Chapter 406 A Story

Niuniu just felt that the adult world was too complicated.

When Wu Wulang heard this, he was silent for a long time before he said: "I...I want to tell you a story."

Niuniu waited patiently.

Wu Wulang said: "I want to drink water."

Niu Niu frowned lightly and said, "You are the one who harmed my mother. Although I don't think you are particularly bad, I still can't feed you water."

When Wu Wulang heard this, he felt regret that he couldn't understand. It was as if he should have interacted with Niu Niu at some point in the past. He had a vague feeling that he shouldn't be like this. Get along with the little girl in front of you.

However, Gu Mingda happened to overhear the conversation between the two. As soon as he waved, an official sent a bowl of water over.

The officer's movements were not gentle at all, and he directly poured the bowl of water into Wu Wulang's mouth.

After Wu Wulang choked a few times, he said to Niu Niu: "My hometown is in a small village. People in the whole village are planting ginger. If the price of **** rises in a certain year, then we can live a good life." If the market for **** declines next year, we may not even have enough food to last until the beginning of spring.”

Wu Wulang slowly described his past. Because of the special nature of his land, generations of people have made a living by growing ginger. It seems that if they had continued like this, they would have been able to maintain a state of not having enough to eat but not starving to death.

Until his sister grew up, the girl was slim and graceful, completely unlike a child raised by an ordinary family. Her face reflected all the strengths of her parents. When she stayed with the young girls in the village, everyone immediately Everyone will be watching her.

Such a beautiful daughter is destined not to stay peacefully in an ordinary person's home until she gets married.

That year, the children of nearby officials came here to hunt, and happened to meet his sister.

The youngest daughter of a farmer's family, with her outstanding appearance, could be considered a good thing if she was favored by a nobleman.

But it happened that these officials' children did not do human affairs. They did things unscrupulously. Horses trampled the **** fields and destroyed all the **** grown in Wu Wulang's family.

His sister came out to stop him, but she was treated inhumanely by this group of people. When Wu Wulang and his parents arrived, what they saw was his sister lying there in the **** field with dull eyes and disheveled clothes.

Although Wu Wulang was the fifth in the family, none of his older brothers and sisters were retained. His parents only had this son and one daughter.

When a family suddenly encountered such a thing, the first reaction was to file a lawsuit. However, when the matter went to the local government, not only did they not get support, but the government found any reason to slap the family and throw them out of the government office.

Wu Wulang was young and in good health. Although he was lame in one leg, he still survived. However, his parents were not in good health and could not survive the beating.

His sister also didn't expect that her parents were killed because of her own affairs. She was criticized by the villagers for losing her innocence. She couldn't bear such a heavy blow anymore and went crazy. She ran out and disappeared without a trace.

Although Wu Wulang survived by luck, the impact of offending the officials' children still continued. Those people seemed to want to eradicate the roots. Wu Wulang was bullied by the bullies in the village and could not stay in the local area, so he had to choose to run elsewhere. Trying to get my sister back.

"Little girl, do you think these officials' children should die? Is it because they were born into officials' families that they can massacre civilians so unscrupulously?" Wu Wulang spoke more fluently after drinking a bowl of water. At this time, he The resentment on his face was not fake.

Niu Niu's little face was full of tangles. After a long time, she said: "These people are indeed bad, but what does this matter have to do with my mother?"

Wu Wulang didn't expect Niu Niu to react like this, and he was stunned for a moment.

"My mother has always been kind. She wouldn't even step on an ant to death. She has never done anything bad. Why was she wronged by you?" Niuniu asked.

Wu Wulang said after a long time: "I did this wrong..." "Then why did you do this?" Niu Niu asked.

Wu Wulang said: "When you receive favors from others, you naturally have to do things for them. For me, my benefactor who helped me is more important than everything else in this world."

Niuniu continued: "Is your benefactor a bad person?"

Wu Wulang immediately became unhappy: "My benefactor is the best person in the world, she is not a bad person! She just has her own last resort!"

"But what your benefactor did was all bad! My mother is innocent, but she insists on throwing dirty water on my mother. Isn't this bad? Just because she is good to you, so you should erase her as a The fact that he is a bad person?" Niuniu asked.

Wu Wulang was speechless.

Niu Niu said: "You think those officials' children relied on their backers to act unscrupulously and harmed you and your family, but what is the difference between you and these people now?"

Wu Wulang immediately said: "I am not a son of an official!"

Niu Niu said: "You are not a member of an official family, but you kill people because of your strong martial arts skills. Isn't this also bullying others?"

When Wu Wulang heard this, his face went blank for a moment. After a long time, he said: "You are right...I...I have now become what I hate the most..."

Niuniu nodded seriously and said, "You can realize your mistakes and be a good child again."

Wu Wulang suddenly heard the three words "good boy", and he felt as if they were too far away from him. He shook his head and said: "I have too many lives on my hands, and I can't look back. "

"You can tell me who your benefactor is. If she does something wrong, she should be punished. My father also said that if you are truly good for a person, you must not let that person go astray." Niu Niu will She firmly remembers all the principles Gu Mingda taught her.

Jingzhao Prefecture Yin watched the conversation between the two, and his heart was in his throat at this moment. He couldn't help but wonder whether the difficult problem he had been interrogating for several days would be solved in the hands of a little girl?

Gu Mingda looked at his daughter tenderly at this time, his eyes full of pride and pride. His daughter was the most capable seven-year-old girl in the world!

Everyone was waiting for Wu Wulang to appear as the man behind the scenes, but after a long silence, he finally chose to shake his head.

"I can't say it, at least I can't tell you now." Wu Wulang couldn't explain his sudden affection for Niu Niu, which almost surpassed his benefactor. He almost bit his lips to force himself not to confess.

When Niuniu heard this, she seemed to be looking at a naughty child who was disobedient: "You will only make things worse and worse."

Wu Wulang felt the urge to cry at this time. He forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry, I let you down."

Niuniu sighed.

Wu Wulang added: "Little girl, you are a person with a good heart. There are many evil things in this world, so you should be more careful."

No one took this sentence to heart.

But in the next moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Wu Wulang, who was clearly talking to Niu Niu before, suddenly had a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Stop him quickly! He is going to commit suicide!" Gu Mingda said urgently.

There are always a lot of things to deal with on weekends. I spent a day running outside today, so the update is a little late, sorry.

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