Half a month later.

In the first laboratory of the Human Union.

"Professor, the escape plan has completed the statistics."

Zero's holographic projection appeared beside Lu Yongchang.

Lu Yongchang paused the pen in his hand and asked in a deep voice: "How is it, has the population exceeded 5 billion?"

While asking, he showed a deep worry in his eyes.

Letting 5 billion people escape first is the limit of what Zero can do at present.

Once it exceeds... some people will inevitably be left behind.

And these people who are left behind will cause some unnecessary riots.

"Professor, only 4 billion people have applied for the escape plan."

4 billion? !

Lu Yongchang was stunned and quickly raised his head to look at the holographic projection beside him.

"What happened?"

"Why only 4 billion?"

The holographic projection picture changed quietly, and a detailed statistical chart appeared in front of him.

"According to statistics, most of the elderly who meet the screening criteria have given up their qualifications."

Lv Yongchang stared at the statistical chart suspended in the air, muttering to himself: "...Why?"

"They think this can increase the success rate of the escape plan a little bit."

Zero answered quickly.

Hearing this answer, Lu Yongchang couldn't help but fall into silence.

That's right.

The fewer the number of people, the higher the success rate of the escape plan, which is natural.

He put down the pen in his hand, raised his hands to cover his eyes, and sighed softly.

After a long time, he put down his hands, revealing some red eyes.

"Zero, start the escape plan."

"How long will it take to complete the manufacturing of [Jianmu]?"

"About a month, professor." Zero answered immediately without any hesitation, "The manufacturing progress of [Babel] Spaceport has reached 80%, and the [Luanniao] project can be started at any time."

Lv Yongchang's eyes revealed some contemplation.

The living environment on the surface of the earth is constantly deteriorating, and the biggest crisis facing mankind is the solar anomaly, not the invasion of extraterrestrial civilizations, so the Luan Bird project has also made some changes.

Of course, according to the current technical level...

As long as there is an extraterrestrial civilization capable of invading the solar system, humans basically have no ability to fight back.

The modified Luan Bird I is larger than the original. After removing all weapon systems and unnecessary functions, it has become a truly large-scale population and material transportation starship.

"Zero, speed up the production of hibernation cabins, and let 4 billion people enter hibernation in turn."

"The hibernation location is selected under [Babel] and [Jianmu]."

"As for those who give up the escape plan..." Lu Yongchang showed some reluctance in his eyes, "Try to distribute some medicine to make them suffer less."

As he said, Lu Yongchang sighed deeply: "We don't have the energy to help them."

"Also, help me prepare, I want to speak to all mankind."


At the same time.

As the speed of solar anomalies continues to accelerate, the average temperature of the earth is now 5 degrees Celsius higher than the same period last year.

The melting of a large number of glaciers has caused the sea level to rise continuously.

All coastal cities around the world are constantly being submerged by sea water.

Under the organization of the parliament, residents of all coastal cities have moved inland.

The sparsely populated plateau has now become a paradise that everyone dreams of.

The former capital of Xia State.

Councillor Li sat in an air-conditioned office, looking out the window with worry.

A group of thick dark clouds completely covered the sky.

This is another effect caused by the solar mutation.

After the temperature rises, the sea water evaporates in large quantities, naturally forming large groups of dark clouds.

Although these dark clouds block most of the sunlight, they do not have much cooling effect.

On the contrary, the earth at this time is like a steamer that is constantly heated.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the earth is moving towards the aphelion at this time, which gives humans a chance to survive.

"The rain has been getting more and more frequent recently." Councillor Li sighed and asked in a low voice, "How is the migration work going on here?"

Hong Qiming's voice sounded on the side.

"The progress is good. The people in the coastal areas have been evacuated."

"But..." Hong Qiming said hesitantly, "Many elderly people chose to stay where they are. We can only leave some food and necessary comfort medicine for them."

Hearing this, Councillor Li's face suddenly dimmed.

Although he had expected such a result, he still found it a little unbearable when he heard it.

These are all human lives!

Although the People's Federation has been established, they still have the blood of Yanhuang in their bones!

After a moment of silence, Councillor Li asked again: "How are the casualties during the migration?"

The office fell into silence again.

"Chairman, casualties are inevitable in such a large-scale escape and migration."

After a long time, Hong Qiming answered with difficulty: "At present, according to incomplete statistics, at least tens of millions of people have died in various accidents."

Councillor Li took a deep breath, closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair.

A drop of turbid tears slowly slid down the old man's wrinkled cheek.

The old man slowly stood up from his chair and said word by word: "Qiming, help me get ready, I'm going to the front line."

Hong Qiming's expression changed drastically, and he stepped forward and pushed Councillor Li back to his seat.

"Chairman, please don't joke."

"Now, the entire People's Union cannot do without you. If something happens to you, the People's Union Council, which was formed with great difficulty, will probably..."

Member Li frowned.

He knew in his heart that what Hong Qiming said was right.

The People's Union had just been formed. Although there was no talk of a country on the surface, behind the scenes, everyone still retained the concept of a country in their subconscious.

Not to mention others, even he himself, when considering issues, subconsciously considered it from the perspective of Xiaguo.

This is inevitable.

Only time can erase this deep-rooted concept.

"But the people are now in the most dangerous moment. In this critical moment, I must..."

Before Councillor Li finished speaking, the light of a holographic projection suddenly appeared on the side.

"Chairman, Professor Lu applied to speak to the world."

Member Li's eyes suddenly emitted a dazzling brilliance.

He turned his head and looked at Hong Qiming.

"Qiming, it seems that our god-making plan will finally come in handy." Councillor Li said with a look of relief.

Hong Qiming nodded in agreement: "I believe in Yongchang, he can do it!"

Councillor Li nodded silently, and then looked at Zero's holographic projection again: "Zero, let all departments unconditionally cooperate with Professor Lu's speech."

"This is an order!"

"Okay, Councillor." Zero's holographic image slowly dissipated, "I wish you good health."

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