After the words fell, the content in the holographic projection changed rapidly.

Once, twice, three times...

At first, abnormal gravitational waves appeared concentrated near the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

Gradually, as the location where gravitational waves appear gradually deviates from the Alpha Centauri galaxy, the frequency of gravitational waves also increases at an extremely high speed!

The star field near Proxima Centauri is like a randomly strummed string, emitting its own voice to the entire galaxy!

It was not until ten years ago, in the year 2610 of the Earth's calendar, that these complex and extremely violent gravitational waves completely dissipated.

Observation of gravitational waves is very difficult.

On the one hand, it is because the distance is too far, and on the other hand, the gravitational waves of most stars are too weak.

Under normal circumstances, only when extreme celestial phenomena such as black hole mergers or neutron star mergers occur, sufficiently powerful gravitational waves will be emitted.

But this is a rare phenomenon after all.

The spectacular scene in front of us can only be a "masterpiece" of advanced civilization!

"Is there a war between the sweeper civilization and the pastoral civilization?"

A hint of understanding appeared in Lu Yongchang's eyes, and he murmured to himself.

The next moment, excitement showed on his face.

beat! It’s better to fight!

These two advanced civilizations are at each other's throats, and only the ant-like human civilization has a chance to escape!

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath to calm down his inner excitement.

"Wait, wait!"

"It's not confirmed yet. Just the discovery of gravitational wave data doesn't prove that there was a war between the two civilizations!" Lu Yongchang said to himself in a hurry.


He seemed to realize something and shouted loudly.


"I'm here." The electronic synthesizer sounded.

"Bring me all the images taken by optical telescopes in the past 64 years!"

Thinking of the locations where those abnormal gravitational waves appeared, Lu Yongchang quickly corrected: "Wait a minute, I don't want the observation picture of Proxima Centauri!"

"I need observational images of 50 light-years around Proxima Centauri!"


The next moment, the lights in the room automatically turned off, and the holographic image in front of him spread instantly until it filled the entire room!

Miniature models of shining stars fill every corner of the room.

At this time, Lu Yongchang seemed to be floating in the vast universe!

He gently pushed the hibernation cabin in front of him, and with the help of the reaction force, he slid to the corner of the room.

"Zero, start playing."

"The acceleration rate...500,000 times."

As soon as he finished speaking, the starry sky that filled the room began to change rapidly.

Even with an acceleration of 500,000 times, it would still take 1.12 hours to view the entire holographic image.

Lu Yongchang did some simple mental calculations and stretched out his hand to drag the progress bar of the holographic image to the 33-minute position.

About thirty seconds later, the timeline reached the year 2588.

A dazzling light flashed across the Proxima Centauri region.

Proxima Centauri b has been made two-dimensional.

Time continues to pass.

A bright white, slowly floating ripple appears near the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

That was the first anomalous gravitational wave.

With almost no waiting, a second anomalous gravitational wave appeared at the same location.

Then, several flashes of varying intensity appeared near the Proxima Centauri galaxy!

The third bright white ripple appears 1.28 light-years away from Proxima Centauri.

At the same time, a rapid flash of light also appeared in this area.

Time flies.

The fourth, the fifth, the sixth...

Densely packed bright white ripples appeared in front of Lu Yongchang—each bright white ripple represented an abnormal gravitational wave data!

Without exception, the locations where these ripples appear are rapidly moving away from Proxima Centauri.

Lu Yongchang thought for a moment, and soon realized the purpose of this behavior - in order not to destroy the two-dimensional Proxima Centauri b?

The bright white ripples become increasingly dense.

If the three-dimensional universe is compared to a pond, under normal conditions, this pond should be calm with no ripples on the water surface.

But now, it is like being in a heavy rain. Every raindrop will splash large or small ripples on the water surface and spread to all directions!

These ripples are either superimposed or offset, gradually spreading throughout the star field!

The next second.

Lu Yongchang's eyes suddenly widened.

The brightness of a dim star suddenly increased several times, and then countless materials with strong light were ejected to the surrounding area, forming a small nebula.

It exploded.

Lu Yongchang only felt his heart tremble slightly.

No more evidence is needed!

This is the war of advanced civilization!

The explosion of this star does not mean the end, but the real beginning of the war!

In the distance, with bright white ripples emerging, a star seemed to be inexplicably attracted and deviated from its original trajectory. Like a stone on a sling, it flew straight towards the adjacent star system.

That's Gliese 555! !

Looking at the label given by Ling, Lu Yongchang felt his heartbeat skip a beat.


Two stars collided and exploded!

"Gliese 555... is gone?" Lu Yongchang swallowed hard, his eyes filled with endless fear, "If, if we still stay in that place..."

Even though the surroundings were very warm, he still felt a biting chill rising behind him!

He shuddered violently.

"Is this the war between advanced civilizations..." he muttered to himself.

As time went by, stars went out one after another, and a huge nebula appeared.

Looking at the bright white ripples that gradually decreased in frequency, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

The last bright white ripple disappeared, and the war was completely over.

In Lv Yongchang's mind, a thought emerged involuntarily:

I wonder who won this war?

Looking at the nebula that spread for dozens of light years in front of him, Lv Yongchang subconsciously cast his eyes towards the corner in his memory.

Perhaps it was because of the close distance to the Proxima Centauri galaxy.

The solar system still stayed quietly in that corner and was not affected by the war.

However, because of the Star Devourer, its brightness had long been dimmed.

"Huh..." Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief, and the sense of uneasiness in his heart was slightly reduced. "Lucky, the solar system is still there."


The holographic image disappeared, and the room was dark.

Lv Yongchang stood there in a daze, his heart beating violently in his chest and could not calm down.

Although there was no sound and no specific picture, he still felt the powerful strength of the advanced civilization!

Since leaving the earth, this is the first time he has directly felt the weakness of human civilization!

ps: Thanks to Durga from Black Fire City for his great certification!

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