Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 469 Start the landing procedure

Dawn Star City No. 1 Dock No. 3.

The spherical [Poseidon] exploration ship parked quietly at its own location, waiting for orders from the Academy of Sciences.

There are two small windows at the front of the exploration ship.

Through the window, two figures can be vaguely seen.

Hope and Hansant.

A large number of precision instruments and equipment were installed in the small cockpit, so there was not much room for the two of them to move around.

At this time, as they were about to take off, the two of them looked solemn and sat silently on their chairs, staring at the small window in front of them.

Outside the window is the familiar port of City No. 1.

Perhaps because the two were about to set off to an unknown area that humans had never set foot in, the atmosphere in the cockpit was extremely serious.

Hope subconsciously tugged on her collar and took a deep breath to relieve some of the pressure in her heart.

But it was obvious from his expression that the pressure in his heart had not diminished much.


Hansent's voice broke the dead silence of the cockpit.

Hope's Adam's apple moved slightly and responded in a hoarse voice: "What?"

"…do you regret it?"

Hope looked slightly suffocated, but then shook his head without hesitation: "I don't regret it. At least, now I am a member of the People's Academy of Sciences."

Hansent chuckled and said nothing.

"What about you?" After a moment of silence, Hope asked.

"Me?" Hansent whispered softly in a low voice, "Do you want to hear the truth or a lie?"

"..." Hope didn't speak, just turned his head and looked at Hansent beside him quietly.

"To be honest, I did regret it when I sat in this cockpit." Hansent took a deep breath. "However, thinking that I may be the first human to land on an ice giant in history, I want to drive ”

"When I come back, I can loudly tell that old boy Walter that Labor and Management is someone who has been in the Ice Stars!"

"Want to know what's inside the ice giant?!"

As he spoke, Hansent laughed and made an exaggerated expression: "I can even imagine the expression on that conservative boy's face."

Hope imagined the scene at that time in his mind and couldn't help laughing.

The original solemn atmosphere in the cockpit dissipated a lot at this moment.

"Speaking of which."

Hope looked a little more relaxed: "Do you think Professor Lu will come to conduct this time?"

Hansent was silent for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"Probably not."

"After all that happened..."

Hope sighed with regret: "What a pity..."

Although the process of taking off was not difficult, Hope always felt a little uneasy without hearing Lu Yongchang's voice.

"What's such a pity?" Hansent shrugged and reached out to adjust the seat. "According to the time, Professor Lu should have just completed the human body enhancement by now."

"When we arrive at our destination..."

"Hello, hello? [Poseidon], can you hear me?"

Before Hansent finished speaking, a familiar voice came from the radio channel.

Hope's dim eyes suddenly lit up.

"Professor Lu?!"

"You, why are you here?"

"What?" Lu Yongchang seemed to be in a good mood and responded with a smile, "Can't I come?"

"No, no, no, what I mean is..." Hope's face turned slightly red and he explained continuously, "Didn't you just complete the enhancement project?"

"Does this conflict with my command?" Lu Yongchang asked with a smile.

"No... no?" Hope couldn't help but doubt life, and murmured with a confused look on his face.

In the impression, it was difficult for him to even walk when he first woke up, right?

Why did everything change when Professor Lu came here?

"Okay, no more nonsense."

"Enter the deep sea chamber."

Lu Yongchang did not stay on this topic for too long. He clapped his hands and said energetically: "Get ready to go!"

"Start mankind's first in-depth exploration of the ice giant!"

[Call the command center, this is Poseidon]

[We have successfully entered the synchronous orbit]

[The exploration vessel is in good condition and the driver is in good condition]

[The route has been set]

[Preparing to enter hibernation]


In order to save supplies as much as possible, after entering the Dawn Star synchronous orbit, Hope and Hansent entered a state of hibernation.

Beyond the Dawn Star.

A small starship with a spherical shape drew a beautiful arc and accelerated towards the target planet with the help of the gravitational slingshot effect of the Dawn Star.

The Gliese 555 star system is not large, so the distance between the two planets is not far.

Driven by the latest Hall thruster, the distance between [Poseidon] and the ice giant is rapidly shortened.

In just a few days, [Poseidon] arrived near its destination.

Lines of faint text flashed across the holographic projection above the console.

[About to arrive at the preset location]

[Deceleration completed]

[Successful entry into orbit]

[Wake up the driver...]

In the cockpit, the two deep-sea cabin work indicator lights came on quickly.

The yellowish deep-sea liquid inside rapidly decreases.

The hatch opens.

Hope's eyes shot open.

"Ahem! Ahem!"

He coughed hard while getting out of the deep sea cabin.

Because he had just come out of hibernation, his body was still a little stiff.

He first glanced at the hibernation cabin beside him, and when he saw Hansent had opened his eyes, he put on his electromagnetic boots with confidence and walked to the driver's seat with a staggering step.


A crisp sound rang out, and the electromagnetic adsorption device on the seat took effect.

He coughed and pressed several buttons on the holographic projection.

When he saw the indicator light on the side, Hope endured the discomfort from his lungs and reported loudly:

"Calling the command center, cough, this is the [Poseidon] exploration ship, please reply, cough!"

"We have arrived at the destination, repeat, we have arrived at the destination."

"I have left the cabin and feel good!"


Beside him, the sound of the electromagnetic adsorption device came.

"Ahem, is this the ice giant?"

Hansent coughed and raised his head, looking at the blue planet in front of him from the small porthole in front of him.

"It's really... spectacular..."

Looking at the slowly moving reddish-brown "ribbon" on the surface of the ice giant, Hansen expressed his feelings.


Hope shrugged: "I hope you can say the same when we go in."

Before Hansen could speak, the working indicator light of the long-distance communication device lit up.

"This is the command center."

"Prepare to start the landing procedure."

Lv Yongchang's gentle voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Be safe, both of you."

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