More than 30 minutes later.

In the conference room of the Xia National Space Research Institute.

At the urging of Cao Liangcai, all the researchers in the institute quickly sat down in their seats.

Lv Yongchang stood in front of the conference table, looked around at everyone with a serious look, and then reached out to turn on the projector.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has received the notice from the upper level."

"The Long March 10 heavy-lift carrier rocket project will stop research and development from now on."

Although everyone present received this news last night, at this moment, every researcher still showed a bit of sadness and reluctance on his face.

With a research cycle of five years, it is no exaggeration to say that the Long March 10 heavy-lift carrier rocket project is like a child that these researchers have carefully cared for!

"I am also doing research, and I can understand the pain in your hearts."

"But, I believe everyone knows the current situation of Xia!"

Feeling the heavy atmosphere in the conference room, Lv Yongchang took a deep breath and then pressed the left mouse button: "Xia needs a more effective way to promote it!"

The changing light of the projector attracted everyone's attention.

"Electric Propulsion Technology"

"Electric propulsion?!"

"This... This is impossible!"

In just a moment, the conference room became noisy.

A voice of doubt followed and reached Lv Yongchang's ears.

Cao Liangcai, the director of the institute, changed his expression slightly, and looked at Lv Yongchang with a puzzled look.


Seeing the discussion in the conference room getting louder and louder, Cao Liangcai had to stand up and coughed lightly.

"Professor Lv, the electric propulsion system you are talking about is the Hall thruster?"

Lv Yongchang nodded lightly, with a smile in his eyes: "Why? Academician Cao has research in this area?"

Cao Liangcai's pupils shrank suddenly!

Hall thruster... It is indeed a Hall thruster!

He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Professor Lu, if you want to use Hall thrusters instead of chemical fuel rockets... I advise you to give up as soon as possible."

Lv Yongchang's eyes showed some doubts: "What do you mean?"

Cao Liangcai sighed slightly: "Professor Lu, you should be interested in the specific impulse of the Hall thruster, right?"

Lv Yongchang's expression condensed slightly, and then nodded.

Seeing this scene, Cao Liangcai's eyes were more bitter!

"Our institute has done research on the Hall thruster project a long time ago."

"At first, we were all full of confidence in it, and even many academicians believed that the Hall thruster was the most perfect propulsion system!"

"Unfortunately, reality is always much more cruel than imagination."

"In the laboratory, the maximum thrust of the Hall thruster is about 200 millinewtons."

Speaking of this, Cao Liangcai sighed deeply again.

"Professor Lu, what can 200 millinewtons do?"

"In the atmosphere, it can only push a few A4 papers, right?"

"With this, do you think the Hall thruster can replace the traditional chemical rocket?"

Faced with Cao Liangcai's doubts, Lu Yongchang chuckled and said calmly: "Academician Cao, don't be in a hurry."

"It's not too late to make a judgment after listening to me first."

While speaking, Lu Yongchang gently pressed the mouse again.

"Academician Cao, please ask, what is the power of the original Hall thruster in the institute?"

Cao Liangcai looked at a black cylinder on the projection screen and was stunned.

What is this?

With his knowledge, he couldn't recognize the object in the picture? !

Hearing Lu Yongchang's question, he subconsciously answered: "About 20 kilowatts."

Lu Yongchang understood.

The next moment, a mysterious smile appeared on Lv Yongchang's face: "What if I say that I can increase the power to more than 1,000 megawatts?"

Cao Liangcai took a breath of cold air.

Even though he had been through a lot, he couldn't stand the shock in his heart and jumped up from the chair beside the conference table!

"What did you say?!"

"1,000 megawatts?!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lv Yongchang's mouth, and he nodded gently.

Cao Liangcai's pupils trembled slightly, he swallowed lightly, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Professor Lv, do you know what 1,000 megawatts means?"

"Could it be that you want Pangu No. 1 to power it?!"

Speaking of this, Cao Liangcai's heart moved slightly.

A crazy idea slowly emerged from his mind.

Could it be that...

He turned his head suddenly and looked at the projection screen beside him!

"Pangu No. 1 is not that bad." Lv Yongchang nodded with a smile and continued, "But there is a miniaturized fusion reactor."



"What the hell?!"

Instantly, several exclamations rang out in the conference room.

Ignoring these "noises", Lv Yongchang straightened his face and pointed to the projection screen: "Let me introduce it to you."

"The latest achievement of the first laboratory of Xia Country, the miniaturization technology of fusion reactors."

"What you see in front of you is the core part of the small fusion reactor, which is equivalent to the reactor of Pangu No. 1."

"Two meters high and one meter in diameter!"

"The current rated power is 1,000 megawatts!"


After the voice fell, the conference room fell into silence.

Cao Liangcai stood blankly beside the conference table, his hands trembling slightly because of excitement.

"Professor Lu... Is what you said true?"

It's not that he didn't trust Lu Yongchang's words.

It's just that all this is too incredible!

Not long ago, the Pangu No. 1 fusion reactor was just launched.

Just over a month later, the fusion reactor miniaturization technology was placed in front of him? !

Cao Liangcai even stretched out his hand and grabbed his thigh fiercely!

Hiss! It hurts!

"Of course it's true!" Lu Yongchang's face became serious, "Yesterday, under the witness of Councillor Li, the first ignition experiment of the small fusion reactor was a complete success!"

"Although the matching power generation device has not yet been designed, I can guarantee that within a month, the small fusion reactor technology will be completely mature!"

Cao Liangcai took a deep breath.

I have to say that he was moved!

1000 megawatts of power!

Even with the simplest and crudest multiple conversion, the Hall thruster thrust of the small fusion reactor can have a full 1-millimeter thrust!

"Then...what about the heating and loss problems?"

Cao Liangcai's heart moved slightly, and he remembered a very important question.

General wires cannot withstand the strong current of a small fusion reactor!

Lv Yongchang chuckled and pressed the mouse again.

"How about room-temperature superconducting coils?"

"What?!" Cao Liangcai's eyes widened suddenly, "Xiaguo already has room-temperature superconductor technology?!"

"Otherwise, Academician Cao, how do you think we built Pangu No. 1?"

Lv Yongchang asked back happily.

Because of the confidentiality agreement, most scientific researchers are not aware of the black technology contained in Pangu No. 1.

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