Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 554 The Lord will not make mistakes!


"The warp bomb detonated successfully!"

"The results...are almost zero."

In the Bossa fleet, the faces of all the large stick insects turned ugly.

Especially Commander Botha.

He looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief.


"This is impossible!!"

It unconsciously waved the two pairs of forelimbs on its chest and murmured in a low voice: "The Lord said that no level four civilization can withstand curvature weapons!"

"In case..." A large stick insect hesitated and said a few syllables, "Master..."


Commander Botha turned around suddenly and glared fiercely at the crew in front of him: "The Lord makes no mistakes!"

"The problem must lie with human civilization!"

Seeing the commander's devouring gaze and his mouthparts that were constantly moving, the crew member who had just spoken hurriedly closed his mouthparts.

Seeing this, Commander Botha exhaled forcefully.

Then, it turned its head again and looked fiercely at the human fleet in the detector screen.

"Commander, the human fleet has accelerated its advance."

A crew member's report broke the strange atmosphere in the command room: "They want to close the distance to weaken the effect of the warp bomb!"

At this time, Commander Botha's eyes were filled with blood, and he shouted sternly: "Continue to launch warp bombs!"

"All fleets, keep moving forward!"

"Commander...Commander?" There was a trace of doubt in the eyes of the large stick insect who reported the situation.

In its opinion, the best thing to do at this time is to keep the distance from the enemy ship as far as possible and rely on the power of the curvature bomb to continuously weaken the enemy ship.

Although the war will take a long time, it is a relatively stable plan.

The blood in Commander Bosa's eyes became thicker, and his voice became sharper: "I say, keep moving forward!"

“To get the Lord’s attention, we have to win clean and tidy!”

"Think of the Gift Ceremony!"

"Whether the Bosa civilization can go further depends on our choice!"

After these words, a flash of blood appeared in the eyes of every large stick insect in the command room.

They breathed hard, trying their best to calm their inner agitation.

"Bossa Fleet..."

"Charge at full speed!!"

Along with the reminders one after another, the computing power of zero consumption continues to rise.


Zhao Zijie took advantage of his free time and cursed angrily: "Are these stick insects crazy?!"

"Look how many gravity bombs they sent out?!"

Listening to the curses beside him, Lu Yongchang did not raise his head, but still focused on the data in front of him: "It is normal to launch gravity bombs."


"What makes me wonder is why they don't choose to keep their distance, but charge together?"

Hearing this, Zhao Zijie quickly calmed down.

"Professor, you mean...there is fraud?"

Lu Yongchang shook his head and nodded hesitantly: "I don't know either."

"I guess... it may have something to do with the sweeper civilization."

"Sweepers are civilized?" Zhao Zijie looked at Lu Yongchang in surprise, "What does this mean?"

"It's just a guess." Lu Yongchang shook his head and once again focused on the data in front of him, "No matter what the reason is, we can't retreat anymore."

"It's time for this war to come to an end."

‘Captain Andrew! ’

In the Third Fleet of the People's Federation, a [Golden Crow] battleship, a message popped up in the deep sea cabin.

‘According to the order from the [Earth] command center, in the next close battle, we need to use [gamma ray cluster cannon] to attack the organic life forms in the enemy ship. ’

‘The purpose of this mission is to capture enemy ships to analyze relevant technologies and obtain antimatter energy required for the next interstellar voyage. ’

Andrew, who was lying in the deep-sea cabin, looked at the holographic projection in front of him and nodded thoughtfully.

‘This makes the battle much more difficult. ’

‘Bruno, check the [Gamma Ray Cannon]. ’

‘Joy, check the number of drones on the ship! ’


Orders were issued in an orderly manner.

Andrew took a hard sip of the deep sea liquid and stared at the starry sky in the holographic projection.

At this moment, the artillery fire between the two fleets seemed much sparser.

He knows,

This is the calm before the storm.

Each battleship charged at the other with full force.

The moment the two sides come into contact, all the previously suppressed artillery fire will be released in an instant!

Time passes little by little,

There is silence in the universe.

Even the gravity bombs that never stopped erupting fell silent at this moment.

The Gliese 555 star system has once again returned to its former peace and tranquility.

Andrew took a deep breath of the cool deep-sea liquid, and his originally distracted attention also focused.

Watching the numbers directly above the holographic projection continue to decrease, Andrew slowly closed his eyes.

He knew that this quiet time would soon end.

The next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly, and the brainwave reading device quickly issued orders to all crew members.

‘Attention all units! ’

‘Release the ship-based drone and activate the [gamma ray cluster cannon]! ’

The order has just been issued.


Outside the porthole, a dazzling white light flashed.

Then, there was the fire of explosion.

With the piercing alarm, Andrew gradually realized what was happening.

The Bosa fleet took the lead in launching an attack!

Just now, an antimatter cannon composed of a large number of antiprotons hit a nearby [Golden Crow] battleship!

The magnetic field shield only supported it for a moment before it was overloaded!

This antimatter torrent directly hit the [Golden Crow] battleship, which had no time to perform a maneuver to evade.

Annihilation ensued!

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