Chapter 408: Deliver it in person

Gu Mingda put his hand on the art of war and said: "This book comes from the Xie family. I have heard people talk about this "Dingyuan Lu" before. It is one of the art of war written by the ancestor of the Xie family, General Xie Shen. The family has always been unwilling to lend it to outsiders easily. The person who can get this book may be the person behind Wu Wulang who helped him get it. Please send someone to General Xie's house to ask about the history of this book. Who should I copy it to?”

The governor of Jingzhao immediately woke up. He wrote a warrant on the spot and asked his confidants to take him to Xie's house.

They just asked for a copy list, not the book. If the Xie family knew the seriousness of the problem, they would not shirk the blame.

Sure enough, the Xie family quickly sent over a list.

"The Xie family has said that the Xie family has always valued this book. They used to reread it and show it to outsiders. But ten years ago, the Xie family seemed to have figured it out. They no longer hid it and refused to show it to others as they did in the past. But every time Everyone who copied the books promised not to spread it casually. This is the list of books that have been borrowed in the past ten years." The confidant came back quickly.

The list was sent to the governor of Jingzhao. The governor of Jingzhao immediately handed it to Gu Mingda and asked: "Master Gu, take a look, is there anyone in this list who has a problem with you?"

After Gu Mingda took the list, he saw that there were not many names on it. The one in the middle was Li Ziqin's name.

He pointed at Li Ziqin's name.

The governor of Jingzhao was so frightened that he almost took two steps back: "Master Li? Aren't you and him from the same hometown? Why are there still festivals?"

Li Ziqin was now a third-rank official, and he had made a rescue mission not long ago. There was also a concubine in the palace who had been favored for many years and had just lost favor this year. The Yin of Jingzhao Prefecture did not want to offend the Li family.

Gu Mingda pointed to the other names above and said: "A total of five people have copied this book in the past ten years. Three of them are now on the battlefield and have not returned to Beijing for many years. One of them has died. In addition to suspecting Master Li, , who can you doubt?"

The governor of Jingzhao frowned and asked: "Master Gu, when did you and Master Li have a feud? And why?"

Gu Mingda said: "Master Li once thought about wooing me, but I refused."

Gu Mingda couldn't talk about Li Zhaoyi. After all, as long as he was involved with Niu Niu, even if Niu Niu didn't do anything wrong, just the rumor that the other party didn't like Niu Niu might damage Niu Niu's reputation. He couldn't let his daughter's Reputation casts a shadow.

When the governor of Jingzhao heard this, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said: "Master Gu, Master Li doesn't seem to be a petty person who holds grudges just because of such a trivial matter. Master Gu, it's better to think about it again, but there are still other things. Others have such motives.”

Gu Mingda felt that the case had already been investigated clearly at this point.

He is not a fool. During this time, he has been attacked by the imperial censor in the court. With so many people acting together, the news will naturally spread. Gu Mingda also has several friends in the court, and he has been reminded and hinted a long time ago. The person behind the censor's actions was Li Ziqin.

More importantly, he also received a letter from the magistrate of Guang'an County a few days ago.

Someone from the Li family went to Guang'an County to inquire about Gu Mingda's details, and even checked the files related to Zhang Guangzong. The magistrate of Guang'an County could not refuse the Li family.

After all, the Li family can be said to be the master of the whole Guanglin Mansion. Although the Guang'an County Magistrate cooperated with the Li family and showed them everything they should see and shouldn't see, he still thought about his old friendship with Gu Mingda. That's why people rushed to send this letter.

"Sir, just tell His Majesty the result. Your Majesty will decide in your own mind what the truth is." Gu Mingda said.

The governor of Jingzhao listened with hesitation. He originally thought he could get some credit, but he didn't expect that the Li family would be involved. From his perspective, Gu Mingda was retaliated like this just for rejecting the olive branch from the Li family. I ran to the emperor and spoke ill of the Li family. I didn't know if the Li family would retaliate. "Is there really no other consequences for this? Why don't you investigate more carefully?" Jingzhao Fuyin still wanted to struggle, and kept hinting to Gu Mingda to find another scapegoat.

Gu Mingda shook his head and said: "Master Li, the capital city is at the feet of the emperor. Everything that happens will not be hidden from the emperor. Just tell people that I found out these things. If there are any consequences, I will Take it upon yourself.”

No matter how reluctant the governor of Jingzhao was, he still reported the result to the emperor.

To be honest, after hearing the whole process, the emperor believed that these things were done by the Li family.

"Although those thieves are dead, the child abduction and trafficking must still be investigated to the end. This group of children have been rescued, but you must try your best to find the many lost children in front of you." The emperor did not say anything about the matter. Li family's punishment, but asked about another case.

The governor of Jingzhao also had a headache about this matter and said: "Your Majesty, Wu Wulang has an unclear relationship with the Li family. If your Majesty really wants to investigate the matter of child abduction, please allow your Majesty to agree to the interrogation of Wei Chen. Mr. Li."

The governor of Jingzhao said this deliberately because he knew that the emperor would definitely refuse such an outrageous request.

It had only been a long time since Li Ziqin rescued him. The emperor would not let Li Ziqin fall into that situation at such a time.

The emperor had no children of his own in the past, so he didn't feel much when he heard about this case. Now that his child is about to be born, he immediately feels the same.

At this time, both the monarch and the ministers present knew that if they wanted to find out the whereabouts of these children, the fastest way was to arrest the Li family and interrogate them.

The emperor frowned and said, "If you find it inconvenient to handle this case, let Gu Mingda handle it."

At this time, the emperor had begun to feel that there was a problem with Jingzhao Fu Yin's ability to handle affairs. Zhang Yunniang's case had clearly been handed over to him, and in the end it was all led by Gu Mingda.

Although the governor of Jingzhao was not happy about Gu Mingda showing his face in front of the emperor, he also knew that this was a hot potato.

As for Li Zhaoyi and Li Meiren in the harem, her face was as dark as water. Ever since she knew that Niu Niu had left the palace and returned to her family, she had been destroying things in her palace for several days.

"You can't hold your temper! It's just a child! She just wants to show off and engage in witchcraft!" Li Meiren scolded fiercely.

Liu Meiren practiced witchcraft because she was jealous of Concubine Shun. This incident was obviously not instigated by Li Meiren. Even Liu Meiren did not involve Li Meiren in the interrogation. However, the Queen Mother said that everyone in the harem knew that Liu Meiren had always been strict. The beauty looked up at him, and used this as an excuse to demote Li Zhaoyi to Li Meiren.

No matter how fierce Li Meiren acted, she could not hide the fear in her heart.

"It's back to the way it was...everything has changed back...all the effort was in vain..." Li Meiren thought to herself.

The servants who were waiting did not dare to come in at all. Miss Li San looked at her aunt's crazy appearance and hid in the corner, trembling with fear.

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it! I still have Your Majesty! I am his favorite woman!" Li Meiren suddenly rummaged in the dressing box and found an old purse.

She turned around and walked quickly to her niece, and lifted her up: "I can't trust others, but you should personally deliver such an important thing to the emperor!"

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