Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 118 Pathfinder calls Houston and discovers a UFO

Mars orbit.

A black "rectangular brick" quietly passed through the synchronous orbit of Mars.

"Calling the ground command center, Xuannv II has arrived at the synchronous orbit of Mars, please give instructions!"

Bai Yixuan's voice was transformed into an electromagnetic wave and transmitted to the earth 82 million kilometers away.

"Okay, the next step is to wait for the reply." Bai Yixuan shrugged and said helplessly: "We now have a full nine minutes of rest time."

Before Bai Yixuan finished speaking, Hong Fan on the side had already unbuckled his seat belt and stood up from the chair.

"This space suit is really well designed!"

Hong Fan walked in the cabin wearing special electromagnetic boots.

Under the action of magnetic force, Hong Fan's body was firmly adsorbed on the floor of the cabin.

Although there is no gravity in outer space, the carefully calculated magnetic force can perfectly simulate the feeling of walking on the earth.

Xia Wanyi, who was standing by, touched the silver-white space suit that was several times lighter than the original one, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly.

"That's right!"

"I heard from the ground staff that this space suit is made of the latest material developed by Professor Lu, and the cost is almost three times the original one!"

Hong Fan was secretly shocked.

Three times the cost!

Just as he was about to say something, a strong electric current sound suddenly came from the radio.

"Shh... shh..."

"The ground command center received it and started the mission!"

Lu Yongchang's slightly distorted voice reached everyone's ears.

Bai Yixiuan's expression was slightly serious, and he turned around and sat back in the chair. After fastening his seat belt, he grabbed the fully enclosed helmet on the side and put it on his head.

"Everyone, get ready, we are going to land!"

After the two companions fastened their seat belts and put on their helmets, Bai Yixiuan turned a few buttons on the console and pulled the joystick.

The flying posture of Xuannv II was slightly adjusted, and it plunged into the red Mars!


"Andrew, help me see, how many places have we not yet carried out the drilling mission?"

Bruno's listless voice echoed in cabin No. 1.

Andrew, who was sitting on the chair, stood up with difficulty, tapped the keyboard in front of him a few times, and glanced at the computer screen casually.


Andrew's spirit suddenly lifted: "Everyone, good news! We only have one place left to carry out the drilling mission!"

As soon as the voice fell, two teammates got up from the chair and jumped to his side.

Bruno's eyes were full of hope, and he asked anxiously.

"Where is it?"

"Is it far away?!"

Andrew tapped the keyboard again.

The picture on the computer screen turned into a satellite map.

The moment he saw the map, Andrew fell silent.

He pondered for a moment and said with a tangled face: "The distance is not far, but... we may need to climb a mountain."

"???" Bruno looked confused, "WTF? Climb a mountain?"

Joey on the side was also confused: "Andrew, are you sure?"

Facing the doubts of his teammates, Andrew sighed deeply, and then zoomed in on the satellite map.

The full picture of the crater appeared in front of the three people.

"The crater is about one thousand meters away from us, not very far."

"It's just that... the height of the crater is about one thousand meters."

"The depth of the bottom of the crater is about one thousand five hundred meters."

"I have to say, we are lucky."

"At least, this is already a relatively small crater on Mars."

As Andrew reported a series of detailed data, Bruno's mouth twitched slightly, and the light of hope in his eyes gradually dissipated.

Andrew smiled bitterly and looked at the two dejected teammates. Just as he was about to comfort them, he was interrupted by a sudden piercing alarm.

Listening to the alarm that had never sounded before, Andrew's face changed slightly, and he quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

"This is..."

After seeing the machine that sounded the alarm, Andrew's face changed drastically, and he muttered to himself: "WTF..."


Andrew's tone made the two "dead" teammates realize the problem.

Bruno quickly stood up from his chair and walked towards Andrew: "What happened?"

Faced with Bruno's question, Andrew did not answer, but just pointed at the screen in front of him.

On the radar map, a "monster" was rushing straight towards them!

"Holy shit..." Bruno's pupils shrank violently, and his eyes were full of horror.

After a brief moment of daze, he cursed, "Damn it! What the hell is this!"

Andrew had already sat back in his chair, looking at the computer screen nervously, and typing on the keyboard quickly with both hands.

More than ten seconds later, he swallowed lightly.

"Damn... this thing is about 80 meters long..."

"The flying speed has reached Mach 2!"

Joey's trembling voice came from the side: "This, this can't be an alien..."

Looking at the "UFO" getting closer and closer to the Mars cabin, everyone's eyes were filled with fear.

Andrew gritted his teeth, reached out and grabbed the radio device beside him, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Pathfinder calling Houston! Pathfinder calling Houston!"

"We found a UFO! Repeat! We found a UFO!!"

"It's coming for us!!!"

Seeing the "UFO" displayed on the radar stop above the Mars cabin, the fear in Andrew's voice seemed to become real, echoing in the small cabin No. 1.

One minute later.

"Is it... is it gone?"

Joey asked with a trembling voice, closing his eyes tightly.

Andrew plucked up his courage, slightly opened his eyes, and glanced at the radar screen.

He was stunned.

"How is it possible..."

"Huh? Is it gone?!" A trace of excitement flashed in Joey's eyes, and he quickly opened his eyes and looked out the window.

"No... it didn't go, it, it's hovering above the Mars cabin!" Andrew looked at the scene in front of him with rapid breathing, his face full of disbelief, "What does it want to do?!"

"Andrew... I think we made a mistake..."

Joey turned his head with a complicated expression on his face by the porthole, and pointed to the sky: "This is not an alien."

"It's a spaceship from Xia Country!"

Andrew and Bruno were slightly stunned.

After they realized what was happening, the two of them stood up from their chairs, walked to the porthole in two steps, and looked up.

They saw a dark black, rectangular spaceship circling back and forth above the Mars cabin.

On the side of the spaceship, a bright red flag deeply stung the pupils of the three American astronauts.

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