Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 470: Crossing the Ammonia Ice Clouds

Hope took a deep breath, lowered his head to check the seat belts on himself and Hansent, and reached out to press the button on the holographic projection.

"The landing program has been initiated."


"Expected to start contacting the upper atmosphere in ten minutes..."

A bright red countdown appeared in the holographic projection directly in front of the two.

Hope and Hansent did not pay too much attention to the various sensor data jumping on the holographic projection.

In the absence of sudden unexpected situations, Yi was enough to control [Poseidon] to complete this landing operation.

Moreover, as a key project of the Academy of Sciences, Zero also allocated a lot of resources to [Poseidon].

Therefore, the two of them cast their eyes to the porthole in front of them.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to observe the ice giant up close!

As the speed of [Poseidon] gradually decreased, the distance between the exploration ship and the ice giant was getting closer and closer under the gravitational pull of the ice giant.

The overwhelming blue reflected in the eyes of the two pilots through the narrow porthole, and the suffocating huge sense of oppression came over them!

Compared with the giant planet, the small mineral exploration ship is like an inconspicuous dust.

This dust, under the influence of gravity, "unswervingly" fell into the ice giant planet.

Blue, endless blue.

Without any reference, Hope and Hansen could not even perceive their own status. Only the numbers that kept jumping in the holographic projection reminded them that they were falling rapidly.

Outside the porthole, a layer of light white "fog" gradually appeared.

The "fog" was very light and almost invisible without careful observation.

Hope glanced at the holographic projection.

0.01 standard atmospheric pressure.

"We have entered the atmosphere of the ice giant." Hope reminded his teammates in a low voice.

Hansen did not speak, but just looked at the porthole silently.

Like Hansen, every researcher in the Dawn Star Surface Command Center will stare at the precious image data sent back by the long-distance communication device.

"Ammonia ice cloud."

Looking at the gradually thick white "fog" in the holographic image, Lu Yongchang said in a deep voice.

It is exactly the same as the data sent back by the detector.

The upper atmosphere of this ice giant planet is filled with clouds formed by solid ammonia crystals.

The white clouds move very fast, indicating that an extremely strong storm is happening outside!


Lv Yongchang looked at the data sent back by the sensor and said in a serious tone: "The wind speed outside has reached 593km/h at this time, be prepared for impact!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hope had no time to reply, and he felt a violent tremor coming from all around.

He hurriedly glanced at the holographic projection.

0.5 standard atmospheric pressure.

0.6 standard atmospheric pressure.

0.7, 0.8...

As the atmospheric pressure continued to increase, the shaking of the ship became more and more violent.

The several Hall thruster nozzles set up around the ship played a role at this moment.

With the energy support provided by the nuclear fusion reactor, they maintained the stability of the ship as much as possible.

Outside the porthole, it was no longer an endless blue.

Instead, there was a fast-moving white "cloud"!

At this time, the exploration ship had fallen into the dense ammonia ice cloud!

As the altitude continued to decrease, the outside atmospheric pressure continued to increase.

But the wind speed outside was slowly decreasing.

For the [Poseidon] exploration ship, this was undoubtedly excellent news.

The world outside the porthole was getting darker and darker, and the thick ammonia ice cloud blocked the light from the main star.

"Hansent, turn on all the searchlights!"

Hope shouted loudly, resisting the dizziness caused by the violent trembling.

Hansent nodded with difficulty, and with a sullen face, he reached out and pressed the button on his side.

The extremely strong light came out from the ship, illuminating the surrounding atmosphere.

It was still a dense white cloud.

After falling for several minutes, they still did not get out of this thick ammonia ice cloud.


It was a huge lightning that penetrated the entire cloud!

The huge lightning spread rapidly to the end of the sight like a thunder dragon, dispelling the endless darkness in the distance!

Hope breathed rapidly, his pupils slightly dilated, and stared at the spectacular scene outside the porthole.

The thick ammonia ice clouds formed a series of "towering" peaks. Under the super strong hurricane, these "peaks" surged rapidly and changed their own shapes!

He could even imagine that between these extremely huge peaks, the exploration ship was like a grain of dust emitting faint light, constantly falling down!


Hope muttered to himself.

At this moment, there were no words in his mind to describe the strong shock in his heart!

It's worth it!

This trip is worth it!

This scene alone made him feel that he had no regrets in his life!

The surging clouds kept rubbing against each other, releasing one lightning after another.


"Lightning strike warning!"

Zero's electronic synthesized voice suddenly sounded in the exploration ship!

"Fuck!!!" Hope and Hansent's faces changed drastically, and they shouted in unison.

"Calm down!" Lu Yongchang's voice came from the loudspeaker, "Theoretically, the magnetic field shield equipped on the exploration ship can withstand these lightning!"


Looking at the rapidly approaching golden electric light, Hansent felt his scalp tingling!

Zero's electronic synthesized voice interrupted Hansent's words.

"The magnetic field shield is being activated!"

"The magnetic field shield has been activated!"

A silver snake spread from the end of the sight and slashed directly at the exploration ship!

The golden electric light instantly engulfed the [Poseidon] exploration ship!

"The Hall propulsion device is restarting..."

"The shield generation unit is recharging again..."

Zero's voice sounded in the dark cockpit, and the lighting device started working again, quickly dispelling the surrounding darkness.

"Fuck...Fuck...Brother, we survived!"

Hansent swallowed hard and said in a trembling voice: "It's really exciting!!!"

"When I go back, I must show off to them!"

"Hope?" Hansent frowned without hearing a response and turned his head to look in Hope's direction, "Don't you think it's exciting?"

Hope stared straight at the narrow porthole in front of him.

"Exciting?" Hope muttered to himself, "I hope you can be so stubborn later..."

Hansent followed Hope's gaze.

Seeing a golden lightning snake with an invincible momentum sweeping in from a distance!

Hansent: "..."


"Is it over..."

Hansent's trembling voice came from the side: "Brother, are you still alive?"

Hope checked the damage to the hull of the exploration ship and said faintly: "Is it exciting?"

Hansent: "..."

"Not exciting, not exciting..."

"I don't want to experience it again in my life!!"

Hope breathed a sigh of relief after completing the inspection and glanced at Hansent with a strange look.

"There are two pieces of news."

"The good news is that Professor Lu is still reliable, and the exploration ship has basically not suffered any damage."

Hansent swallowed slightly: "What about the bad news?"

"I'm afraid your wish will be unfulfilled." Hope shrugged and said in a teasing tone.

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will have to experience such a scene again when we go back."

Hansent: "..."

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