Mo Zeyang's eyes showed some emotion.

"Professor, are there any risks in doing this?"

As a scientific researcher, he immediately thought of the risks hidden behind it.

Lu Yongchang hesitated for a while and nodded silently.

"Yes, and the risk is not small."

"You also know the situation when Mr. Lin enters hibernation. The longer the time goes on, the lower the probability of waking up."

"Unless our medical technology develops fast enough, otherwise..."

"..." Mo Zeyang fell into silence again.

After thinking for a few minutes, there was a bit of ruthlessness in his eyes.

"That's it!"

"Professor, perform the wake-up procedure!"

"Rather than let Mr. Lin die in hibernation, let's give him the last hope!"

A dose of anti-hibernation hormone was slowly injected into Mr. Lin's body.

Time passes bit by bit.

The vital sign data displayed on the medical cabin gradually picked up.

But Mr. Lin's eyes did not open for a long time.

The laboratory was enveloped by a burst of low pressure, and all the researchers' faces were filled with dark clouds.


Half an hour later, Lu Yongchang looked at the stable vital sign data with a hint of weakness, and sighed: "Academician Mo, maybe there is no miracle."

Mo Zeyang stared at the old man in the medical cabin, and said with red eyes: "Professor, can you help me open the hatch of the medical cabin?"

"..." Lu Yongchang looked at Mo Zeyang in front of him and sighed again, "Zero, open the hatch cover."

Zero said nothing.

The hatch of the medical cabin slowly opened.

Mo Zeyang slowly stepped forward, looked at Old Lin's face which had regained some of its color, his lips trembled a few times, and he spoke softly.

"Academician Lin, there is something wrong with the third-generation quantum computer architecture you designed."

The moment the words fell, Old Lin twitched his fingers slightly.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, Mr. Lin's lips trembled slightly.

"...Wha, what's the problem?"

An extremely weak breath sounded.

"It...succeeded?" Lu Yongchang looked at the scene in front of him blankly.

Immediately, he reacted quickly: "Where are the medical staff? Get the medical staff over quickly!"

There was chaos in the biology laboratory.

As for Mo Zeyang, he cried with joy, stretched out his hand to hold Mr. Lin's withered and thin right hand, and said repeatedly: "Mr. Lin, there is no problem, there is no problem!"

"Where...where is this?" Mr. Lin opened his eyes slightly, glanced at the surrounding environment, and asked in an extremely weak voice.

"This is Mars!"

Lu Yongchang hurriedly stepped forward, bent down and said softly: "Mr. Lin, the earth is no longer suitable for habitation. We are now on Mars."

"The architectural method you designed has no problems after practice!"

Mr. Lin exhaled a long, thick breath.


"It seems like I didn't get much sleep."

With that said, he closed his eyes again.

Mo Zeyang suddenly became anxious when he saw this scene!

"Mr. Lin! Mr. Lin! Hold on! The medical staff will be here soon!"

"...Boy Mo, it's so noisy." Old Lin moved his lips again and said in an angry voice, "Let me rest for a while, old man."

The moment they heard this, Mo Zeyang and Lu Yongchang were slightly stunned.

Immediately, a faint smile appeared on their faces.

One month after Lin Hongsheng woke up.

Lu Yongchang sat in the office, silently looking at the holographic image in front of him.

In front of his eyes was a flashing red light.

That is the news that some ore resource reserves have reached the warning line.

Prospecting and mining missions to Mars are ongoing.

But unlike Earth, Mars lacks many important minerals.

As for the still has to be attributed to the huge meteorite that hit Mars 4 billion years ago.

The impact of the meteorite accelerated the cooling rate of the Martian core by an unknown number of times.

Mars, which has lost its large-scale active magma and magnetic field, naturally has no liquid water or life on its surface.

The lack of water flow and biological effects has resulted in a significant reduction in the types of minerals on Mars.

Although there are still many robots on the earth faithfully carrying out destructive mining tasks and constantly transporting them to Mars through space elevators and spaceships, this cannot meet the growing needs of human civilization.

"Zero, help me inform Fang Xu."

After pondering for a long time, Lu Yongchang stood up from his chair and walked towards the office door: "Get ready to hold a meeting."

"Conference on Space Mining Technology."

Proxima b.

Marus No. 12 swung his weak limbs and walked on the road in fear.

Looking around, there are basically tall and strong Proxima Centauri people on both sides of the road.

There were only a few like him, the frail Marus, who walked silently in the middle of the road.

At noon, the huge main star spreads endless heat to Proxima Centauri b.

Under the light and rays of the main star, Malus No. 12 felt a tingling sensation coming from his carapace-shaped back.

He wanted to go to the dark places on both sides of the road.

But this is not allowed.

Only normal Proxima Centauri people can walk in the darkness on both sides of the road. Malus hatched by the incubation center like them are not worthy of walking on it.


Marus No. 12's breathing holes opened slightly and let out a thick breath.

I really don’t want to go out!

But there is no way.

This is his job today.

To purchase some supplies for the adults in the incubation center.

Of course, it is not the supplies for the incubation center.

The supplies for the incubation center are delivered by special Proxima Centauri. He is a small Marus and is not qualified to do this job.

As for what to purchase...

It is nothing more than daily necessities for those adults.

After all, life in the incubation center is boring, and it is reasonable for those adults to have some fun.

Under the light of the main star, he couldn't help but think of the conversation a few nights ago.

When Marus No. 2 proposed to spread the news, fine and dense bumps appeared on the top of the thinking organs of all Marus present.

"Are you crazy?!"

Marus No. 7 shouted in fear: "If this kind of thing is discovered, the executed Atoka will be our fate!"

Marus No. 2 glanced at Marus No. 7 lightly.

"So what?"

"Are we just going to stay in the incubation center and continue to work for those adults so that they can escape from this planet?"

Marus No. 7 was speechless for a moment: "This, this..."

Marus No. 2 narrowed his three pairs of eyes slightly and said in a low voice: "Since no matter what we do, it's a dead end, why don't we make things bigger?"


Unprecedented silence.

In the small room, even the breathing of the crowd could not be heard.

Perhaps realizing the seriousness of the matter, all the Marus present held their breath involuntarily.

"Every once in a while, those adults will send a Marus out to purchase supplies." Marus No. 2 said in a light tone, "When the time comes, we can find an opportunity to spread the news."

"As for whether it works, it depends on our luck."

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