Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 578: Oppose the tyranny of the People's Alliance!

A few minutes ago.

As the execution order was issued, the high-energy laser cannon set up on the execution ground slowly lifted up and began to adjust its posture.

Considering the demands of the vast majority of Proxima Centauri humans, this execution was open to the public.

Looking at the dense crowd around the execution ground and listening to the meaningless scolding from their mouths, Ren Feng's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

This scene was captured by the camera set up nearby and projected into a huge holographic projection, presenting it to the eyes of all Proxima Centauri humans.

In an instant, the extremely noisy scolding suddenly dissipated!

There was a dead silence in the surface city.

But this silence came quickly and went quickly.

It only lasted for a few seconds before it was torn apart by even stronger scolding!

"Damn it, he's laughing! He's still laughing!"

"Devil! He's a devil!"

"Why hasn't the execution started yet! What are the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament waiting for?!"

"Traitors! Scum! How could we elect you as the president of the parliament and the chief scientist!"


Listening to the extremely harsh remarks around him, Ren Feng still had a smile on his face.

He glanced at the people around him, his eyes filled with regret and disappointment.

Such a look immediately aroused stronger anger.


A subtle buzzing sound came from the execution ground, and at the same time, the originally azure holographic projection turned into a bloody color.

[Laser cannon charging...]

The appearance of this line of text instantly suppressed the extremely noisy sounds around.

Everyone stopped shouting and cursed, and turned their eyes to the huge high-energy laser cannon.

Ren Feng looked at the countdown that kept jumping in the holographic projection, and sighed slightly: "Zhengqing, will you blame me?"

Not far away, a chuckle came from him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I've been prepared for this since the day I knew your plan."

Zhang Zhengqing's voice was a little weak, as if the experience of the past two days had completely exhausted his last bit of energy: "I just hope that the last one will be painful. I'm afraid of pain."

Ren Feng laughed dumbly, and the memory of hundreds of years ago suddenly emerged in his mind.

The technical house that took him to the city management center when the disaster occurred.

"Don't worry, the high-energy laser cannon has great power, it won't hurt."

"If you close your eyes, we will turn into ashes!"

As soon as the voice fell, the countdown had reached the last three seconds.

Ren Feng subconsciously closed his eyes and counted silently in his heart, preparing to face the final judgment.


0? -1? -2?

Ren Feng's eyes twitched slightly, and a trace of doubt rose in his heart.

He struggled to open his eyes and cast his gaze on the holographic projection in front of him.

Just one glance, he was stunned.

The countdown number stayed above 1 and never changed again.

What's going on?

The countdown is stuck?

The next moment, the high-energy laser cannon that had been fully charged slowly lowered its muzzle, and the buzzing sound gradually disappeared.

This change confused the Proxima Centauri humans gathered around.

Gradually, the discussion grew louder.

"What's going on?"

"What are the parliament and the Academy of Sciences doing?"



Two crisp sounds rang in his ears amid the discussion.

Ren Feng suddenly found that his tightly bound hands and feet could move freely.

He slowly turned around, facing the eyes of the people around him, and looked around.

Zhang Zhengqing was pale at this time, and he collapsed on the solid ground.

"Pull... pull me."

A mosquito-like voice sounded.

Ren Feng smiled and shook his head, moved his somewhat weak legs, came to Zhang Zhengqing, and helped him up with difficulty.

"You are too timid." He joked with a smile, "You can't stand this little scene?"

Zhang Zhengqing didn't say anything, just looked down at Ren Feng's slightly trembling legs, and smiled strangely.


Ren Feng coughed lightly and quickly changed the subject: "So, what happened?"

As soon as the voice fell, the execution countdown screen in the holographic projection suddenly disappeared, replaced by a tough man in military uniform.

"I declare that from now on, Proxima b will enter a state of martial law, and the Human Union Fleet will take over all infrastructure."

"Ren Feng, Zhang Zhengqing, acquitted."


Just two sentences, and the quiet surface city boiled!


"We need freedom!"

"Oppose the tyranny of the Human Union! Oppose the Tail Cutoff Plan!"


In the holographic projection, the man in military uniform showed a disdainful smile on his face.

He sneered: "Heh, why?"

The holographic projection screen switched quietly.

One after another, the huge [Golden Crow] battleships hovered in the synchronous orbit and aimed their guns at the surface cities of Proxima b!

One after another, the small starships slowly sailed out from the hatches opened by the [Golden Crow] battleships.

Unlike the [Golden Crow] battleships, these small starships only had thirty ships, and they were not conspicuous in front of the huge Proxima b.

At the same time, the high-energy laser cannon that had originally lowered its muzzle raised its muzzle again.

With a slight humming sound, it turned the muzzle around and aimed it at the crowd around it.

"Just with this!"

The officer's disdainful voice came from the loudspeaker.

There was complete silence.

In the distance, neat footsteps were heard.

"Next, the robots will take you back to your respective residences."

"From now on, all surface cities will be under curfew."

The officer cast his eyes on Ren Feng and Zhang Zhengqing, who were standing in the middle of the execution ground with difficulty.

The disdain in his eyes quickly dissipated, replaced by respect and admiration.

He raised his right hand firmly and saluted the two people: "On behalf of the People's Union, I thank you for your efforts!"

"You are the heroes of human civilization!"

Ren Feng, who had been calm and had a faint smile on his lips, had red eyes at this moment.

He slowly lowered his head, bowed and said: "Thank you, thank you."

As the voice fell, the two robots slowly walked into the execution ground and came to the two people.

"Senator Ren Feng, Chief Zhang Zhengqing, please follow me."

The electronic synthesized voice belonging to Zero sounded.

Ren Feng did not move at all, and still kept bowing.

"I... I have a request."

"Please listen to me."

"You are too kind!" the officer said solemnly, "You are a hero of human civilization."

"As long as it is a reasonable request, we will do our best to meet it."

Ren Feng slowly straightened his back and said softly: "Please don't make it too difficult for them."

"They are all poor people."

"Because of me, they have just been born into this world and have to face such a situation."

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