Chapter 34 Awakening

The young woman's mind was like a mess, and she said vaguely: "But she is the mother-in-law. If she wants to hit me, I can only bear it."

Niuniu tilted her head, with a look of confusion on her face: "Can my mother-in-law hit anyone at will? My grandma never beats or scolds my mother."

When the young woman heard this, she envied Zhang Yunniang in her heart, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Zhang Yunniang still waving her broom like a **** of war.

She suddenly felt that everything made sense again. When she met such a powerful daughter-in-law, even her mother-in-law would not dare to beat or scold her at every turn.

Niuniu asked again: "Can't you beat your mother-in-law?"

After hesitating for a moment, the young woman said, "She is my mother-in-law. If she wants to hit me, I can only bear it. If I dare to resist, I will definitely be criticized."

Niu Niu didn't understand any feudal etiquette. When she heard this, she only came to one conclusion in her little head: "Are you afraid of being pointed at by a thousand people? Or can you just say that your mother-in-law can hit people at will? You did something wrong." ?"

The young woman shook her head and said, "I did nothing wrong, just because she is a mother-in-law and an elder, so she is filial."

Niu Niu immediately said: "Can elders just hit people casually?"

The young woman didn't know how to answer for a moment. Ever since she was a child, everyone had taught her to be respectful to her elders and to be submissive. No one had ever told her that she could resist.

Niuniu looked at her and shook her head helplessly, and said: "I was beaten by my old parents before, but my mother said that it was because my old parents were wrong and they did something wrong. If they still dare to beat me, my mother will help me." I'll call back."

The young woman was confused: "What are the old parents and the new parents?"

Niuniu patiently explained: "My old parents are my parents in the past. I was sick before, but my current parents are afraid that I will be killed by my old parents, so they became my parents."

The woman managed to straighten out the relationship from Niuniu's words. She also didn't expect that the little girl who looked cute and as beautiful as a snowball would have experienced such an experience.

Niu Niu didn't know that this silly woman was pitying her. Her logic was always simple and crude: "You didn't do anything wrong and you are still being beaten. Do you like being beaten by nature? Just because of your filial piety, don't you care if you are beaten to death?" "

Young woman:…

He is born to like to be beaten, even if he is beaten to death, am he a very cheap person?

The young woman couldn't help but think about what Niuniu said. She usually tolerated her mother-in-law's small fights, but she only got her mother-in-law's intensified teasing. What would happen if she was really beaten to death by her mother-in-law?

Probably her mother's brother and sister-in-law would come to her husband's house and extort money from her.

When she thought that she was dead and still earning benefits for her brother and sister-in-law who were mean to her, her anger gradually increased.

Seeing the woman's stupid look, Niuniu sighed like a little adult and said: "Can you really not beat your mother-in-law? I didn't expect that you can't beat the old lady when you are so tall. I have always thought that when I grow up, When you grow up, you can beat others. It seems that I thought for nothing. "

Hearing this, the young woman's drooped head slowly lifted up. She was tall, standing next to her husband, both of them were half a head taller than him. Her husband's family often accused her of not having the dignity that a woman should have. Delicate and delicate.

Because of this, she didn't know how much she felt wronged.

Niu Niu's words gave her a feeling of enlightenment.

What she thought was a shortcoming could actually be her advantage. She had done nothing wrong, so why should she be beaten by her mother-in-law in vain? Is it just because she is the mother-in-law? It's not like she can't beat them!

The young woman's surname was Zhao, and her husband's surname was Wang, so most people liked to call her Lady Wang.

At this moment, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she had lived for twenty years, but she still hadn't lived a full life as a little girl.

"Little sister, you are right, I can't be beaten in vain anymore." After Mrs. Wang chatted with Niu Niu, she felt as if she had been reborn. Everything about filial piety and elders were all bullshit!

Niu Niu didn't know that she had awakened, but suggested: "If it doesn't work, just run faster. You are an adult and have long legs. It's not like my little kid who can't run fast. You can hide from your mother-in-law. She is older. I definitely can’t catch you.”

Niu Niu felt that she was beaten in the Zhang family before, all because she couldn't run fast.

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, I remember, if I can't fight, I will run away."

Niu Niu stretched out her right hand upwards, but she was too short and Madam Wang was too tall. Even if she stood on tiptoes, she could only touch her waist.

Although Mrs. Wang was confused, she thought about it and squatted down.

Niu Niu patted her head gently and said, "Don't be afraid, there is nothing more important than living well. I have a new home after surviving in my last home, and you will have a new home soon."

The little girl's innocent words made Madam Wang shed tears instantly. She suddenly felt that she was cherished by others, even if the person who cared about her life and death was only a five-year-old girl. After getting encouragement from the little girl, Mrs. Wang decided to change her way of life. She turned around and wanted to join the battle. However, she happened to see her mother-in-law running away screaming because she couldn't beat her. Only Zhang Yunniang was left holding a broom. Standing there majestically.

"Yun Niang, wipe your sweat, are you tired?" Gu Mingda walked up and handed over the handkerchief.

After Zhang Yunniang took the handkerchief, she put the broom aside, looked at the other onlookers, and asked gently: "Are you also here to blame my children for being too noisy?"

The onlookers had just witnessed the scene of her being possessed by the God of War. When they heard this, the weak-tempered ones were already frightened and took two steps back.

"No, no, your child is very well-behaved and not noisy at all." someone replied.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuniang laughed. Her family knew about her family affairs, and Niuniu and Gu Zhao were not screaming outside. No matter how loud they were, there was a limit, and it was also daytime. After all, she was still the old woman. He has a tricky temperament and wants to find someone to establish his authority.

After there was no more excitement to watch, most of the crowd dispersed, but a young woman who looked to be in her early twenties stayed.

The young woman was dressed simply and smiled heartily. When she introduced herself, she said that her husband was also a student who came to Fucheng to take the exam this time. Her husband's surname was Qi, and everyone else called her Mrs. Qi.

"I have long been disgusted with that old godly woman. How can she have the nerve to say that others are noisy? I live next door to her, and she often beats and scolds her daughter-in-law in the room. The sound is so loud that it can be heard in the house. Go outside, I said something to her, and she asked me to mind my own business, but you have the ability. If you make such a fuss, she will not be able to go out again." When Mrs. Qi said this, her face was full of relief.

Zhang Yunniang chuckled lightly and said, "If she hadn't provoked my children, I wouldn't have cared about her."

Mrs. Qi said: "Mrs. Wang has a very strange temper. Even though everyone is renting a house, she behaves as if she is the owner of the house. There is no one who lives in the same yard with her who has not been angry with her. Her daughter-in-law is the most angry." Pitiful."

Madam Qi suddenly saw Mrs. Wang's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Wang, standing aside stupidly, and she immediately stopped talking.

As if she didn't feel Madam Qi's embarrassment, Madam Wang walked up to Zhang Yunniang with a normal expression, gave a gentle salute and said, "Thank you very much, sister, for standing up for me about today's matter."

Zhang Yunniang hurriedly helped the person up. Seeing that Madam Wang did not blame her for being troublesome, but instead thanked her. She did not seem to be the kind of submissive woman. She liked Madam Wang a little more and couldn't help but said: "Your mother-in-law is a bad person." As long as I don't hurt you, I'll be impulsive."

When Lady Wang heard this, she looked at the innocent Niu Niu beside her, made a decision secretly, and said, "It's okay, I won't let her bully me casually in the future."

When Zhang Yuniang heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "It's not easy for women. We should all try our best to live our lives well."

Madam Wang nodded vigorously, then she left with her fists clenched, looking majestic as if she was about to go to the battlefield.

Madam Qi looked at Madam Wang's leaving figure and whispered: "Madam Wang is also a hard-luck person. Her parents left early. Her brother and sister-in-law only care about money and have a mean temper. Her parents prepared a dowry for her. , they were all kidnapped by my brother and sister-in-law, and they finally got married, but unexpectedly they met an evil mother-in-law."

Zhang Yunniang frowned and asked: "Where is her husband-in-law? Why did I fight with her mother-in-law for so long, and her husband-in-law didn't even show his face."

After hearing this, Mrs. Qi shook her head and said, "Her husband is not willing to get involved in women's affairs. He is a person who only cares about his studies."

When Mrs. Qi said this, she couldn't help but look at Zhang Yunniang with envy.

Their husband-in-law was a boy who was waiting for the exam, but the popularity ratio was irritating. Mrs. Qi's husband was mediocre in appearance and not outstanding in height. The only thing he could offer was that he was fairly knowledgeable.

It can be said that he is knowledgeable, but he has been taking the scholar examination for so many years.

Gu Mingda, on the other hand, is not only tall and handsome, he is also very considerate of his wife and even knows how to take care of his children.

While they were talking, Gu Mingda was playing with Gu Zhao and Niu Niu. He seemed to be an extremely patient and gentle person. Even if his wife showed her shrewish side just now, he didn't feel ashamed at all. He was always protective from the beginning to the end. posture.

Madam Qi is someone who knows how to comfort herself. Compared with Madam Zhang Yunniang, her life is indeed not very good, but compared with Madam Wang, she is like falling into a lucky nest. At least she does not have an evil mother-in-law who likes to tease people.

The lady Wang returned to her rented house. Before she even entered the door, she heard her mother-in-law crying to her husband.

"That daughter-in-law of yours is really a evil-hearted little whore. She just watched me being beaten and didn't even try to help me. She's still there. Maybe she's discussing with others how to harm me!" Mrs. Wang said loudly. .

Wang Yaozu frowned slightly when he heard this and said: "If you are not satisfied with her, just deal with her yourself. What's the use of telling me this? Don't you want me to divorce her?"

(End of chapter)

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