Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 455 Atmosphere Transformer No. 1

A week later.


Fang Xu's voice was full of fatigue: "The atmosphere of Dawn Star has basically stabilized, and the second phase of transformation can begin."

Like Fang Xu, Lv Yongchang's face was also filled with deep fatigue at this time.

During this week, in order to ensure that the atmosphere of Dawn Star successfully entered a self-circulating stable state, every researcher in the Academy of Sciences stayed up late.

Fortunately, their efforts were effective.

So far, the atmosphere of Dawn Star has successfully entered a stable self-circulating state.

A brand-new water circulation system has been successfully established.

Until now, the Dawn Star transformation plan has only completed the first step!

The next step is to transform the atmospheric composition of Dawn Star.

The transformation method is also very simple.

"Prepare to launch the Atmosphere Transformer No. 1." Lv Yongchang stretched out his hand and rubbed his face, and gave an order after forcing himself to cheer up.

"The launch standards should be strictly implemented according to the plan."


A week later, the port gate of City No. 1 was opened again.

This time, it was not a drone that came out, but the neatly arranged Xuannv No. 2.

Among them, a familiar voice came from the leading ship Xuannv II.

"Finally, we can leave the city!"

Hong Fan's distinctive voice echoed in the cockpit: "I have to take a good look at our new home!"

"Be serious."

Before Hong Fan could continue speaking, Bai Yixuan, who was sitting in the main driving seat, raised his eyebrows and interrupted him: "This is not a place to go out for fun."

"If there are any flaws in the atmospheric transformation plan, let alone me, even Commander Zhao can't save you."

Hearing this, Hong Fan subconsciously curled his lips.

But thinking of Lv Yongchang's extremely serious attitude before leaving, he still straightened up, straightened his face, and reached out to press a few buttons.

"The destination has been determined, and the route has been planned."

The electronic synthesized voice of the ship-borne weak artificial intelligence 1 sounded: "It is about to start accelerating, please fasten your seat belts..."


The original A3 area of ​​​​Dawn Star is now the coastal area of ​​the new Pacific Ocean.

A black Xuannv II drew a graceful curve and slowly hovered above the sea.

"Call the command center."

"I have arrived at the target location and can launch the Atmosphere Transformer No. 1 at any time."

Bai Yixuan said in a deep voice.

"Approved to launch."

With almost no delay, Zero's electronic synthesized voice came out from the radio communication device.

The moment he heard the order, Hong Fan, who was responsible for controlling the launch device, pressed the virtual button in the holographic projection without hesitation.

"Atmosphere Transformer No. 1, launch dose 1%."

The next second.

The cabin of Xuannv No. 2 trembled slightly, and its belly hatch suddenly opened.

The light green substance tilted down from the hatch, splashing huge waves on the slightly wavy sea surface.

The so-called Atmosphere Transformer No. 1 is a genetically modified cyanobacteria-like organism from the Ross 154 star system.

After genetic modification, they not only retain the original extremely powerful nitrogen fixation ability, but also enhance the photosynthesis ability and reproduction ability.

In an ideal situation, the cyanobacteria launched in this operation can cover all the waters on the Dawn Star within a year.

In order to prevent it from overgrowing, Academician Mao Zhengzhi painstakingly added a "self-destruct gene" to its genome.

When the external oxygen content reaches the preset standard, these cyanobacteria will immediately start the self-apoptosis program.

Within a week, all cyanobacteria will die.

As for the "corpses" after apoptosis, they will become the first batch of fertilizers on the Dawn Star, creating a perfect growth environment for subsequent earth creatures.

It can be said that the Atmosphere Transformer No. 1 is a magic weapon for humans to colonize alien planets in the future.

However, among the countless bright spots, there is also a disadvantage that cannot be ignored-it has extremely harsh conditions for the planetary environment.

First, a large amount of water resources are needed on the colonized planet.

The more water resources, the faster the transformation of the planetary atmosphere.

Secondly, as nitrogen-fixing organisms, there must be sufficient nitrogen in the planetary atmosphere.

Of course, there must also be a certain amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, otherwise, these cyanobacteria lack the raw materials for photosynthesis and it is impossible to produce oxygen out of thin air.

These rigid conditions greatly limit the size of its performance stage.

It was precisely because of this that the project to improve the Atmosphere Transformer No. 1 had already been approved.

"The Atmosphere Transformer No. 1 has been deployed." Bai Yixiuan checked the warehouse reserves and reported again.

"Scanning the algae density in the target waters, please wait..."

The moment Zero's electronic synthesized sound sounded, the scanning device on the abdomen of Xuannv No. 2 automatically turned on and kept scanning the sea surface below.

A few seconds later.

"The algae density has reached the standard, and nutrients will be released immediately."

"The release ratio has been calculated."

Hong Fan glanced at the holographic image in front of him and carefully adjusted the parameters of the release device.

After checking several times, he reached out and pressed another virtual button.

"The nutrients have been released." After confirming that the nutrients were successfully released through the ship-borne camera, Bai Yixiuan reported again.

"Confirmed." After waiting for a moment, the electronic synthesized sound sounded again.

"The A3-c008 area delivery target has been completed. Please go to the A3-c009 area immediately to complete the delivery mission."

After staying for a long time, the blue light at the tail of Xuannv II became brighter, and it left the original place in a graceful arc.

The camera slowly moved down.

In the azure new Pacific Ocean, a mass of green matter was slowly spreading.

Not long after, the sea water returned to its original transparent and clear appearance, and it looked like nothing had happened.

However, in a world invisible to the naked eye.

Under the sunlight, a series of fine bubbles continuously appeared from the shallow sea water.

After surfacing, the bubbles suddenly exploded, and the gas contained in them also entered the atmosphere of the Dawn Star.


June 5, 2386 in the Earth calendar.

The headquarters of the Human Union Academy of Sciences.

Lv Yongchang stood quietly in the command hall, looking at the holographic image in front of him.

In the huge holographic projection, real-time images from the satellite were projected.

Unlike Dawn Star a year and a half ago, Dawn Star now presents an extremely strange color tone - green with yellow-brown.

The yellow-brown is naturally the bare land on Dawn Star.

The green is the ocean area of ​​Dawn Star.

After a year and a half of development, the ocean on Dawn Star has been completely occupied by Atmosphere Transformer No. 1.

Every moment, they are absorbing nitrogen in the atmosphere and converting carbon dioxide into oxygen through photosynthesis.

"Professor, there is bad news."

Zero's virtual image slowly emerged beside Lu Yongchang, and a familiar electronic synthesized voice came from the speaker.

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