A familiar alarm sounded.

Hope, who was sleeping soundly, slowly opened his eyes, and the door of the medical cabin opened automatically.

He coughed twice and coughed out the liquid left in his lungs.

While coughing, there was still some panic and confusion in his eyes.

The scene of the storm in the square yesterday was vivid.

Even his dream material last night was the surging waves.

He climbed out of the medical cabin with great effort, cleaned his body a little, and then turned over and lay on the big bed beside him.

Then, he closed his eyes again, turned over and shouted: "Mil, turn off the alarm!"

Mil is his mother's name and the name of his personal family smart housekeeper.

The moment the alarm stopped, a holographic projection automatically unfolded at the head of the bed.

An electronic synthesized voice came from the speaker next to him: "Mr. Hope, Mr. Hansen sent a communication request."

Every time he heard this stiff electronic synthesized voice, Hope would feel a little regretful.

What a pity.

The Academy of Sciences prohibits the use of real voices as dubbing for personal housekeepers.

"Reject." Hope yawned and then closed his heavy eyelids, "Tell him I'm too sleepy."

"Okay, the message has been sent."

The room returned to silence again.

In a daze, Hope felt that he had fallen asleep again.

This time, he watched the floods over the dam and submerged the entire City No. 1 into the sea.


What is this banging background sound?

"Mr. Hope, Hansen is knocking on the door."

The stiff electronic synthesized voice sounded again, pulling him out of his dream.

"Damn... didn't I tell him I was going to sleep!" Hope, who had been disturbed several times in a row, felt a little angry and sat up from the bed, "Mir, turn on the camera screen, I want to see what this guy is going to say!"

"It's turned on."

Looking at Hansen standing outside the door anxiously in the holographic screen, Hope greeted him unhappily: "Hey!"

Hearing Hope's voice, Hansen's expression suddenly became excited: "How dare you talk!"

"What time is it and you're still sleeping?"

"Did you know that the heavy rain outside has stopped?!"

Just woken up from his sleep, Hope, who was not fully awake yet, subconsciously retorted: "Heavy rain? What does the stopping of the heavy rain have to do with my sleeping..."

His voice became softer and softer, and he seemed to have noticed something wrong.

Hansen's tone became more intense in the loudspeaker: "What does it have to do with you?!"

"Do you know that in five minutes, the drone group of the Academy of Sciences will leave City No. 1?!"

"When the time comes, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

Hope shuddered again.

He was completely awake.

Seeing Hansen ready to turn around and leave in the holographic screen, Hope hurriedly called him.


Hope's house, living room.

Hope, wearing pajamas and exoskeleton armor, scratched his head with a smirk.

As for Hansen, he rolled his eyes unhappily.

"Ahem!" Hope reached out and turned on the holographic image generator in the living room, "Watch the live broadcast, watch the live broadcast."

Hansen wanted to say something, but was attracted by the picture in the holographic projection.

The port at the bottom of City No. 1 slowly opened.

Although the drainage equipment is very powerful, after a rainstorm of this scale, the ground near the port has become muddy.

The next moment, the camera angle moved up.

A team of drones lined up in neat formations came out of the port.

After circling a few times on the top of City No. 1, they dispersed to the surroundings.

The images on the holographic projection began to play in turn. Each drone had the opportunity to "go on camera" only when it found a valuable image.

First, what appeared in front of Hope and Hansent was the endless blue ocean.

Unlike the small waters before, this time, it was a real ocean.

Zero's introduction also sounded.

"After the completion of this planetary transformation plan, the area of ​​the five water areas in the equatorial region of Dawn Star has increased significantly."

"The original water areas merged to form the largest ocean on Dawn Star - the New Pacific Ocean."

"Unlike the Pacific Ocean in the Earth era, the average depth of the New Pacific Ocean is 500 meters, and the deepest is only more than 3,000 meters."

"At present, the six surface cities are all located on the edge of the New Pacific Ocean."

"Please believe in the quality of the city and the dam, citizens of the People's Union, this will not bring any danger."

"On the contrary, it will bring us a brand new living experience."

Hope looked at the picture in the holographic projection with a dull look, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

You call this a brand new living experience?

If you can talk, say more.

Before he had time to complain, the camera switched.

This time, it was a picture from the satellite.

At this time, Dawn Star has become a planet with alternating blue and yellow-brown colors.

The aftermath of the global storm has not yet dissipated, and there are still a lot of white clouds floating on the surface of the planet.

This scene made Hope and Hansent completely stunned.

Not only him, but all the people from Earth in the six surface cities were stunned in front of the holographic projection.

Zero's electronic synthesized voice was as bland as ever.

"In order to restore the landforms of the Earth era as much as possible, the Academy of Sciences has carried out precise transformation of the surface of Dawn in the past six months."

"Unfortunately, due to technical and time factors, the transformation project is not perfect."

"In many details, Dawn is still very different from the Earth..."

The picture in front of Hope gradually blurred.

A line of hot tears slid down his cheeks uncontrollably.

That, that is the appearance of the Earth!

Even though he was young when he left the Earth, even though he had not seen the appearance of the Earth for hundreds of years...

But he still recognized the planet in front of him at a glance.

"Hope! This, this is the Earth!!" Beside him, Hansen's voice was trembling.

Hope choked up and couldn't speak for a while, and could only nod repeatedly.

Indeed, this is simply the plus version of the Earth!

Although the terrain in some areas is still very different from the Earth, although the surface is bare without any vegetation...

But the general shape of the coastline and continental plates has already taken shape of the Earth!

Hope looked at the holographic projection in front of him with tears in his eyes, muttering to himself: "It's worth it..."

Hundreds of years of fleeing, at this moment, it was worth it!

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