Zhang Man followed Wu Pengxing silently.

She walked through the crowd and entered a metal passage.

"Xiaoman, your name is Xiaoman, right?" Wu Pengxing's voice sounded.

The passage was empty, and there was even some echo.

"Yes." Zhang Man nodded slightly and responded in a low voice.

Silence fell between the two again.

Gradually, the passage came to an end.

Looking at Xuannv No. 2 on the tarmac in front of him, Zhang Man's eyes widened suddenly and he froze on the spot.

Xuannv No. 2 is obviously a bit too shocking for a child of her age.

"Wu...Uncle Wu, where are we going?"

Zhang Man swallowed slightly, his slightly childish voice full of panic.

Wu Pengxing chuckled: "Enough waiting, let's go to Africa."


[Tower of Babel] The bottom of the space elevator.

A large city built around the Tower of Babel.

Due to geographical factors, at this moment, the local temperature has exceeded 50 degrees Celsius.

Under such high temperatures, almost all plants and animals face a life and death crisis.

There are no pedestrians on the city streets.

There were only speeding trucks and trains running along the tracks.

In the sky over the city, Xuannv 2 starships were shuttled back and forth.

In order to increase the efficiency of material transportation, except for some managers, there are basically no real residents in the entire city.

Just lots of robots and robotic arms.

Under Zero's remote control, countless robots and mechanical arms transported materials to the huge space elevator.

Subsequently, the electricity provided by the helium fusion reactor drove the space elevator, transporting countless materials into space.

Unlike before, the sky above the city of Babel seemed extremely busy at this time.

Ships of Xuannv 2 came from all directions.

Under Zero's control, these starships entered the corresponding apron in an orderly manner.

space elevator

"Is this the Tower of Babel..."

Zhang Man looked through the porthole and stared blankly at the scene outside the window.

Between heaven and earth, a thin rope connecting the two ends suddenly appeared!

"How is it? Is it spectacular?" Wu Pengxing chuckled and said, "When I saw this thing for the first time, my reaction was much greater than yours."

As he spoke, he made a funny expression.

"Pfft." Zhang Man looked at Wu Pengxing's exaggerated expression beside him and couldn't help laughing.

"How long is the Tower of Babel?" She moved to the porthole, raised her head and looked overhead.

The straight thin line went all the way up until it disappeared into the thick clouds.

"If I remember correctly, it should be 91,000 kilometers."

"Wow!" At this moment, Zhang Man finally showed her expected performance at her age, "My home is about... 50 kilometers away from the county seat?"

She frowned, trying to figure out the quantitative relationship.

"Hahaha!" Wu Pengxing smiled and reached out to touch Zhang Man's head.

"I really want to go up and have a look..." Zhang Man murmured to himself.

Hearing this, Wu Pengxing's eyes showed a bit of regret.

He shook his head: "It's a pity that you won't have such luck this time."

"In order to speed up transportation efficiency, the current acceleration of the Tower of Babel is unbearable for humans." Wu Pengxing added, "Except under the protection of the hibernation cabin."

"Perhaps you will have this opportunity in the future."

Zhang Man nodded silently and withdrew his gaze.

"Captain Wu, we are almost there!"

A reminder sounded from the side.

Wu Pengxing quickly straightened his expression, turned to Zhang Man beside him and said: "Xiao Man, sit tight, we are about to land."

"I was entrusted by your parents to send you safely to the hibernation cabin."

Hearing this, Zhang Man's eyes dimmed slightly.

Wu Pengxing's mouth twitched, resisting the urge to slap himself in the mouth.

With such a broken mouth, why can’t he open the pot and pick up the pot?

A Xuannv 2 starship flew slowly towards the B45 apron under the strong sunlight.

Under Zero's control, its flight trajectory was unusually smooth.

Slow down, hover, land.

A series of operations are completed in one go.

In order to avoid being burned by the high temperature outside the starship, after Xuannv 2 landed, a hemispherical light-shielding curtain was automatically raised on the surrounding ground.

The refrigeration system was started, and after the surrounding temperature dropped to normal levels, Xuannv 2's hatch slowly opened.

Zhang Man followed Wu Pengxing and walked out of Xuannv No. 2 first.

Looking at the slightly narrow space around him, Zhang Man cast a puzzled expression on Wu Pengxing.

The next moment, a hole suddenly opened in the ground ahead, revealing an escalator leading to the ground.

Such a technological scene naturally shocked Zhang Man and other children.

For a time, waves of exclamations sounded one after another.

"Ahem!" Wu Pengxing coughed hard, "Everyone, please be quiet."

"Now, we are going to the underground base of the Tower of Babel."

"After the physical examination, you will enter the hibernation chamber to begin the 50-year hibernation process."

The content of the physical examination is simple, but also important.

Resistance to hibernation.

To put it simply, it is to test whether the human body will autonomously produce antibodies to hibernating hormone.

Although the probability is very low, in the face of the absolute base, there are actually not many such people.

This kind of people are collectively called hibernation insulators.

As the name suggests, they are insulated from hibernation. Unless new technology emerges, they will never be able to enter hibernation.

In a sense, this is extremely cruel.

Faced with their companions and family members entering hibernation one after another, these hibernation insulators cannot enter hibernation and can only quietly die of old age in the starship.

Hibernators wake up and find that their original friends or family have turned into a pile of ashes.

Hibernation insulators go to death alone in endless loneliness and solitude.

This kind of thing is an extremely huge blow to both parties.

Fortunately, there are no so-called hibernation insulators among the group of children led by Wu Pengxing.

After the physical examination, everyone entered their own hibernation cabins one by one.

Unlike the hibernation cabins for adults, the hibernation cabins for children are smaller, which also means that the same size of spacecraft can transport more people.



Zhang Man lay quietly in the hibernation cabin, waiting for the countdown in front of her to end.

At this moment, she suddenly thought of her grandfather who was thousands of miles away.

The bits and pieces of the past emerged in her mind.

When she thought that everything would be different when she opened her eyes again, a tear appeared in the corner of Zhang Man's eye again.


The countdown was reset.

Her arm hurt slightly.

After a few seconds, her consciousness began to blur.

The crystal tears slowly slid down her cheeks, and the indicator light of the hibernation cabin turned green.

[Hibernation Success]

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