
In the holographic screen, the officer was slightly moved.

Under Ren Feng’s expectant gaze, he sighed softly: “Speaker Ren, don’t worry.”

“The fleet brought a lot of supplies. As long as they abide by the rules, they can enjoy an extremely comfortable life.”

Hearing this, Ren Feng seemed to have put down the burden in his heart and sighed deeply.

“Thank you.”

He said softly, took a somewhat stiff step, and followed the robot out of the execution ground.

In the next few months, Ren Feng and Zhang Zhengqing lived in the parliament building, silently watching the changes in Proxima b.

It must be said that with a large amount of supplies and zero computing power support, Proxima b can be said to change every day.

From decline to vitality, it only took six months.

"Senator Ren, the basic transformation of Proxima b has been completed."

In the holographic projection, the officer said meticulously: "According to the plan formulated by Professor Lu, the Tail Cutting Plan will be officially launched six months later, on January 1, 2556 in the Earth Calendar."

"Please be sure to keep it confidential. This is absolutely confidential."

Ren Feng smiled faintly and nodded gently: "Thank you for your hard work."

"Actually... you can also come to the surface city to rest for a while. The living conditions on the [Golden Crow] battleship are not very good."

"After all, there are only the last six months."

The expression on the officer's face softened a little: "Sorry, Senator Ren."

"In order to ensure the successful implementation of the Tail Cutting Plan, we..."

"Okay." Ren Feng shook his head helplessly, "If, if the Proxima humans can be like the Human Fleet, I will not take this path."

The officer did not speak, but stared at Ren Feng with a slightly serious expression.

"You've seen it, too."

Ren Feng's eyes were filled with disappointment and anger: "What have they done in the past six months."

"Enjoyment, endless enjoyment!"

"What future does such a civilization have?!"

"It's better to..."

Ren Feng opened his mouth and swallowed the words that were about to come to his mouth: "Sorry, I said too much."

"Don't notify me on the day when the Tail Cutting Plan is implemented."

Looking at the pleading look in Ren Feng's eyes, the officer nodded silently.

The holographic projection turned into a particle special effect and dissipated in the air.

Ren Feng sighed and let his body fall on the sofa behind him.

He looked at the extremely bright simulated sky outside the window and squinted his eyes slightly.

"It's so dazzling..."


Earth calendar year 2556, January 1.

It was late at night in the surface city of Proxima b.

Under curfew, the streets were empty, and almost everyone ended a day of enjoyment and fell asleep.

"Tail-breaking Plan, start executing!"

Lv Yongchang's voice echoed in every [Golden Crow] warship through the long-distance communication device.

At this moment, [Golden Crow] battleships, [Taotie] material storage ships, engineering ships, [Home Ships]...

All starships are neatly arranged around Proxima b, except for the thirty [Dimensional Strike Ships].

A day ago, under Zero's control, they left the synchronous orbit of Proxima b and landed in a corner of Proxima b.

The remains of a closed sanatorium stood quietly in the ice and snow.

This sanatorium was abandoned hundreds of years ago.

Except for a very small number of people, basically no one knows what kind of person is sleeping in it.

At some point, a laboratory was quietly built near the remains of the closed sanatorium.

A full thirty [Dimensional Strike Ships] were neatly parked in the open space in front of the laboratory.

In the laboratory, under the watchful eyes of some officers disguised as researchers, one of the two-dimensional fragment control devices quietly lifted all restrictions.

The "drama" began.

A "researcher" leaned over the console with a horrified look on his face, trying to press the buttons on the console.

Several "researchers" stood there in a daze.

Several other "researchers" turned around and ran away.

Several "researchers" even sounded the highest alarm!

The moment the alarm sounded, the "actors" arranged in the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament also began their own performances.

In the laboratory, a gray piece of paper slowly fell from the two-dimensional fragment control device and gently touched the ground.


Two-dimensionalization began!

The first second.

A chain reaction followed.

One by one, the two-dimensional fragment control devices lost control, and one by one, the two-dimensional fragments gathered together, constantly increasing the scope of two-dimensionalization!

The entire laboratory turned into a huge scroll.

In the scroll, the actions of each "scientific researcher" were frozen at the moment of two-dimensionalization.

Thirty pieces of two-dimensional fragments exploded at the same time, with great power.

The next moment, the closed sanatorium that had stood for hundreds of years also became a corner of the picture.

The picture expanded rapidly.

The second second.

Finally, the starships neatly arranged around Proxima b also "behind the scenes" discovered this phenomenon.

The light of the antimatter engine lit up!

Almost at the same time, all the starships entered the [Forward Four] state!

Some of the crew members who had not yet entered the deep-sea cabin were directly crushed into a pile of meat patties by the huge acceleration!

Half of Proxima b was swallowed into the scroll.

The third second.

The entire Proxima b was completely swallowed into the scroll!

None of the surrounding starships escaped, and all became part of this giant scroll!

What a magnificent scroll this is!

It is extremely large, occupying almost half of the space of the Proxima Galaxy!

In the scroll, a researcher looked terrified and tried to make up for it!

In the scroll, a small number of people turned around and fled with fear on their faces, trying to escape the attraction of the scroll!

In the scroll, countless humans were immersed in sleep, and even the expressions on their faces and the wriggling internal organs in their bodies could be clearly seen!

In the scroll, the light of the antimatter engine flashed at the tail of the starship, and inside the starship were clumps of flesh and blood that looked like amber!

In the scroll, the internal structures of countless man-made devices were presented!

In the scroll, every detail of Proxima b was presented, even a grain of sand in the soil, a bacterium, were clearly visible!

The tail-cutting plan lasted for a total of three seconds.

The extremely strong two-dimensional fluctuations became a beacon, illuminating the entire Milky Way!

The strong light emitted during the two-dimensionalization process even overshadowed the dim main star Proxima Centauri, becoming the brightest "star" in this star field!

"Professor, the signal has been interrupted."

"The tail-cutting plan has been successfully implemented."

The electronic synthesized voice sounded in the cabin.

In the reflection of the porthole, Lu Yongchang's face became paler and paler.

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