Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 59 Su Guo: I can pay any price

Cao Liangcai's breathing was a little rapid.

Room-temperature superconductors, plus a 1,000-megawatt small fusion reactor...

The combination of the two is definitely not as simple as 1+1=2!

Cao Liangcai swallowed his saliva slightly and cast his eyes on the young man standing beside him.


All of this was done by the young man in front of him who was only 21 years old!


Half a month later.

A flight from the Soviet Union slowly landed on the straight runway of the Beijing Airport.

As the door of the plane opened, the figure of Emperor Putin appeared on the plane's gangway.

"Mr. President, welcome to Xiaguo!"

When Emperor Putin walked down the gangway, a staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs hurried forward to say hello.

Emperor Putin, who had something to ask for, was easy to talk to.

A kind smile appeared on his face, and he nodded gently to the staff member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "Hello, hello."

Looking at that kind smile, the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs couldn't help but feel a chill on his back.

He quickly turned sideways and extended his hand to say, "Mr. Jingpu, Speaker Li is waiting for you at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse."

The smile on Emperor Jingpu's face became more and more intense. He nodded gently and followed the staff's instructions to enter a black Hongqi sedan.


Xiaguo, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse reception room.

Emperor Jingpu sat on the left of Speaker Li.

"Speaker Li, congratulations to Xiaguo for mastering the controlled nuclear fusion technology!"

Faced with Emperor Jingpu's compliments, Speaker Li smiled faintly.

He nodded gently and said, "Thank you."

After that, Speaker Li picked up the teacup on the table and sipped the tea in it.

Emperor Jingpu: "......???"

Thank you?

What's next? That's it?

He glanced at Speaker Li's leisurely look, and a bit of helplessness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

"Speaker Li, I came to Xia this time mainly to discuss a cooperation project with your country."

"Oh? What cooperation project?" The speaker's eyes flashed with a smile, and he said lightly, "Mr. Jingpu can speak boldly."

"With the friendship between our two countries, I believe that most projects are not a problem."

The helplessness in Emperor Jingpu's eyes became more and more intense.

Facing Senator Li who pretended to be stupid, he could only sigh deeply: "Speaker, I will speak directly!"

"How to sell Xia's controlled nuclear fusion technology?"

As Emperor Jingpu's voice fell, the reception room instantly became quiet.

Emperor Jingpu looked at Senator Li beside him nervously.

Although he did not show any strange expression, Senator Li next to him still keenly noticed a trace of panic in Emperor Jingpu's eyes.

A few minutes passed.


Member Li sighed softly: "Mr. Jingpu, controlled nuclear fusion is a technology that Xia has just developed. In principle, we are not prepared to..."

Emperor Jingpu's eyes flashed with disappointment.

To be honest, this result was within his expectations.

But he still said unwillingly: "What if I say that the Soviet Union can pay any price?"

Member Li's voice paused slightly, and his expression did not change at all: "...But, considering the friendly relations between your country and our country, we can share this technology with your country."

Emperor Jingpu: "..."

Looking at the usual look of Councillor Li, Emperor Jingpu sighed deeply in his heart again.

It seems that Councillor Li has long been eyeing this piece of fat meat!

"Name a price, Councillor."

Emperor Jingpu leaned back on the chair and said with despair: "How much do you want?"

The Councillor chuckled, and the words that Hong Qiming said to him some time ago came to his mind, 'Member, Professor Lu suggested that we use nuclear fusion technology to exchange for some necessary resources. ’

Speaker Li shook his head slowly: "No, I don't need money."

A trace of doubt flashed in Emperor Putin's eyes, and then a trace of vigilance appeared in his eyes: "Speaker, territorial integrity is the bottom line that the Soviet Union cannot compromise!"

Speaker Li's mouth twitched slightly.

"Don't worry, I don't want land."

"Xia needs resources, a lot of resources."

After some "friendly" negotiations and discussions, Emperor Putin and the Speaker signed a cooperation agreement.

In the next year, the Soviet Union will transport a large amount of iron ore, copper ore and nickel ore to Xia. In addition, the Soviet Union will also pay Xia a considerable amount of rare earth resources.

In exchange, the Soviet Union also got the controlled nuclear fusion technology as it wished.

A few days later, the Xia news channel broadcast this news.

"Recently, Emperor Putin of the Soviet Union visited Xia. Speaker Li had a friendly conversation with him and reached a consensus on controlled nuclear fusion..."

As soon as the news was broadcast, the whole Xia was in an uproar!

The Weibo hot search list was updated quickly!

"Xiaguo sells controlled nuclear fusion technology?"

"How much did the Soviet Union pay for controlled nuclear fusion?"


There are countless comments under the official Weibo account of Xiaguo News!

"Zhao! What is this? Are they selling controlled nuclear fusion technology?"

"What are the top leaders of Xiaguo thinking? This is controlled nuclear fusion! We are the only ones in the world who have it!"

"No, just for such a small amount of minerals, they sold controlled nuclear fusion? Are you crazy?"

"The above, this is not just a little mineral. According to the reported data, the resources paid by the Soviet Union this time, calculated, even exceeded 20 billion US dollars!"

"No matter how much more, it doesn't make sense! Xiaguo finally took the lead once, but now it has to give up the advantage?"

Among the quarreling comments, one comment stood out and received the most likes.

"Is there a possibility that Xiaguo has mastered more advanced fusion technology, so it sold relatively backward technology to others?"

"Fuck! What you said makes sense!"

"As we all know, the technology of the Rabbit family usually has three generations, the first generation is sold, the second generation is used, and the third generation is tested!"


Not only in China, but also abroad, the cooperation agreement between the Soviet Union and Xiaguo was shocked.

There was a debate on Twitter.

"Does Xia sell controlled nuclear fusion technology now?"

"Suguo can buy it... then can our country buy it?"

"Haha, what are you dreaming about? Don't you know what the relationship between Suguo and Xiaguo is?"

"... I think we can give it a try."

" @Albert, Mr. President, here comes the job. Since we can't research controlled nuclear fusion, why don't we just buy a ready-made one?"

"Hahaha, I don't think Albert will pay attention to you!"

Unexpectedly, President Albert liked this tweet immediately and responded.

"I'm considering this matter. Believe me, no one knows Xiaguo better than me!"

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