.

Zhang Yunniang has no other daughter. In her heart, Niu Niu is the best little girl.

She forced herself to calm down and said, "Tell me exactly what happened. Why do you have such an idea?"

Gu Yan told everything that had just happened. After hearing what he said, Zhang Yunniang's heart suddenly tightened.

"It can't be such a coincidence...there must be some misunderstanding..." Zhang Yunniang murmured.

Gu Yan was not willing to let his sister leave him, so he whispered: "Mom, what if it is true?"

Zhang Yunniang's face was tangled for a while. After a long time, she took a deep breath and said: "If they have difficulties and are willing to make it up to your sister, I agree with them to recognize this family."

Of course, if they treat Niuniu badly, Zhang Yunniang will also take this secret into the coffin.

There are thousands of thoughts hidden in my heart, and when I see the two children, I will inevitably bring them out.

Gu Zhao's mind was not on his homework. He tilted his head and looked at Zhang Yun's mother for a long time before saying, "Mom, your face looks so strange, as if you've eaten ten pounds of bitter fish gall."

Zhang Yunniang took a cautious look at Niu Niu and saw that her daughter was still writing seriously. After sighing in her heart at Niu Niu's well-behaved nature, she turned around and glared at Gu Zhao.

"Have you finished your homework? Your father will come back later and he will check." Zhang Yuniang said.

Gu Zhao quickly lowered his head.

In the main courtyard, Officer Li saw the old woman rushing in while crawling, and was startled by the unknown creature with a weird head and tattered clothes.

"What?" Li Yuanwai couldn't help but take two steps back.

"Master, it's me!" the old woman said vaguely.

The master and the servant quarreled for a long time, and then Mr. Li realized that this guy was the person he sent to the guest house.

"Why did you look like this?" Li Yuanwai couldn't help but ask.

When the old woman heard this, she almost burst into tears.

"Old slave seems to be having a particularly bad day today... except for falling a few times in the guest house... I didn't see clearly when I just entered the threshold and tripped again..."

The old woman's head is now swollen, with swellings or bleeding wounds. She is also lame on one leg and cannot lift one arm.

After the old woman finished complaining, she looked at Mr. Li eagerly, fearing that he would not admit his guilt.

Officer Li was annoyed by her staring at her. It was only a tael of silver. He was still worried and asked again: "Are you sure that little girl doesn't have any birthmarks on her body?"

The old woman nodded vigorously and said: "Master, I really saw it, I saw it three or four times!"

Seeing her swearing so confidently, Member Li frowned, but still gave her a tael of silver.

The old woman couldn't hide the joy on her face after taking the money. But as soon as she walked out of the main courtyard, her body couldn't bear it anymore. She fell directly to the ground with her head, knocked again, and rolled her eyes. No consciousness.

Gu Mingda went out for nearly two hours before returning.

When Zhang Yuniang saw him returning home covered in water vapor, she hurriedly took out a set of clean clothes, carefully wiped the water from his hair with a scarf, and asked another woman waiting in the yard to fetch hot water.

"Are the children still obedient?" Gu Mingda asked Zhang Yunniang.

"Ah Zhao is still the same as always, always wanting to be lazy when doing homework. Ah Yan and Niu Niu don't need me to worry about them," Zhang Yunniang said. Gu Mingda suddenly grabbed her hand: "You have something on your mind."

Zhang Yuniang originally wanted to wait until her husband took a shower before talking about it, but she didn't expect that she couldn't hide the slightest bit of strangeness from her husband.

Gu Mingda gently pulled his wife to sit down opposite her: "Mother Yun, what happened?"

Zhang Yuniang threw herself into her husband's arms and told him everything that had happened before.

"I have raised my daughter for a year. She is so good and cute. I really don't want to give it to others... but I am also afraid of delaying her..." Zhang Yuniang couldn't help but shed tears when she thought of this.

Gu Mingda's hand gently patted his wife: "Yunniang, maybe things are not what you think. Don't scare yourself. We can all see how much Niuniu loves you, and she will not be willing to leave you. ”

Zhang Yunniang forced a smile.

Gu Mingda continued: "The Li family is not as simple as it seems."

Zhang Yunniang immediately became energetic and asked, "What's wrong with their family?"

Gu Mingda said: "I went out to talk to Boss Qin before, and by the way I went to the postman's house."

The postman is from the village, and his father is also the village chief. Their family is relatively familiar with the affairs of the village.

"Strictly speaking, Li's wife's family is not from this village. Li's mother-in-law is the daughter of the Wang family in the village. The Wang family had too many children and could no longer survive, so they sold their daughters to Yazi."

"His mother-in-law is quite lucky. She was sold into a wealthy family in Guanglin Mansion by Ren Yazi and assigned to serve beside the eldest lady."

"I heard from the people in the village that she was very valued by the eldest lady. She went to the capital with her as a bride, and then married a steward and gave birth to Li Yuanwai's wife."

"Li Yuanwai and his wife suddenly returned to the village six years ago. After returning to the village, they bought land and property. They seemed very wealthy. They have not returned to the capital in these years and seemed to want to become rich in the countryside. "

When Zhang Yuniang heard these words, she felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Gu Mingda lowered his voice and said: "The village chief's wife is in the same situation as our father. They both suffer from confusion. But before I was at the village chief's house, she suddenly said something."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Yuniang felt important for some reason.

"She said that Mr. Li and his wife came back with their baby in their arms." Gu Mingda said.

Zhang Yunniang suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Mr. Li and his wife came to the village six years ago, and Niu Niu is exactly six years old now. This time point is too sensitive.

"But the village chief did not let her continue to say this. Instead, he repeatedly emphasized to me that Mr. Li and his wife did not bring their children back." Gu Mingda said.

Zhang Yuniang wanted to know the truth at this time.

Gu Mingda didn't show off, and said, "I asked the postman for a long time in private to find out something."

"Li Yuanwai's family has lived in seclusion since they came to the village. They rarely interact with the villagers, so they don't know how people outside know about them."

"According to the postman, the villagers felt that there was something wrong with the sudden prosperity of Li Yuanwai's family. They even suspected that they had stolen the money from the master's family, or that they had sacrificed the child to the river **** in exchange for their current wealth. good days.”

Zhang Yunniang was shocked: "Sacrifice to the river god?"

When she heard this, she felt as if she hadn't woken up from sleep. She almost thought she had heard wrongly.

First update

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