Chapter 35 Asking for help

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart. She thought her husband still cared about her and wouldn't let her go.

The chat between mother and son in the room continued. When Mrs. Wang heard what her son said, she immediately said:

"Divorce her now? No, now you have to rely on her to support your studies, at least until you pass the imperial exam. By then, her eyesight will be blurred, and you will marry the daughter of a wealthy family and continue our old Wang family. Incense.”

Mrs. Wang fully expected her husband to refute her mother-in-law's words. After all, in the past, when her mother-in-law went too far, her husband would stop her. When her mother-in-law was away, he would also say some considerate words.

She thought that her husband still cared about her.

Unexpectedly, the husband said: "Don't torment her day after day. She has to do endless housework during the day and cannot sleep well at night. How can she have the energy to do embroidery work the next day? She has made less money during this period. At least I need to keep her safe until I get admitted as a scholar, and then even if she dies, I can talk about renewing my relationship!"

"You won't necessarily die if you are blind." Mrs. Wang said in surprise.

Wang Yaozu sneered and said: "Whether you want to die or not, isn't it a simple matter? Isn't it difficult to understand that you can't give birth to a child and commit suicide in a well in the middle of the night?"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, not only did she not think her son was scary, but she clapped her hands and said, "Son, you are smart. This woman is tall and stupid. She is really not worthy of you. When you renew your relationship, my mother will definitely choose a good one for you." of."

When Mrs. Wang heard these words outside, her whole body became cold. She worked hard all day doing embroidery work in order that one day her husband would succeed in the imperial examination, and then she would be able to live a good life.

Now it seems that all this is her wishful thinking! She thought she was someone she could rely on for the rest of her life. She cared about her just to help her make more money, and he hoped that she would die so that they could continue their relationship!

Mrs. Wang's tears kept falling. She wanted to rush in and ask them why, but she stopped as soon as she took a step forward.


At least not now!

The nails on her hands dug into her flesh, and she forced herself to calm down.

The person next to the pillow showed a cold side. If she went in and exposed him now, I'm afraid she would die in the well tonight.

But where could she go?

Mrs. Wang stumbled out and ran out, passed through the moon gate, saw the corridor and the rockery.

The sky was so big that she didn't know where to go.

What should she do? How to survive?

Unknowingly, Mrs. Wang burst into tears. She didn't want to be seen, so she plunged into the rockery backstage in the corner of the yard, fell to the ground, and let her tears rage.

"Why are you crying?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

Madam Wang hurriedly wiped her tears and held a handkerchief in front of her.

"Don't cry. If anything happens, let's find a solution together. We can always find a solution." Niu Niu comforted her softly.

Madam Wang had stopped crying at first, but when she heard these words she couldn't hold back any longer, hugged Niu Niu and started crying.

Niu Niu imitated Zhang Yunniang's example, patted her gently, and kept comforting her: "It's okay, it's okay, don't cry if you don't want to, you are a good child, don't cry if you don't want to."

Madam Wang cried even harder. Since her parents passed away, no one thought she was a child anymore. Now she actually wanted to get comfort from a little girl.

Madam Wang cried for a long time, and Niu Niu also coaxed her for a long time.

She cried until she hiccupped and then stopped: "I...I...I really don't know what to do..."

"My mother said that no matter what the difficulty is, there will be a solution. If you can't solve it yourself, you can find someone who can." Niu Niu said that she liked Zhang Yunniang the most and kept every word her adoptive mother said in mind.

Although Niuniu didn't tell her the solution, seeing the little girl trying to help, Mrs. Wang was no longer as panicked as she was at first.

"I don't know anyone in Fucheng, and I don't know who to turn to to solve this problem."

Niu Niu said: "I don't know what happened to you, is it because of your mother-in-law? I asked my mother to beat her!"

Madam Wang shook her head. After thinking about it, she still felt that this kind of thing should not be told to children, so she said: "That's not the case. Thank you. I feel much better now. I am an adult and I should solve my own affairs by myself."

Madam Wang stood up and planned to leave. She couldn't drag Niu Niu down.

Niu Niu tilted her head and said: "Your mother-in-law wanted to beat you before, but you didn't cry. You are so sad now. You must have encountered a big problem. Let's go find my mother together. My mother is the most powerful. She There must be a solution."

The Queen was stunned upon hearing this.

Niu Niu puffed out her little **** and said, "Look how smart I am." She said, "You think I'm a child and don't tell me anything, but my mother is an adult and she can definitely help you!"

Madam Wang hesitated for a moment and said, "Your mother and I are not related, but she really willing to help me find a solution?"

Niu Niu said: "When you were beaten by your mother-in-law earlier, my mother was not related to you, so she still helped."

Madam Wang was stunned when she heard this explanation. She had no relatives in Fucheng and had little contact with other tenants in this house. She had been beaten often in the past, but no one stood up for her.

It seems like what Niu Niu said, the only person she can rely on now is Zhang Yunniang who just helped out.

If you just go to a stranger for help like this, will they think you are being rude? Madam Wang was thinking in a variety of ways.

Niu Niu didn't care about her random thoughts and took her hand and walked towards her home. When Zhang Yuniang saw the older and younger children from a distance, her face was filled with doubts and she asked her daughter gently: "Niuniu, why are you dragging auntie along?"

Zhang Yunniang didn't understand why Madam Wang, who had just left, came back again and was still with Niu Niu.

When they got closer, Zhang Yunniang saw the red corners of Madam Wang's eyes and immediately grabbed her hand: "What's going on? Your mother-in-law beats you again?"

Madam Wang's nose felt sore, and her tears fell again. She cried and shook her head: "Sister, save me."

Zhang Yunniang was stunned and quickly pulled the person into the house.

Wang Yaozu, who was in the backyard room, suddenly felt annoyed not long after Mrs. Wang left. For a moment, he couldn't understand why he had revealed his deepest plans like this. He couldn't help but get up and leave the house.

The yard was quiet at this time, and nothing seemed unusual.

Wang Yaozu kept telling himself that his wife should still be in the front yard and did not hear these words.

When he returned to the house, Wang Yaozu repeatedly told his mother that his plans must not be told to anyone.

After doing all this, Wang Yaozu was still in a state of anxiety. He grabbed his mother and said, "Why hasn't she come back yet? Go and see what she is doing in the front yard? Call her back."

Mrs. Wang always took her son's words as an edict, and without thinking much, she hurried to the front yard to find her daughter-in-law.

At this time, Madam Wang was holding Zhang Yunniang's hand, crying in a low voice about what she had secretly heard.

It was a matter of human life. Zhang Yunniang was just about to say that she should report it to the official, but then she thought about it. After all, the matter has not happened yet, so it is useless to report it to the official.

"You pretend not to know about this first, and stabilize them first. What did you want to do when you went back so angry?" Zhang Yunniang asked.

When Mrs. Wang heard this, she couldn't help but blush, and whispered: "I wanted to go back and make a big fuss with my mother-in-law, so that she can't hit me again in the future."

Zhang Yunniang hurriedly said: "Then do what you were supposed to do and vent out all the grievances you have suffered in the past. But they want to kill you. You must not let them know."

"You also said that they are still making money from you. At least you will be safe until the results of other hospital examinations come out."

"It's just that such a wolf-hearted man should find a way to reconcile with him as soon as possible."

Madam Wang's mind was originally a mess, but after hearing what Zhang Yunniang said, she felt as if a pair of gentle hands were helping her sort everything out.

Previously, she was worried that Zhang Yuniang would ignore her because she found it troublesome, but she did not expect that the other party would be so kind. At this time, she only felt that she was like a small boat sailing alone in the storm, and finally found the light that guided the direction.

"Sister Zhang, how can I reconcile with him?" Madam Wang asked in a low voice.

Zhang Yunniang sighed: "Mrs. Wang..."

Lady Wang suddenly corrected her and said, "Sister, my name is Liu Xiaoru. I have a name. I don't want to be Lady Wang anymore."

Her husband's surname was Wang, so others called her Mrs. Wang. Her husband and mother-in-law rarely called her by her original name. Over time, she almost forgot that she had a name.

Now that she knew who her husband was, letting Liu Xiaoru use her husband's surname only made her feel extremely disgusted.

Zhang Yunniang gave her a distressed look, then quickly changed her tune and said, "Xiaoru, if you want him to reconcile with you, the easiest way is actually to have a woman with a rich dowry want to marry him, but for someone like him, It’s really not a good match, and it hurts other women.”

Liu Xiaoru shook her head and said: "My husband-in-law has an ordinary appearance and doesn't seem to be very popular with women. Unless he ranks very well in the college examination, no young girls will rush to marry him."

Zhang Yunniang said: "Another way is to make his reputation seriously flawed and make people feel ashamed to be associated with him, so that it will be easier for you to reconcile."

The world is like this. It's easy for a man to divorce his wife, but it's hard for a woman to make peace with her.

When Liu Xiaoru heard this, her face showed a thoughtful expression.

"You have been married to him for many years, do you know what he is doing?" Zhang Yuniang gritted her teeth without waiting for her to answer, and said, "If it doesn't work, just make one up. The more outrageous it is, the better."

Zhang Yunniang wanted to help Liu Xiaoru, and hinted: "My stepmother is very powerful, but she can't do anything to my aunt, because my aunt is crazy, she doesn't care about face and reputation, she talks nonsense all day long, my stepmother If you see my aunt, take a detour."

Liu Xiaoru's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "As long as I can reconcile with you, I will do anything you want."

Zhang Yunniang couldn't help but ask: "Have you thought about where you should go after the reconciliation?"

Liu Xiaoru also had a difficult brother and sister-in-law at home, and Zhang Yuniang was afraid that she would be sold into the wolf's den by her brother and sister-in-law as soon as she left the Wang family.

Liu Xiaoru said: "No matter how difficult it is, it won't be as difficult as it is now. I don't know when I might lose my life."

Zhang Yunniang said: "Actually, if you think about it on the bright side, if he fails the exam, he won't be able to find a new home. You are still safe."

Liu Xiaoru shook her head and said, "I don't want to be married to such a wolf-hearted person!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Mrs. Wang's irritable shouting came from outside the house: "You dirty little whore, why are you hiding in someone else's house! Are you stealing someone behind my back?"

(End of chapter)

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