"These are the training items. Are there any questions?"

After listening to the various training programs given by Lu Yongchang, Hope finally had a chance to speak.

He quickly asked the question that had been pressing in his mind for a long time.

"Professor, where is Hansent? How is he?"

No response.

At this moment, Hope felt his heart skip a beat.

No way?

"Professor?!" After waiting for a moment, Hope couldn't help but shouted again.

Because of his nervousness, his tone changed slightly: "Professor, how is Hansent?"

"Isn't it said that the technology is mature and there is no risk?"

Still no response.

Hope's eyes gradually dimmed. He lowered his head and looked at the ground in front of him silently.

Regret, sadness, confusion...

Mixed emotions washed over him.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" Just as Hope was immersed in grief, Lu Yongchang's voice sounded again.

"I just confirmed, Hansent just woke up a minute ago, and like you, he also fell to the ground hahahaha..."

"Huh? Why do you have such a weird expression?"

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Hope: "..."

"Ahem! No, it's okay!" Hope quickly twitched the corners of his mouth and showed an ugly smile, "I just..."

“I haven’t experienced such a relaxing feeling in a long time!”

"Yes, I am happy."

Fearing that Lu Yongchang would misunderstand, Hope emphasized again and again.

Lu Yongchang in the laboratory looked at the holographic image in front of him suspiciously.

Is this thing... worth being so happy about?

He felt the vague swelling in his abdomen, and an idea came to his mind.

How about... find some free time and let him strengthen it too?

"If you have any unusual feelings, report it as soon as possible."

After Lu Yongchang emphasized it hurriedly, he closed the holographic image in front of him and walked quickly in the direction of Mao Zhengzhi.

After a few minutes.


"Professor, please stop teasing me!"

Mao Zhengzhi's dumbfounded shout came from the laboratory: "You'd better wait for a while before doing it!"

"The number of samples is so small now, just in case you have three long and two short..."

"Aren't you trying to kill me?!"

Looking at Mao Zhengzhi who refused to give in at all, Lu Yongchang smacked his lips with regret and gave up the idea in his mind.

Another week later.

Lu Yongchang, who was thinking about how to solve the population problem, received a communication request from the space port.

The holographic projection slowly unfolded, revealing Li Yuntian's face.


Li Yuntian's voice came next: "All test projects have been completed."

"[Poseidon] Ice Giant exploration ship is ready to go at any time!"

Dormitory area of ​​the Academy of Sciences.

Hope and Hansent, who had completed all training projects ahead of schedule, were lying in the dormitory to rest.

Thinking of the upcoming journey, Hope felt a little restless.

He has always had a special affection for the sea.

In the age of the earth, he lived by the sea and always had his heart set on the sea, until a disaster happened and he changed his view of the sea.

He came to hate and fear the ocean!

When he was on Proxima Centauri b, when he was eligible to go out on a mineral exploration mission, the temperature on Proxima Centauri b had dropped below freezing.

All the water was covered with thick ice.

The ice has even continued to thicken over time.

As time went by, the negative emotions in his heart gradually dissipated.

The longing for the ocean once again arose in his heart.

And when Ross was 154, he didn't see the real ocean at all.

This regret has become more and more intense with the passage of time.

Until I came to the Gliese 555 star system and saw the small ocean on the Dawn star.

The long-suppressed emotions in his heart finally burst out.

It is precisely because of this that he spends all his rest time watching the sea.


He is about to travel to the ice giant planet.

There, he will see an ocean covering the entire giant planet!

Boundless, bottomless.

Thinking of such a scene, extremely complicated emotions arose in Hope's heart again.

There is fear, there is also expectation, and more importantly, curiosity.

He looked at the "window" aside. The theme of today's exterior simulation device was the seaside beach.

Looking at the tiny waves lapping on the beach, Hope murmured softly: "Hansent, do you think we can succeed?"

Unlike Hope, Hansant was addicted to surfing the Internet at this time.

While flipping through various entertainment news on the holographic projection, he said without raising his head: "Don't worry, you also know the data of [Poseidon]. If something unexpected happens like this, I don't think we need to resist fate." ”


Hansent suddenly stopped swiping his fingers, and his gaze stopped at the top of the holographic screen.

There is the latest news push.

Judging from the logo attached to the news, this is news of the highest priority for the People’s Federation.

Hansent clicked on the news subconsciously.

[The latest news from the People's Academy of Sciences. 】

[From now on, a total of twelve human enhancement pilot sites will be set up in six surface cities. 】


Looking at the accompanying video in the news, Hansent gradually opened his mouth.

"This is..."


"Aren't these Hansen and Hope?!"

A surprised shout came from the residential area of ​​City No. 1.

"Walter, what are you yelling about?" Another male voice sounded, "Are you listening to me? The Academy of Sciences just released the latest mineral exploration mission not long ago. When will we..."

"No, no, no, Xue Yan, don't worry about the mineral exploration mission, just take a look at this news first." Walter, who was sitting on the sofa, interrupted Xue Yan's words and waved his hands repeatedly, "I seem to know where Hansen and Hope have been during this period..."

"Uncle Hope?" Walter's words quickly attracted Xue Yan's attention.

He quickly stood up, walked quickly to Walter's side, and cast his eyes on the small holographic image in front of him.

"Human body enhancement project..."

"Enhancement pilot? Voluntary principle?"

Xue Yan was stunned by the words in the holographic screen: "Has the Academy of Sciences come up with some black technology again?"

"Don't look at the text, look at the video!" Walter reminded hurriedly.

Xue Yan focused on the video that was halfway through.

"Uncle Hope!"

He immediately recognized the figure in training.

The next moment, he saw the various training data displayed on the screen.

"This data... doesn't seem very good?"

"Look carefully, your Uncle Hope, he doesn't have exoskeleton armor on him!" Walter reminded softly, "This should be the human body enhancement project mentioned by the Academy of Sciences."


Xue Yan, who noticed the key point, took a breath and then pointed to a line of text below the video.

"According to the test data of the Academy of Sciences, the enhanced human body can perfectly adapt to the surface environment of Dawn Star and can get rid of the constraints of exoskeleton armor and medical cabins..."

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