Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 528 Restarting the Research Project

"Eighth level civilization..."

Wang Mingyuan's pupils dilated slightly, swallowed hard, and murmured to himself.

"It may even be an alliance formed by several eighth-level civilizations." Academician Tang sighed in a low voice, "Human beings want to survive in the universe..."

"It's difficult, it's too difficult!" As he said this, Academician Tang shook his head repeatedly.

"But why would such a powerful being notice humans?" Qin Sheng's face was full of confusion.

Upon hearing this, Academician Tang sighed deeply.

"During Ross 154, humans were forced to get involved in this dispute..."

As he spoke, Academician Tang shook his head hesitantly and corrected: "No, to be more precise, humans were involved when we were on Earth."

"Forget it, these are things that the Academy of Sciences should worry about." Academician Tang turned around with a lonely look, waved his hand and said, "Just follow the arrangements of the Academy of Sciences."

"Professor Lu, I won't lie to you."

Qin Sheng and Wang Mingyuan watched Academician Tang leave the office.


They looked at each other speechlessly.

On the other side, the Dawn Star Academy of Sciences.

"Professor, the hibernation plan has been successfully launched."

An electronic synthesized voice came from a speaker on the side: "The Dyson Sphere Phase II project has been stopped, and the Dyson Cloud antimatter preparation system is operating at full power."

"The ice giant star gold mining project and the gas giant planet collection project are in progress simultaneously."

Lu Yongchang looked at the projects being executed one after another in the holographic projection, with a hint of exhaustion in his eyes.

"Is there any news from He Bilin?"

"Not yet." Zero responded quickly, "Academician He is doing his best to screen the observation data."

Lu Yongchang was silent for a while, then slowly stood up from the chair: "Ling, let Fang Xu come to my place."

"I want to start another two-dimensional fragment research project!"

"I don't agree!"

"This is too dangerous!"

Fang Xu's voice of objection came from the front: "If [the painting] is not dead, if we study it rashly, it will inevitably lead to uncontrollable situations!"

"Yongchang, have you forgotten how [the painting] was resurrected?"

Behind the desk, Lu Yongchang looked at Fang Xu in front of him calmly: "Of course I remember."

"But humans today have no hope of survival at all!"

"According to what [Paint] said, the pastoral civilization is filled with a group of dimensional creatures."

"You've seen two-dimensional creatures before. If [Hua] hadn't committed suicide, it would be impossible for humans to survive!"

"What if there are four-dimensional, five-dimensional, or even six-dimensional creatures?"

"If they receive a message from [the painting], how will humans escape?"

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang sighed softly: "The surrounding habitable star systems are too far away."

"Even if an anti-matter engine is used, it can only increase the maximum cruising speed of the human fleet to 50% of the speed of light!"

"This is too slow!"

Fang Xu fell into silence.

After a long time, he also sighed: "However, studying two-dimensional fragments cannot bring any changes to the current human beings."

"No!" Lu Yongchang stood up from his chair, looked at Fang Xu with piercing eyes, and shouted in a deep voice, "There has been a change!"

"Remember the gravity shield outside the restraints?"

"I want to analyze the mystery of gravity from this!"

Speaking of this, Lu Yongchang took a deep breath: "As long as we can master gravity, we can master curvature navigation technology!"

"In this way, humans will be able to travel to more distant habitable star systems!"

"Instead of surviving in such a small area of ​​fifty light years!"

"What's more, I think that as long as we escape the first round of searches, humanity has hope of survival!"

"Why?" Fang Xu asked with a confused expression, "[Painting] died in our hands, how could the pastoral civilization let us go?"

The corners of Lu Yongchang's mouth raised slightly: "Do you still remember the civilization of the sweepers mentioned in [the painting]?"

Fang Xu was startled, and a vague idea came to his mind: "You mean..."

"That's right." The smile on Lu Yongchang's face became even bigger. "According to [Hua], in order to avoid accidents in the ring universe particle accelerator, the sweeper civilization is constantly searching for traces of the pastoral civilization."

"What do you think will happen if the pastoral civilization comes to the Milky Way?"

There was a hint of excitement in Fang Xu's eyes, and he slowly uttered a word: "War."

"Yes! It's war!" Lu Yongchang clapped his hands gently, "This is the chance for human civilization to survive."

"Even if the pastoral civilization came to the galaxy for us, would the sweeper civilization believe it?"

"By then..."

"I'm afraid they don't have time to take care of us, a little shrimp!"

Fang Xu suddenly stood up from his chair, clasped his hands behind his back, paced back and forth in the office, and kept mumbling something.

Gradually, the light in Fang Xu's eyes became brighter and brighter!

Suddenly, he raised his head and stared directly at Lu Yongchang: "What if there is [Paint]'s backhand in the restraint device?"

"What should we do then?"

Lu Yongchang shrugged and said with a free and easy expression: "Now that things have come to this, what else can we do besides taking a gamble?"

"It can't get any worse, can it?"

Fang Xu smiled bitterly.

That's right.

The human condition could not get any worse.

Fang Xu took a deep breath and calmed down the turbulent emotions in his heart: "In that case, let's start researching as soon as possible."

"We... humans, don't have much time!"


Three days later.

The first laboratory of the Dawn Star Human Alliance Academy.

Lv Yongchang stared at the picture in the holographic projection with full concentration.

With the experience of the first "disassembly", the second disassembly process seemed particularly smooth.

Not long after, under Zero's control, several robots easily removed the "masking equipment" around the restraint device, revealing the core area.

In the holographic picture, the core area is the same black unknown substance, and the outer area is an absurdly powerful gravitational shield.

"Sure enough..."

Lv Yongchang looked at the familiar scene and muttered to himself: "There is no two-dimensional core at all."

"【Hua】 lied to us from the beginning."

Fang Xu did not reply. He was highly focused and stared at the black unknown substance in the core area.

Last time, 【Hua】 came out from here!

"Don't worry." Lv Yongchang patted Fang Xu's shoulder gently, "I don't think the [painting] will hide in here."

"These two-dimensional fragments are weapons and equipment."

"Isn't it afraid of being launched as a weapon?"

Fang Xu was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly and put down his hanging heart.

In the picture, the robot is doing the final debugging work.

When the debugging is completed, various observation instruments will send back various data.

And the work of Lv Yongchang and others is to find out the mystery behind gravity from these extremely complicated data.

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