As Commander Bossa finished speaking, several black spherical weapons flew out from the bombing port of Bossa's flagship again.

Accompanied by a slight gravitational fluctuation.

These black spherical weapons disappeared into the visible universe again.

The Bossa fleet continued to execute the original breakout plan.

The antimatter engine was filled with extremely strong gamma rays, and these particle flows close to the speed of light constantly pushed the fleet forward.


In the distance.

The human fleet.

[Earth] Command Center.

Looking at the progress bar slowly advancing in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang's eyes flashed with anxiety.

'Quick! Quick! '

He clenched his fists slightly and muttered in his heart.

Only before the next round of attack, when all the [gravitational floats] are deployed, will humans have a chance to avoid the attack!

"Weak gravitational fluctuations detected near the enemy fleet!"

"[Gravitational floats] have been deployed."

One after another, two electronic prompts sounded in the command center.

At the moment he heard the second prompt tone, Lv Yongchang slightly loosened his clenched hands and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Zero, start all [gravitational floats] immediately!"

The next moment.

Around the human fleet, in the dark and cold space, a small cube surface lit up with a little working indicator light.

"[Gravitational float] successfully started, receiving data..."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang hurriedly sat up straight, completely cleared his mind of distracting thoughts, and focused his attention on the holographic projections in front of him.

"Fang Xu, you are responsible for checking the data in area A1!"

"Tao Yuda, you are responsible for checking the gravity signal in area A2!"

"Cao Liangcai, area B1."

"He Bilin, area C5..."


Commands were issued one after another, and the entire command center quickly became busy.

Almost at the same time, continuous signals appeared in the holographic projections in front of all scientific researchers!

Just like the fish in the pond touched the hook, the gravity bomb that entered the curvature navigation state also constantly touched the [gravity float] scattered in the starry sky.

At this moment, almost all factories stopped their original production tasks.

According to the order issued by Lv Yongchang, Zero almost concentrated all his computing power on the analysis task in front of him!

In just a few seconds, a series of possible path maps appeared on the huge holographic projection in front of him.

As time went on, more and more data came from the [gravity float], and the path map became more and more perfect!

The attack point of the curvature bomb also came into everyone's eyes!

"Zero!" Lv Yongchang shouted, "Take over control!"

"Maneuver and evade immediately!"

The next second, Zero took over the control permission of the [Golden Crow] battleship within the attack range.

At the same time, a large amount of positive and negative matter was thrown into the annihilation room, and it kept approaching under the control of the magnetic field until it touched!

Incredibly huge amounts of energy were released from it instantly, and charged mesons at a speed of 94% of the speed of light rushed straight to the nozzle of the antimatter engine under the control of the magnetic field!


These charged particles rushed out of the nozzle with extremely high-intensity gamma-ray bursts!

The huge [Golden Crow] battleship instantly accelerated and scattered around under the drive of this extremely powerful energy!

Thanks to the deep-sea cabin and human body enhancement engineering, the current crew can fully withstand the super acceleration brought by the annihilation of positive and negative matter!

The camera zoomed out, and even with the naked eye, it could be seen that 16 huge "pits" gradually appeared in the originally neat [Golden Crow] fleet.

At this time, less than twenty seconds had passed since the curvature bomb entered the detection range of the [Gravity Float]!


A dazzling light bloomed in the [Golden Crow] fleet.

The extremely sharp alarm in the command center also sounded, shaking the minds of a group of scientific researchers.

"A total of 16 gravity bombs were attacked this time."

"8 warships crashed."

"67 warships had varying degrees of damage to their outer armor."

A round of warm applause rang out in the command center, and every researcher's face was filled with excitement.


Looking at the cheers of the crowd, Lv Yongchang coughed lightly.

The originally noisy command center quickly quieted down.

"Everyone, the war is not over yet."

"We just avoided one round of the opponent's offensive, and it is far from time to celebrate." Lv Yongchang said with an extremely serious look, "You can't win this war just by hiding!"

Lv Yongchang's words were like a basin of ice water, directly poured on the heads of a group of researchers.

Some of the excitement in the command center quickly receded.

After seeing everyone return to calm, Lv Yongchang continued: "Now, what we need to consider is how to counterattack the Botha fleet."

"Faced with this super-light-speed attack method, we have only one choice."

"Close the distance and fight hand-to-hand!"

A group of researchers nodded one after another.

This is the most shameless method.

Once "close", even if the enemy's shells can fly at a speed of a thousand times the speed of light, it will not have much effect.

At the moment when the enemy ship attacks, our attack will also fall on the enemy ship.

This way, the war has changed.

From a competition of weapon range, it has turned into a competition of which fleet is more resistant to attack.

Use your own strengths to hit the opponent's weaknesses!

"Notify the fleet to continue to close the distance with the enemy ships."

"Prepare to send out the [battering ram]!"

Lv Yongchang hesitated for a while, and then gave an order again.

"Launch the Guangwei 1 [antimatter cannon] and [dimensional strike ship]."

"Once the third defense area is lost..."

"Unconditional attack!"

ps: Sent... It's too early to be happy... I may have to take a break these two days, and try to keep updating.

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