The image in the holographic projection switched again.

Hope hurriedly reached out to wipe away the tears of excitement from the corners of his eyes, and stared at the image in front of him with his eyes wide open as much as possible.

I don't know when the satellite image in the picture has disappeared, and it was replaced by the real-life shooting picture sent back by the drone.

The global super storm unique to the surface of Dawn Star, and the extremely high intensity rainfall in a short period of time.

The combination of the two is an unparalleled power of terrain transformation.

The power of nature, wind erosion and water erosion are vividly demonstrated at this moment!

"Is this the A1 plain?"

Hansent's puzzled voice came from the side.

Hope frowned and carefully examined the scene in the holographic picture, and then nodded carefully.

"It does look like the A1 plain, but...where is the huge mountain range to the north of the A1 plain?"

Hope raised his hand in surprise and dragged the progress bar in the holographic projection back.

He even thought he had missed the picture.

But no matter how he dragged the progress bar, he could not find the huge mountain that separated the A1 and A2 plains.

This made him think he had found the wrong place.

Until the drone continued to move forward and a shocking scene appeared in the camera.

The huge mountain that stretched between the A1 and A2 plains shrank by half due to the combined effects of the storm and heavy rain!

"This..." Hansen rubbed his eyes, and for a moment he couldn't believe the picture in the holographic image, "How is this possible?"

Hope frowned and looked carefully, and said with a look of sudden enlightenment: "It is understandable. Located at the junction of A1 and A2 plains, this mountain range has been in a storm area all year round, and the surface rocks have long been weathered."

"Think about the canyon that Hong Fan and his team encountered at the beginning, and you will know that it was blown out by the storm!"

"Look, the weathered rocks on the surface of the mountain range have been stripped away by the storm and rain."

"There are even many metal veins exposed on the surface."

While speaking, Hope pointed to several areas in the mountains that were shining with metallic luster: "These are the minerals discovered by Hong Fan's team at the beginning."

"Single iron ore, chalcopyrite..." Hope said, counting his fingers like a treasure.

"This rainstorm has reduced the difficulty of the subsequent mineral mining work."

The drone continued to fly forward, and the picture in the holographic image slowly changed.

When the next scene appeared in front of the two, Hope's endless explanation came to an abrupt end.


Hope stared at the holographic projection with his eyes wide open. Even he exclaimed at this moment: "How is this possible?!"

As for Hansent on the side, he had already opened his mouth wide and stared at the holographic screen with a dull face.

In the picture, it was the large canyon connecting the A1 and A2 plains that Hong Fan and others had passed through when they were exploring for minerals.


There is no land inside the canyon now.

The turbid water rushed through the canyon!

The drone dropped rapidly.

The rumbling sound of the torrent hitting the canyon wall came from the speaker.


A huge sound came from the side.

Under Zero's control, the drone quickly adjusted the angle of view and pointed the camera in the direction of the sound.

Under the continuous impact of the torrent, a huge rock wall slowly fell off, and under the action of gravity, it slammed into the turbulent river below, splashing huge white waves!


Hansent's eyes twitched slightly, and he muttered something deep in his memory.

"I remember that in the plan, this shouldn't be a river, right?"

Hope nodded stiffly. In order to confirm his memory, he even turned on his watch and called up the original surface plan map.

The purpose of the canyon was clearly marked in the plan map.

Tourist attraction.

In order to commemorate the super storm encountered by humans when they first landed on Dawn Star, the canyon located at the starting point of the storm naturally became an important tourist attraction in the plan.

Even in order to reflect the difficulties encountered by the Hong Fan team at the time, the Academy of Sciences also prepared a unique tourist project in the canyon - sandboarding.

Similar to surfing.

In the powerful storm created by humans, tourists can experience the feeling of "flying" on the sand.

It's just...

Now it seems that this old version of the plan map is completely useless.

Hope turned off his watch helplessly.

He knew that this situation was probably not uncommon.

Under the power of nature, many terrain plans prepared by humans in advance may have become a joke.

The drone quickly climbed to a higher altitude.

The whole picture of the canyon gradually appeared in front of everyone.

Gradually, Hope saw the source of this phenomenon.

The river on the A2 plain burst its banks.

Under the impact of heavy rain and floods, the bank bursting is also a normal phenomenon.

The river water after the bank burst quickly washed out a new river channel and rushed into the canyon along the new river channel.

The drone screen changed its angle again.

After rushing out of the canyon, the turbid river water flowed into the A1 plain.

On the A1 plain, the river channel widened a lot and the water flow became gentle.

Finally, the turbidity from the A2 plain all flowed into the new Pacific Ocean.

The holographic screen switched again.

Lakes, rivers, oceans...

Time passed quickly, and the surface scenes of Dawn Star flashed before everyone.

And in a place that everyone could not see, outside the atmosphere of Dawn Star.

The circumplanetary climate control satellite network has been fully loaded until now.

There is no shortage of condensation nuclei in the atmosphere of Dawn Star.

Those extremely fine dust flying all over the sky are the best condensation nuclei.

The arrival of Nero not only brought a large amount of water resources to the dry ground, but also filled the originally extremely dry air with naturally evaporated water vapor even after a super-intensity rainfall.

Therefore, the sky is now overcast, and as long as conditions permit, a new round of global rainfall can be started at any time.

Until the atmosphere of Dawn Star completely enters a balanced self-circulation state.

This is obviously not what the Academy of Sciences wants to see.

One rainfall has caused countless rivers to burst their banks.

If there is another one...

The Academy of Sciences’ efforts in the first half of the year will probably be completely wasted!


Even now, the Academy of Sciences is still filled with a tense atmosphere.

Under the command of Zero and a group of scientists, the planetary climate control satellite continued to accelerate the progress of the atmosphere of Dawn Star entering a balanced self-circulating state.

More than a dozen hours later,

As the last drone returned to City No. 1, the live broadcast came to an end.

Outside the window, it was pitch black.

The city's day and night control system had shut down the main light sources in the city.

In the dark living room, Hope and Hansent stared motionlessly at the holographic image in front of them that was flashing with a little light.

In their eyes, there was a light called hope.

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