Marus No. 12 shuddered slightly.

Even under the blazing light of the main star, he still felt a little chill coming from behind.

Especially thinking of the plan proposed by Marus No. 2, he couldn't help but curl his back again while walking in the middle of the road.

He secretly glanced around.

The tall Proxima Centauri on both sides of the road obviously disdained to pay attention to the Marus in the middle of the road.

As for the Marus in the middle of the road, they were under the blazing light of the main star, with gray faces, walking on the hot road like a machine, and obviously had no mood or energy to pay attention to him.


Marus No. 12 opened his breathing hole slightly and exhaled a deep breath of hot air.

Then, he quickened his pace and moved forward according to the route indicated on the watch.

He didn't have much time.

If he couldn't finish purchasing the so-called daily necessities in the evening, he would probably be executed directly in front of a group of Marus like Marus No. 1 before.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The road became narrower and narrower, and there were fewer and fewer Proxima people on both sides, leaving only the expressionless Marus in the middle of the road.

Marus No. 12 turned his head and glanced casually.

When he saw the number of Marus in the middle of the road, his three pairs of visual organs could not help but reveal a bit of surprise.

So many? !

He raised his head and looked at the only dark black, round-shaped building in front of him, and swallowed lightly.

These Marus should all be here to purchase supplies for those upper-class Proxima people, right?

He didn't have time to think about it, and was pushed into the round-shaped building by the Marus behind him.

Following the instructions on the watch, he walked all the way.

Finally, he stopped in front of a clean and tidy store.

Looking at the tall and spacious storefront in front of him, he couldn't help but pause.

This was his first time to come out to purchase supplies.

Therefore, he didn't know what to do next.

Go in directly?

Or wait at the door?

Or is there a small door for Marus to walk through?

He knew nothing.

The smooth skin on the top of Marus's thinking organ No. 12 was constantly wrinkled, and his nervous and uneasy emotions were clearly visible.


A loud shout came from the shop in front of him.

The slightly high-pitched voice scared Marus No. 12 and made him tremble.

He quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

A tall female Proxima looked at him, and a smooth arc appeared on the skin on the top of her thinking organ.

That was the smile of the Proxima.

Smile? !

He was a little at a loss for a moment.

Was this smile released to himself or to someone behind him?

He subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him.

There was no figure.

"Hey! It's you!"

The voice came again, and at the same time, a sound of footsteps came.

"Are you here to purchase supplies from the incubation center?"

The female Proxima leaned down slightly, and the arc of the top of her thinking organ became more and more obvious.

She whispered, "If so, come in. Calculate the time, those adults should also send people."


No. 12 Marus sensitively noticed the address in the words of the female Proxima.

He quickly raised his head and glanced at her clothes.

Hmm... the quality of the clothes is not good.

It seems that this female Proxima belongs to the lowest status among the normal Proxima people, and also the largest group.

That is, the so-called ordinary people.

Even so, her status and his status seem to be separated by a chasm.

It is no exaggeration to say that these are two classes with a world of difference.

No, to put it more strictly, they are equivalent to two species.

After all, Marus has no gender and cannot reproduce.

Therefore, his three pairs of narrow visual organs revealed some doubts.

He has never seen a Proxima who would smile at Marus.

"Are you from the incubation center?"

It seemed that because No. 12 Marus had not spoken, the arc on the top of the female Proxima's thinking organ gradually faded, and instead, a slight wrinkle appeared on the skin on the top of her thinking organ.

"Ah, yes, I'm here to purchase supplies for the incubation center!" No. 12 Marus gave up thinking and responded quickly.

While speaking, he swung his weak and short forelimbs and placed them on the top of his thinking organ to show respect for the Proxima in front of him.

"Come in." The female Proxima turned around and said softly, "You don't have to be so polite to me. I'm just an ordinary Proxima."

No. 12 Marus was a little surprised, then put down his forelimbs and carefully stepped into this slightly high-end store.

"What supplies do the adults in the incubation center need this time?"

The voice of the female Proxima came.

Hearing the question, he quickly responded in a respectful voice: "I will send you the list right away."

As he said that, he stretched out one of his forelimbs and operated on his watch.

A few seconds later, the female Proxima turned her head and glanced at the display beside her.

"Okay, I got it."

"There are a lot of things, please sit down and wait for a while."

After that, the female Proxima turned and walked towards the warehouse behind the store.

In the huge shop, only the thin Marus was left.

He looked at the clean chair beside him and gave up the idea of ​​sitting on it.

He didn't dare.

After all, there were some things that Marus were born not to touch.


The waiting time was extremely long.

No. 12 Marus raised his front legs, looked at the time on his watch, and showed some worry in his eyes.

Time was a bit tight.

Suddenly, a conversation came from the warehouse behind the shop.

"Is Marus from the incubation center here to purchase supplies again?"

"Yes, he's waiting outside now!"

"You left him alone outside?! That's Marus!"

"... What's wrong with Marus, aren't they all Proxima Centauri?"

"You! How many times have I told you! Marus is the lowest, they don't even deserve to be called Proxima Centauri! Okay, you don't need to argue with me, go out and take a good look at that Marus!"

"... Oh, okay."

The conversation stopped abruptly.

Then, there was a series of footsteps getting closer and closer.

Marus No. 12 slightly opened his breathing hole and exhaled a breath of foul air.

Should he be driven away?

That's right.

As Marus, how could he be treated like this?

As he thought, layers of fine wrinkles appeared on the top of his thinking organ.

"I'm sorry."

The slightly weak voice of the female Proxima Centauri came: "You don't have to take my father's words to heart."

"If there is any offense, I apologize to you on his behalf."

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