Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 529 Superstring Gravitational Field

Time flies.

With the gradual implementation of the hibernation plan and migration plan, the originally lively Dawn Star once again became deserted.

The first laboratory of the Academy of Sciences still looked busy.

"Where's Yongchang?"

Fang Xu frowned slightly and asked in a low voice: "Are you still in the office?"

Su Yutong nodded slightly and spread his hands helplessly: "You also know his temper."

"During this period, I can't enter the office except when delivering meals."

Hearing this, Fang Xu sighed softly: "How long has it been..."

Before he finished speaking, the sound of the door moving came from the side.

Fang Xu perked up and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Lu Yongchang's office.

The door is open.

Lu Yongchang frowned and stared blankly at the empty corridor in front of him. He walked out of the office with a slightly pale face and kept mumbling something.

Seeing Lu Yongchang's appearance, Fang Xu couldn't help but panic.

At this critical moment, as the backbone of human civilization, nothing can happen to Lu Yongchang!

He hurriedly walked towards Lu Yongchang.

"...No, this isn't right."

"One is is missing..."

As the distance between the two continued to decrease, Lu Yongchang's murmur also reached Fang Xu's ears.

Missing one?

What's missing?

Fang Xu was stunned, and subconsciously called out softly: "Yongchang?"

Lu Yongchang trembled slightly, turned his head, and cast his confused eyes on Fang Xu.

After seeing Fang Xu and Su Yutong, the confusion in Lu Yongchang's eyes dissipated a lot.

He reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth and showed an ugly smile: "It's you..."

"You..." Fang Xu struggled for a moment, but finally asked the question in his mind, "What did you mean by what you just said?"

"What's missing?"

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang fell into silence, and the confusion in his eyes became a little thicker again.


"It's a constant."

"A constant that describes gravity."

As he spoke, Lu Yongchang waved his hand casually in the air.

A holographic projection instantly appeared in front of Fang Xu.

In the projection, there are densely packed and extremely complex formula symbols and calculation processes.

"This is……"

Fang Xu frowned and glanced, feeling a pain in his brain, but he still managed to follow part of Lu Yongchang's thoughts: "Gravitational field equation?"

"No, no, no..." Fang Xu shook his head repeatedly, rejecting his own judgment, "There seems to be something different..."

Lu Yongchang explained softly: "There are some differences."

"Perhaps, you can call it the superstring gravitational field equation."

"As the name suggests, unlike the original gravitational field equation, it is based on superstring theory."

Fang Xu's breath suffocated slightly.

This completely touched upon his knowledge blind spot.

But as the second-in-command of the Academy of Sciences, he still knows some basic knowledge.

Superstring theory is a type of string theory.

Both superstring theory and string theory believe that the basic unit of the universe is not particles, but strings.

Strings move in space, creating various particles.

In other words, all particles in the universe are nothing more than different vibration modes of strings, and all matter and energy can be explained by the splitting and combining of strings.

It is precisely for this reason that with the development of mankind, superstring theory has become the most promising theory to unify elementary particles and the four interacting forces.

I don't know if he noticed the thoughts that flashed in Fang Xu's mind. Lu Yongchang, who was looking at the holographic projection in ecstasy, murmured in a low voice: "Perhaps, this equation can realize the grand unified theory that mankind has been pursuing for a long time..."

"Grand unified theory?"

This time, Fang Xu couldn't hold back the surprise in his heart and exclaimed.

Don't blame him for reacting violently.

The grand unified theory has had an inexplicable attraction for all scientists since the beginning of the earth's time.

As we all know, there are four fundamental forces of interaction in the universe.

Strong interaction, weak interaction, gravitational force and electromagnetic interaction.

These four interacting forces build the entire universe.

So, theoretically speaking, there must be a theory that combines these four forces.

This is the so-called grand unified theory.

Up to now, human beings who have become a level four civilization have completed the unification of the three interacting forces of strong, weak and electromagnetic forces.

But gravity is still the most mysterious existence.

Fang Xu raised his slightly trembling right hand and gently "touched" the void holographic projection.

On the one hand, he hopes that Lu Yongchang can bring good news to mankind.

On the other hand, he was well aware of the difficulty of the grand unified theory and was worried that Lu Yongchang would hit a wall on it.

He murmured in a low voice with an extremely complicated expression: "Yongchang, is there any result?"

"There are certain consequences."

Lu Yongchang frowned, raised his hand and gently rubbed his temples.

Excessive thinking put a huge burden on his brain.

"Don't get your hopes up too much, though."

"This equation is not complete..."

Speaking of this, Lu Yongchang suddenly frowned: "If we find this constant, maybe humans can use it to realize curvature navigation technology."

In the gap between the two people's conversation, familiar faces came to Lv Yongchang.

Obviously, they were attracted by Fang Xu's exclamation just now.

Everyone stood on tiptoe and looked at the azure holographic image in front of Lv Yongchang.

"Professor, has there been any progress in the grand unified theory?"

Tao Yuda, who was a little impatient, asked loudly.

Looking at the eager expressions on the faces of the people around him, Lv Yongchang glanced at Fang Xu helplessly, and then stretched out his hand again in the air.

Under Zero's control, the holographic image was instantly enlarged.

The complex formulas and calculation processes were displayed in front of everyone in the laboratory!

"Since everyone is here, I will briefly explain it."

Lv Yongchang cleared his throat and began to explain.

"According to current research, the Randall-Sundrum model may be the space-time model that best fits the current universe."

"This theory believes that the space-time we live in is five-dimensional."

"It includes four dimensions of space and one dimension of time."

"And humans, or three-dimensional life, live in a 1+3-dimensional hyperspace in the five-dimensional space-time. In superstring theory, this hyperspace is called a membrane."

"Electromagnetic force, weak force, and strong force are all transmitted on this membrane and will not enter the fifth dimension."

"Only gravity can propagate in all dimensions."

"This is why it is difficult for us to analyze gravity."

"And this superstring gravitational field describes the gravitational field transmitted in this five-dimensional space-time."

"With it, we can manipulate gravity in disguise and realize the so-called curvature navigation."

"Of course, on this basis, I have another conjecture." Speaking of this, Lu Yongchang was silent for a while, and added again, "It's just a conjecture. Today's humans can't do this."

"If we can temporarily jump out of this membrane and enter the fifth dimension of space-time, perhaps we can realize the so-called wormhole transmission technology."

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