Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 584 Abnormal Gravitational Waves

Earth calendar year 2620.

A dusty fleet is slowly slowing down.

After a century-long interstellar journey, these starships are no longer as bright and beautiful as before, and their surfaces are full of traces of time.

In front of the fleet is a star emitting gentle light - a red dwarf.

Gliese 3929, this is the number given to it by human civilization.

This is the destination of the human fleet's interstellar voyage.

According to the plan formulated by the Academy of Sciences, the human fleet will rest and recuperate in the Gliese 3929 star system.

After replenishing the necessary supplies, they will go to find the black hole 95 light years away.

[The target star system is about to arrive, and the probe is being released...]

Inside [Earth], a line of text flashed in the holographic projection in the central computer area.

The next moment, under Zero's control, a large number of probes emerged from the starships one after another.

With their small size and the powerful power of the antimatter engine, these detectors are speeding towards the Gliese 3929 star system not far away at a speed far higher than the fleet's.

[The detector has been successfully released, the preset program is activated, and the wake-up program is being executed...]


The bright lights, the slightly stiff electronic synthesized sound, and the constantly changing gestures of the robot beside...

Lv Yongchang looked at everything in front of him in a trance.

His memory still stayed in the days when the Tail Cutting Plan was successfully implemented.

He lowered his head and moved his fingers gently.

Su Yutong's body temperature seemed to still remain on his fingers.

But the time has come to 2620.

The time span of 64 years brought Lv Yongchang an extremely complex sense of dislocation, and with it, a sense of unreality.

"Professor, please cooperate in answering this question. I need to confirm your mental state."

Perhaps because he found that Lv Yongchang had not responded for a long time, Zero's electronic synthesized sound suddenly increased a few points.

Lv Yongchang shuddered slightly, and his distracted eyes gradually became more lively.

"Zero, are there any abnormal phenomena in the direction of Proxima?"

After his mental state recovered a little, Lv Yongchang remembered the purpose of setting up the awakening program.

The fleet and the Proxima galaxy are too far apart, and even light needs more than 30 years to complete this journey.

In order to ensure that all possible changes are observed, before the second hibernation, he gave an order to Zero - when the human fleet is about to arrive at the Gliese 3929 star system, wake him up again.

Lv Yongchang struggled to move his somewhat stiff body and struggled to "float" out of the hibernation cabin.

Looking at the deep sea liquid floating in the air around him, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

When we reach the black hole and solve the superstring gravitational field equation, we must put artificial gravity technology on the agenda as soon as possible.

But... what will a black hole look like?

Humans have not observed a black hole with their naked eyes yet!

Perhaps because of the long hibernation, Lv Yongchang's thoughts seemed extremely jumpy.

It took less than a second for his mind to "fly" 95 light years away.

He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't even notice the holographic image unfolding in front of him.

Until Zero's reminder sounded again, pulling his erratic thoughts back: "Professor, all observation phenomena have been sorted out."


Lv Yongchang, who came back to his senses, raised his hand and carefully read the complicated observation data.

After 64 years of continuous observation, the amount of data generated is extremely large. Even if Zero has screened and streamlined it, it is still a lot of work to read all the data.

[On March 26, 2588 of the Earth Calendar, the target star system showed abnormal conditions for the first time. ]

The highlighted text quickly attracted Lv Yongchang's attention.

Lv Yongchang moved his fingers slightly and called up the observation record of the optical telescope.

The holographic image screen darkened instantly.

The boundless and ethereal universe appeared before his eyes.

In the center of the picture, there is a star with extremely dim light.

Not far to the side, there are two planets with strong light, orbiting each other.

This is the Alpha Centauri triple star system.

Lv Yongchang did not pay attention to the two energetic binary star systems. He focused all his attention on the dim star in the center of the picture.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Seeing that the progress bar was about to reach that critical node, he subconsciously held his breath.


Suddenly, this dim and almost imperceptible star released an extremely brilliant light!

No! Wrong!

As the optical telescope was constantly adjusted, Lv Yongchang clearly observed that this extremely strong light appeared from the side of the star!

Because the two are too close, at first glance, it is easy to see it as the strong light released by Proxima Centauri!

This sudden flash reached its peak brightness in just three seconds!

It not only overshadowed Proxima Centauri next to it, but also overwhelmed the Alpha Centauri binary star system not far away!

Even, its brightness surpassed the brightest star in the sky for a short time!

At this moment, the Proxima Galaxy became the most conspicuous existence in the sky!

It came quickly and went quickly.

After a few seconds, this sudden flash gradually dimmed.

Proxima Centauri gradually returned to its original inconspicuous appearance.

The observation record was over.

Lv Yongchang exhaled deeply, and a bit of bitterness appeared in his eyes.

"Is this the power of thirty two-dimensional fragments exploding at the same time..."

"Three seconds..."

"It only takes three seconds to two-dimensionalize a planet..."

Lv Yongchang muttered bitterly.

These are just some insignificant two-dimensional fragments on [Painting].

If [Painting] is compared to humans, these two-dimensional fragments may be equivalent to some dandruff.

But even so, the lethality it causes is beyond the reach of human civilization!

He couldn't imagine how powerful the complete [Painting] was!

And what means should the Sweeper civilization that injured it have!

What kind of magnificent momentum should the war between two advanced civilizations have!

With such doubts, Lv Yongchang gently waved his hand and swiped the optical observation screen in front of him aside.

His eyes were cast on the rest of the data specially marked by zero.

Time passed by bit by bit.

Lv Yongchang put all the useless data aside.

Suddenly, Lv Yongchang stopped moving.

"Abnormal gravitational waves..."

Looking at the observation data in the holographic projection, Lv Yongchang felt a little bit of anticipation.

"Zero, extract all the abnormal gravitational wave data in the past 64 years!"

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