Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 119 This is just a notification, not a discussion

"Dip! Dip!"

"Unknown radio communication request detected."

Just as the three of them looked up at Xuannv No. 2, which was hovering in the sky, an electronic beep woke them up.

Andrew turned his head and glanced at the computer screen aside.

It is a commonly used radio frequency band in Xia Kingdom.

After looking at each other with his two teammates, Andrew took a deep breath and pressed the connect button.


"Hello friends from the United States."

A fluent and standard English came from the radio.

Andrew was silent for a while, then reached out and grabbed the microphone: "Hello, this is the American Pathfinder."

The next moment, a clear response came: "This is Xuan Nu No. 2 of the Xia Kingdom!"

"We are about to go to the ZHZ72 crater to conduct scientific research operations. We would like to remind everyone."

Andrew's pupils shrank slightly.

Crater ZHZ72.

Isn't this the next destination in the mission?

Before he had time to think, Andrew responded hastily: "I'm sorry, that's us..."

"This is just our notification, not a discussion!"

An extremely plain sentence came over the radio: "If it hinders our scientific research mission, we will implement some necessary eviction methods. I hope you will think about it carefully."

As soon as he finished speaking, the radio communication was cut off.

Looking at the rustling radio station in front of him, Andrew's face instantly darkened.

"They're gone." Joey looked out the window and whispered, "Captain... Captain, what should we do?"

Andrew quickly walked to the porthole, looked through the glass at the faint blue tail flame at the tail of Xuannv 2, and took a deep breath: "What else can be done?"

"Get ready to report the situation!"

"Also...the ZHZ72 crater drilling plan is temporarily canceled!"

"Brothers, what do you think of what I just said? Are you domineering?"

Because of the excitement, the sides of Bai Yixuan's cheeks were a little rosy: "Fuck... this feels so good!"

Hong Fan on the side curled his lips in annoyance: "Tch... I promised one person only, but you ended up telling me everything!"

Seeing the resentful looks in Hong Fan and Xia Wanyi's eyes, Bai Yixuan twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and coughed lightly.


"Next time, definitely next time!"


Houston Ground Command Center.

"Tsk...Call Houston..."

"Tsk...UFO, repeat, we found a UFO!!"

The silence of the Houston ground command center was broken by a sudden sound.

Hearing Andrew's words on the radio, Professor Chris' expression changed drastically. He grabbed the microphone on the side and responded loudly: "Pathfinder! Report the details!"

"Repeat! Report the details immediately!"

After putting down the microphone, Professor Chris looked uncertain. He turned around and shouted to the researcher on the side: "Quick! Report the situation to Director Moulton! And...your Excellency the President!"

Mars module.

"...Report the details immediately!"

Hearing the belated inquiry on the radio, Andrew had a bitter smile in his eyes.

He picked up the microphone on the table again and reported in detail what had just happened to the ground command center.

Then came another long wait.

"Houston got it!"

"Temporarily abandon the crater drilling plan, suspend all outbound inspection missions, and wait for notification!"

America, the White House.

Albert sat behind his desk with a calm expression.

"You mean, Xia's Xuannv 2 has arrived on Mars and stolen our scientific research goals?"

Moulton nodded vigorously and said angrily: "Your Excellency, the Xia State is too arrogant!"

"They even threatened to deport our astronauts!"

"Damn, how dare they do this?!"

Facing Moulton's angry complaints, Albert looked increasingly calm.

He waved his hand slowly: "Forget it, just bear with it."

Albert's reaction clearly shocked Moulton.

Moulton looked at Albert in disbelief: "Your Excellency, President? You, what did you just say?!"

"Ninja? Are you sure?"

"That's the scientific research goal of our country!"

Albert lowered his eyes slightly and sighed softly: "Molton, let me ask you, Xuan Nu No. 2 of Xia Kingdom should have set off 15 days ago, right?"

"It only took 15 days to fly from the earth to our Mars module."

"How long do you think it took us?"

Moulton's breath suddenly suffocated: "But, but this is not..."

"Enough!" Albert scolded in a low voice.

"We have failed!"

"We have completely lost this competition!"

"Tell those astronauts to prepare to come back."

Seeing that Moulton wanted to continue talking, Albert waved his hand with a tired face: "Okay Moulton, I'm tired."

"We have been dealing with each other for such a long time, so I would like to give you a kind reminder."

"It's time for us to consider our options."

The moment he heard these words, Moulton's expression was slightly shocked.

After a long silence, Moulton's eyes turned red and he nodded slightly before turning and leaving the President's Office.

Seeing Morton leave, Albert sighed deeply again, turned his head and said to the secretary beside him.

"Tell the media that I will hold a press conference tonight."


That night.

At the White House of the United States, the press conference site.

"...Here, I strongly condemn the extremely domineering behavior of Xia Guo!"

"Mars is the Mars of mankind, not the Mars of a certain country!"

"I hope Xia Guo can correct its attitude and contribute to the common development of mankind!"

"Okay, that's all I want to say."

"Does anyone want to ask questions?"

As soon as Albert finished speaking, countless hands were raised.

"Excuse me, President Albert, is it true that Xia Guo provoked our astronauts on Mars?"

Albert looked normal and nodded gently: "It's true. In fact, I have heard the conversation between the two. The words of the Xia Guo astronauts are very fierce and have no respect for our astronauts!"

"Excuse me, facing such behavior of Xia Guo, does the United States have any means of counterattack?"

Albert's face was a little ugly.

"The United States is a peace-loving country. In the face of the unreasonable behavior of Xia Country, we cannot fight violence with violence. We need to..."

"Mr. President, do you mean that in the face of Xia Country's provocation, the United States has given in?" A reporter interrupted Albert directly.

Albert's face flushed, and he angrily slapped the podium in front of him: "Damn it, listen to me!"

"Listen, the United States will never give in!"

"As for how to counter the provocation of Xia Country this time... We are still discussing it!"

"Okay, this press conference ends here!"

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