Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 465 Potential Population Crisis

"Where is the probe?" Lv Yongchang pondered for a moment and asked again, "Have the results of the probe strength test come out?"

Li Yuntian in the holographic projection nodded quickly: "As expected, the compressive strength of the probe has reached one million standard atmospheres."

"Although it cannot penetrate the deepest part of the ice giant planet, it can still bring us a lot of detection data."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang nodded with satisfaction.

"Hope and Hansent have just started to receive human body enhancement transformation. You still have about half a month."

"Continue to test [Poseidon]. I don't want any mistakes to happen at that time."

"Even if it's a screw-sized mistake!"

Looking at Lv Yongchang's extremely serious expression, Li Yuntian quickly straightened his expression and nodded in response.


After the communication was cut off, Lv Yongchang turned his head to look at the faint red light emitted from the holographic projection on the side, and his eyes showed worry.

After the human civilization of Proxima Centauri, the human fleet still encountered the same problem.

The space city nurturing center has greatly reduced people's willingness to have children.

This even affects the normal development of human civilization in the future.

According to Zero's simulation calculation, at the current fertility rate, in five hundred years, human civilization will usher in negative population growth for the first time.

This is undoubtedly a catastrophe for an interstellar civilization!

"Should we implement a public support system..."

Lv Yongchang muttered to himself worriedly.

As a pilot, the human civilization of Proxima Centauri has been declared a failure.

Will they definitely succeed?

Lv Yongchang was full of uneasiness.

Although there was no communication with Proxima b, the latest developments of the human civilization of Proxima b were actually submitted to him every day - while helping the Proxima civilization, the social science academicians of the Academy of Sciences were also constantly collecting data and improving the reform model.

According to the latest report of the social science academicians of the Academy of Sciences, the current situation of Proxima b is not optimistic.

It can even be said to be a mess.

The war destroyed several surface cities and several important urban supercomputing centers.

The huge gap between natural persons and public support people caused major accidents in the scientific and technological data of Proxima b - many data were scattered and stored in several urban supercomputing centers.

As several supercomputing centers were destroyed by the war, Proxima b lost a lot of scientific and technological data.

Although the human fleet can help in this regard, but...

The current population of Proxima b is too small!

A total population of one million is too small for interstellar civilization!

So small that they can't normally inherit the original scientific and technological system!

Even with the help of the Academy of Social Sciences and Zero, Proxima b can hardly recover from the last war.

No matter from which angle, the human civilization of Proxima b at this time has embarked on the road of chronic death.

That's why Lv Yongchang is so entangled at this time.

The role of the social public support system in promoting interstellar civilization is unquestionable.

But the process of promoting its implementation contains extremely huge crises!


One week later.

Shuguang Star Biological Laboratory.

Mao Zhengzhi and Lv Yongchang stood in front of two cylindrical containers more than two meters high, silently looking at the two people in the containers.

There was a hint of expectation in Lv Yongchang's eyes.

"Academician Mao, the enhancement should be completed, right?"

Hearing this, Mao Zhengzhi quickly glanced at the data presented in the holographic projection, and then nodded.

"Not bad."

"Seven doses of Magna enhancement hormone have been injected."

While speaking, Mao Zhengzhi stretched out his hand and dragged the holographic projection in front of Lv Yongchang.

"Professor, look, this is the picture sent back by the nanorobot."

"Some visceral membranes have appeared on the surface of Hope and Hansent's internal organs."

"It is estimated that in another week, the visceral membranes will be fully mature."

"This process does not consume much energy and does not require the help of the strengthening cabin and nutrient solution."

Lv Yongchang raised his eyebrows slightly: "You mean... they can come out now?"

Mao Zhengzhi nodded excitedly: "Yes!"

"The wake-up operation can be carried out at any time!"

Lv Yongchang heard this and said without hesitation: "In this case, wake them up."

"I think they should take some time to adapt to this new body."



The faint buzzer sound came into Hope's ears.

The tightly closed eyelids moved slightly, and then he quickly opened his eyes.

What came into view was a pure white room.

Where...where is this?

Hope's eyes flashed with doubt.

Isn't he undergoing human enhancement experiments in the biological laboratory's strengthening cabin?

The unfamiliar environment made him panic a little.

He subconsciously put his hands on both sides of his body, pushed hard, and tried to get up from the bed.


A huge force came from behind.

After a dizzy spell, Hope fell hard on the pure white floor.

"Fuck..." He squeezed out two words from his teeth, and then put his hands in front of his eyes and looked at them carefully.

He clenched his fists in confusion, but there seemed to be no strange feeling.

What happened just now?

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something, and tried to control his strength as much as possible. He stood up and jumped lightly.

Feel... a lot lighter?

The heavy burden on his body completely dissipated at this moment.

Even the long-term swelling in the abdominal cavity disappeared!

Could it be that this is not Dawn Star?

This thought flashed through his mind subconsciously.

"Hope, calm down, you are now in the observation room of the biological laboratory."

A familiar voice sounded in the room.

"Professor Lu?" The panic in Hope's eyes quickly dissipated, "I..."

"You have completed the human body enhancement experiment." Lu Yongchang's voice sounded again, interrupting Hope's words, "Congratulations, you have become the first real new human."

"You can now easily adapt to the 1.9g gravity on Dawn Star, you should be able to feel this very clearly."

Hope's eyes showed some joy, and he nodded quickly.

He hasn't felt this relaxed feeling for several years!

"Thanks to the increase in muscle strength, your strength will also be greatly improved."

"You should also be deeply aware of this." Lu Yongchang's voice was full of laughter.

Hope looked at the bed behind him awkwardly.

Indeed, he was deeply aware of it.

"In the next week, you will need to use high-intensity training to adapt to this new body."

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