Chapter 407 There is a clue

 The officials on both sides rushed forward in a hurry, trying to open Wu Wulang's mouth.

But by the time they started to move, Wu Wulang would no longer be able to survive.

Things happened so fast that Gu Mingda only had time to pull his daughter away and cover the little girl's eyes.

Niu Niu left the room, feeling depressed in her heart.

"My dear, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, don't hide it from your father!" Gu Mingda asked a series of questions.

Niu Niu shook her head, covering her heart, and said: "This is the bad guy who killed my mother. I feel very strange when I see him dead."

Gu Mingda didn't understand what the blame was for the moment. He only relied on his own understanding and said: "Maybe you think that although he harmed your mother, his crime is not worthy of death, but he suddenly died in front of you, which makes you feel uncomfortable. It’s normal, after all, this is a living human life.”

Niu Niu could only think like this and asked: "Dad, does he want to pay for his life because he feels sorry for my mother? But even if evil is rewarded, is the price too heavy?"

After careful consideration, Gu Mingda finally said: "Many things in this world are not exchanged at equal value. For example, our family's marinade workshop may earn more than ten taels of silver a day, but sometimes, ten taels Money can buy a life.”

Niu Niu tilted her head and asked: "Even if I don't think he wants to pay for my mother's life, he felt that he wanted to do it, so he did it?"

Gu Mingda nodded.

"But this way, I will feel uncomfortable instead. I feel as if I owe him something." Niu Niu said.

Gu Mingda patted his daughter on the shoulder and said: "A person may face many such moments in life, but you don't have to blame yourself for this. After all, whether he chooses life or death, it is not you who forces him, but He wants to do this himself, and other people’s choices should not be a burden to you.”

"Do you still remember what dad told you? You can't wrong yourself just because others use their pity to kidnap you."

After being relieved by Gu Mingda, Niu Niu reluctantly nodded and said, "Because I didn't kill him, but he chose to die, so this is his business, not mine."

Gu Mingda felt relieved when he heard his daughter's answer.

"Then what will happen to his sister after he dies?" Niuniu asked.

From the stories she heard before, Niuniu heard that this man had a crazy sister who was missing but was rescued by Wu Wulang's benefactor.

When Gu Mingda heard this, his heart sank.

Everyone can predict what a crazy and beautiful woman will eventually become.

"Although I shouldn't feel guilty about his death, I want to do something. Isn't it unfilial for me to think like this?" Niuniu asked Gu Mingda.

Niu Niu liked Zhang Yunniang the most. She cared about her adoptive mother more than anything in the world, but she couldn't understand it. She couldn't help but feel distressed when she heard about Wu Wulang's crazy sister.

Gu Mingda said: "You have such an idea because you are a good and kind-hearted child. As for whether your mother will be unhappy because of this, you can communicate with her before making a decision. We are a family, and we should deal with it when things happen." Tell your family frankly so that there won't be any resentment between you." Niu Niu nodded.

Gu Mingda turned his head to find Jingzhao Prefecture Yin and said, "If we can know Wu Wulang's sister, maybe we can find some clues from her."

It's not like Jingzhao Prefect has done nothing in the past few days. He sent people and neighbors to find out about this person.

"Half a year ago, there was a funeral in that house, and some neighbors came to pay their respects. It is said that the person who died was Wu Wulang's sister. The neighbors also said that his sister was a lunatic, because he took good care of him, and occasionally his sister was sober. At that time, it is said that before he died, he had a big quarrel with him. The neighbors next door heard him saying things like "helping the tyrants to harm others", and finally killed him with a pair of scissors. Some neighbors suspected that his sister was killed by him, but no one Report to the official." Jingzhao Fu Yin said.

It is precisely because Wu Wulang's sister died abnormally that the neighbors who were still friendly with the brother and sister walked directly around Wu Wulang's house, so the neighbors were not very clear about what was going on in the house during this period.

Niu Niu shook her head and said, "He will not kill his sister."

Gu Mingda thought of the story Wu Wulang told him. He felt that Wu Wulang's sister should have chosen to kill herself. But seeing her brother who once wanted to kill evil people become evil himself, his sister must have found it unbearable, and also He didn't want to become his brother's weakness, so he ended up like this.

The governor of Jingzhao heard Niuniu's rebuttal and said, "Who can say this clearly? After all, Wu Wulang seems to be a murderer without blinking an eye."

Niu Niu said with certainty after getting along with him for a short time: "I don't think he is such a person."

The governor of Jingzhao did not argue with the little girl, and turned to ask Gu Mingda: "Master Gu, now that the case has reached this point, I don't know how to investigate it. I don't know how to return to the emperor."

Gu Mingda naturally understood the hint from Yin Yin of Jingzhao Mansion and said, "I'll go to his house and see if I can find any clues."

When the governor of Jingzhao heard this, he touched his nose guiltily: "Since the person was arrested and brought to justice, his house has been searched many times. Some important things are here. There should be nothing missing. "

The governor of Jingzhao then showed Gu Mingda the results of their work during this period, including a house deed, several books, some weapons and clothing.

"Perhaps it's because this man has been licking blood from his knife for many years and has very few belongings with him," Jingzhao Fu Yin said.

Gu Mingda flipped through it and found that the house deed belonged to that house. Several books were all about the art of war. It seemed that Wu Wulang was eager to learn. He even thought about going to the battlefield. The thought of such a person should be a clean one. This person was actually taken advantage of by the bad guys and did not die on the battlefield, but died in these treacherous calculations. Gu Mingda couldn't help but say a pity in his heart.

What's even more pity is that he didn't find any more clues from it.

"I think my brother has also read these art of war books." Niu Niu suddenly said.

Gu Mingda's first reaction was Gu Yan. After all, among his children, only Gu Yan loved reading. But after a while, he also realized that the brother Niu Niu mentioned should be Xie Xingchuan.

Niu Niu stretched out her hand, picked up one of the books, flipped through it, and said, "This is my brother's favorite book. He said it was handed down by the ancestors of the Xie family. People outside have to ask the Xie family to read it."

Gu Mingda suddenly realized something was wrong, looked at the title of the book carefully, suddenly thought of something, and said, "There is a clue."

On the other hand, Jingzhao Prefecture Yin, who was still outside the situation, heard this and immediately asked: "What clue? Where is it?"

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