Chapter 144 Temptation

"This area originally had the tradition of using boys and girls to sacrifice to the river god. Ten years ago, the current Prime Minister was demoted to this place as the county magistrate and strictly prohibited this practice. Therefore, few people have dared to openly sacrifice their lives in recent years. River God."

"I just heard from the postman that there is no complete ban on using boys and girls to sacrifice to the river **** in private. As long as the desire for fame and fortune continues, this kind of foolish things will not stop."

"I guessed that maybe in addition to the village chief's wife, other people in the village also saw Mr. Li and his wife coming back with their children, and some even saw them throwing the children into the river. That's why they came up with this theory, saying that they relied on He sacrificed his own children to get the property and land he has today."

After hearing what Gu Mingda said, Zhang Yuniang's tears that had just stopped fell again.

"How can they bear with such a tiny little child..." Zhang Yunniang said with emotion.

Gu Mingda sighed and said: "They may not have really abandoned the child, and the abandoned child may not be Niuniu. Don't show your face when you meet the Li family in the past two days. It looks like it will rain for a while. I'll go back and test Mr. Li again."

While the two were talking, another woman came in from the guest house carrying a large bucket of hot water.

After Zhang Yunniang took the hot water, she asked casually: "Sister, why are you the only one in the yard? I saw another old sister before."

When the old woman heard this, she immediately looked unhappy and said: "That old guy spends all day cheating and playing tricks. It's rare for him to do any work. He must have been injured. Now he asked her family to hire a doctor for her. She I’m really addicted to pretending, and now I’m left with all the work!”

Zhang Yuniang didn't feel surprised when she thought about how the old woman had suffered a **** head fall.

But until the next day, there was still only one woman waiting in the guest house.

The mother-in-law, who had a gloomy look on her face before, now looks dazed.

"What's wrong with you? Have you encountered any difficulty?" Zhang Yunniang asked softly.

It was raining outside and they couldn't leave. Zhang Yunniang was still thinking about whether she could find a breakthrough point from the servants in the yard.

The old woman looked pale and said, "That old guy... No, Mrs. Ding disappeared last night."

"No more?" Zhang Yunniang hasn't reacted yet.

The old woman said: "I invited a doctor and prescribed medicine, but in the middle of the night, I suddenly vomited blood, and the person died after vomiting."

Zhang Yunniang was so frightened that she took a step back: "You were fine yesterday, why did you suddenly disappear after saying no?"

The woman's face was full of fear. Said: "Yeah, Mrs. Ding carried three buckets of hot water yesterday. It was really scary. I also carried hot water yesterday. Will I die suddenly like her... I'm so scared..."

Zhang Yunniang:…

An idea suddenly appeared in Zhang Yunniang's heart: murder and silence.

But suddenly she felt that she was overthinking it. Mrs. Ding probably told Yuanwai Li that Niu Niu had no birthmark. Yuanwai Li realized that this was not the person she was looking for, and there was no need to take action against Mrs. Ding.

The most direct follow-up impact of Granny Ding's sudden death was that she had to pay extra money for anything she ordered in the guest house.

Gu Mingda and his wife didn't care about the money. Instead, they thought it was a good thing. After all, this woman was so excited about money that she could get the news she wanted to know just by spending money.

Zhang Yunniang took melon seeds, cakes and money to go to the old woman, and the two worked together for an afternoon on embroidery.

The woman was a talker. She didn't even spend the money she brought. She just kept eating melon seeds and told everything about the master's family.

"Do you think this family is weird? If his family hadn't hired many helpers from the village every month, the people in our village would have kicked them out." "The male master is weird. He either burns incense and worships Buddha or invites Taoist priests all day long. I don’t know how many bad things I did when I was running a water and land dojo at home.”

"The mistress is not normal either. She lies in bed all day long, not caring much about her body. She is afraid that her husband will lose his popularity and give him many concubines. She spends her days worrying about this and that. Ask carefully. , none of the children are her biological children, it’s like her brain is broken.”

"They have a lot of cheap sons and daughters, and all of them are sick. It's either this disease or that disease. That's it. This couple even invites the husband to sit in the restaurant, hoping that the number one scholar will come out."

"My sons can't speak clearly. They look just like the fools in the village. My husband has taught me for so many years, but I still don't know a few words. I have so much money wasted, why can't you give it to me? I still can't give it to me." Thinking of him!"

Zhang Yunniang sat next to the mother-in-law, and she didn't even need her guidance. The mother-in-law said everything she should say and shouldn't.

Gu Mingda was not idle either. He took Sun Jiaxing with him and met Li Yuanwai again.

Mr. Li's thoughts were all about his sons, and he said, "I wholeheartedly hope that my sons will become talented. I am overjoyed when they improve academically, learn a few more words, and when my husband praises them."

Hearing this, Sun Jiaxing felt emotional and said: "All girls here are debts. As long as they are born, they will have worries in their hearts. Now in my heart, one side is worried about longevity, and the other side is thinking about Niu Niu."

Gu Mingda sighed and said, "Having your children by your side is already a great blessing in the world."

Sun Jiaxing also knew about the Gu family and comforted him softly: "Zhongde, you don't have to worry too much. Good people have their own destiny, and you will definitely find Xiaoer."

Gu Mingda thought of his lost second son, and suddenly he didn't want to continue talking, but he still had a calm look on his face.

Sun Jiaxing continued on the side: "I have a good friend. His only son has been missing for ten years. He thought he had no hope in this life, but he didn't expect that one day he went to Guanglin Mansion to relax. He happened to see a young man across the street and was moved. He turned out to be his only son who was lost."

"Zhongde, maybe one day you can meet the second son. The father and son can sit together and ask him how he has been doing these years."

Listening to Sun Jiaxing's soft words, Gu Mingda managed a smile and forced himself to pay attention to Member Li's expression.

There was no change in Mr. Li's expression, and there was not even a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

Gu Mingda couldn't help but have an idea in his mind: Li Yuanwai and Niu Niu might not be related by blood.

He looked carefully and saw that Niu Niu and Yuan Li didn't seem to have any similarities.

When he returned to his residence and heard his wife talk about the news she had found out today, Gu Mingda's idea became more and more determined.

"We don't need to ask anymore about how the Li family got their money. We will leave when the rain stops. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time." Gu Mingda said.

"What if the Li family couple is really Niu Niu's biological parents..." Zhang Yunniang was still a little confused in her heart.

"If it's true, then they probably used Niu Niu as a sacrifice to the river god. Who would keep it secret if they lost their child? Or even look for it? For such a cruel family, it would be better not to recognize the relatives." Gu Mingda said.

Zhang Yunniang nodded and said: "Ms. sir, even though you said that, I still feel very awkward in my heart. I always feel that Yuan Li may have something to do with Niu Niu's life experience."

Gu Mingda looked serious and said: "Now it has been confirmed that these two couples threw the child into the river. If Niu Niu is not related by blood to the Li family, but they are related, it means that they have a reason to kill Niu Niu. "

"If they really recognize Niuniu, will they kill her a second time?"

Second update

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