Since the Human Fleet arrived at the Gliese 3929 star system, this star system that had stagnated for countless years finally showed some changes.

The Dyson cloud system near the main star, the planetary mineral mining equipment near the planet Gliese 3929b...

And the warning detectors scattered around the star system.

A large number of mechanical equipment created an extremely prosperous illusion for this desolate star system.

The reason why it is called an illusion is naturally because such a prosperous scene will only last for 50 years.

Earth calendar year 2670.

An increasingly large fleet passed through the "scorching" hydrogen wall around the star system.

A large amount of antihydrogen came into contact with hydrogen in the reaction chamber and annihilated, releasing extremely huge energy.

This energy pushed the fleet to accelerate towards its destination!

The camera turned back to the Gliese 3929 star system.

After fifty years of destructive mining, Gliese 3929 now looked more and more desolate.

Gliese 3929c, because of its low resource abundance, was lucky enough to escape the disaster, but there are countless bottomless pits on its surface.

Gliese 3929d, as a huge gas giant, has hardly changed.

As for Gliese 3929b...

No, there is no Gliese 3929b now.

An asteroid belt appeared in the orbit of Gliese 3929b.

Just like the asteroid belt between Mars and Saturn.

However, unlike the asteroid belt in the solar system, all asteroids in the Gliese 3929 asteroid belt are almost entirely composed of silicates.

Iron, nickel and other metals all fell into the "belly" of the human fleet.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

With the gradually clear sound of the buzzer, Lv Yongchang's consciousness gradually became clear.

He coughed twice skillfully and coughed out the deep sea fluid remaining in his trachea.

"Zero, what happened?"

As soon as he regained consciousness, Lv Yongchang straightened up suddenly and asked hurriedly: "Star Pirate Civilization, or..."

"Professor, the fleet is about to arrive at the destination."

"According to the awakening procedure, the members of the Academy of Sciences and the Parliament are being awakened first."

Hearing this, Lv Yongchang could not help but be stunned in the hibernation cabin.

After a few seconds, he came back to his senses and asked back in an extremely strange tone.

"Zero, are you sure the fleet has arrived at the destination?"

"Did you encounter any accidents during the voyage?"

"Did you encounter any other civilizations during the 95-light-year journey?"

Zero's electronic synthesized voice sounded: "Professor, I am sure we have arrived at the target area."

"During the voyage, no traces of interstellar civilization were found."

As he said, a small holographic image appeared in front of Lv Yongchang.

[Navigation Log]

Lv Yongchang did not speak, but just flipped through the navigation log in front of him with an incredible look on his face.

According to the records in the log, the voyage was unexpectedly smooth.

Except for a large-scale meteor shower, this long journey spanning 95 light years encountered almost no obstacles.


Lv Yongchang widened his eyes and muttered to himself: "How is it possible..."

"Where did they go?!"

Where did those interstellar civilizations go? !

"Insufficient data, no conclusion can be drawn." The electronic synthesized voice sounded at the side.

Lv Yongchang waved his hand impatiently: "Go away, I didn't ask you!"

Zero: "..."

Lv Yongchang quickly got out of the hibernation cabin, while cleaning the deep sea fluid left on his body, while thinking carefully about the reasons.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

Could it be... this area is the territory of a high-level civilization?

Human civilization is like a fool, rushing directly into someone else's territory!

Thinking of this possibility, he shuddered violently.

"No, that's not right." Lv Yongchang's face became more and more solemn. He shook his head and rejected his previous conjecture, "Even if there is an advanced civilization, this universe should not be so quiet!"

If human civilization really rushed into the territory of an advanced civilization, then they should have received something!

Whether it is a friendly message or an attack of unknown form...

In short, it is impossible to be so quiet!

"Where are these interstellar civilizations hiding..."

Lv Yongchang's voice suddenly paused.


Why hide?


What are they afraid of?

Advanced civilization?

In a short moment, the clues were strung together in Lv Yongchang's mind.

He raised his hand with a smile and patted his head gently: "I understand!"

"It turns out that we have to thank the Sweeper Civilization and the Pastoral Civilization."

"If it weren't for this war, our voyage would probably not be so smooth."

That's right, not long ago, the war between the Sweeper Civilization and the Pastoral Civilization, which affected dozens of light years, completely frightened the surrounding interstellar civilizations.

Every civilization hid itself, fearing that it would be noticed by the two advanced civilizations!

Only human civilization came out at this time.

"Maybe..." Lu Yongchang's face became strange, "These civilizations look at us like fools, right?"

"Professor, Academician Fang Xu is here." The electronic synthesized voice sounded softly.

As the voice fell, Fang Xu's shout came from outside the door.


"Yongchang, are you awake?!"

For some reason, Fang Xu's shout was full of excitement.

He frowned, put on his electromagnetic boots, and walked towards the door.

"What's the noise?"

"You just woke up from hibernation. You should go to the gravity room for recovery training as soon as possible."

"Next, we have a lot of scientific research tasks. You..."

Fang Xu ignored Lv Yongchang's serious expression.

He stretched out his hand excitedly and grabbed Lv Yongchang's arm, and pulled him to the porthole not far away.


"Black hole!"

"This is the black hole!!"

Outside the porthole, there is an extremely spectacular and brilliant picture!

The mysterious and powerful black hole is clearly presented in front of Lv Yongchang!

Of course, a more accurate statement is the appearance of the black hole's event horizon. The real black hole still has not revealed its true appearance.

The extremely large accretion disk emits extremely strong light.

That is the interstellar matter pulled by the gravity of the black hole!

They are like clouds, slowly moving around the black hole, and gradually approaching the black hole under the influence of gravity until they are swallowed by the black hole!

The central area is extremely dark.

This is the event horizon of the black hole - even light cannot escape from it!

Around the event horizon, there is a gravitational lens phenomenon that can be observed with the naked eye!

Under the strong gravity, the starlight from afar is distorted!

Lu Yongchang stared at the scene outside the porthole in a daze and swallowed hard.

The scolding at the tip of his tongue turned into a classic Chinese quintessence at this moment.


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