Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 588 A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

In the empty universe, a black hole is running quietly.

The huge, bright accretion disk slowly rotates around it, showing a strange beauty.

Further away, a small fleet was also moving in a circular motion around it.

Unfortunately, beautiful things are basically dangerous whether on earth or in the universe.

It is no exception.

Compared with the black hole in the central region of the Milky Way, it is only a small black hole.

But beneath its beautiful appearance, extreme danger still lurks.

Not to mention the various dangerous radiations it releases, just its extremely powerful gravity.

Once it gets too close to it, it will be captured by its strong gravity. Even a human fleet with an antimatter engine cannot easily escape.

As for the consequences...

Naturally, it slowly falls into the event horizon of this black hole, the area from which even light cannot successfully escape, and finally falls into the center of the black hole - the singularity.


Lu Yongchang, who was standing by the porthole, frowned slightly.

After experiencing the initial surprise, he quickly began to think about it.

The images of black holes observed with the naked eye confirm many previous human conjectures about black holes.

But there was still a little doubt slowly drifting through his mind.

Normally, these small black holes do not have such huge accretion disks.

Even, most of the time, it does not have the structure of an accretion disk.

This is why black holes are difficult to observe.

On the one hand, black holes absorb starlight from far away; on the other hand, it is the gravitational lensing effect caused by their huge gravity.

Observed from a distance, even the light behind the black hole can "circle" the black hole and travel to the observation source under the action of gravity.

Simply put, we can observe starlight from the side and even the back of a black hole through it.

Therefore, small black holes without accretion disks are difficult to detect using conventional observation methods.

So why did this small black hole produce such a huge accretion disk?

A conjecture came to Lu Yongchang's mind.

Could it be... that it just captured a star?

And this huge accretion disk is the "corpse" of the star - the star was completely torn apart under the powerful gravity of the black hole.

Black holes swallow stars, this is a once-in-a-lifetime observation opportunity!

Maybe, they can rely on observing this process to find the deeply hidden constant!

Thinking of this, Lu Yongchang felt that his heart, which had just soothed a little, began to beat violently again!

"Let's go to Laboratory No. 1."

Lu Yongchang said to Fang Xu excitedly: "This is a great observation opportunity!"

Fang Xu was stunned, but soon he figured out the meaning.

There was a flash of excitement in his eyes, and without saying any nonsense, he followed Lu Yongchang directly and hurried towards the laboratory.

Shipborne Laboratory No. 1.

A miniature holographic model of a black hole floats quietly in the center of the laboratory.

"Zero, send out all detectors and build an all-round observation network around the black hole."

After entering the laboratory, Lu Yongchang's face became more serious.

He raised his hand, gently dragged the holographic model, and reached out to click on several areas: "Focus on these areas."

Fang Xu glanced at it, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

According to the current exploration data, in addition to the unique Hawking radiation of black holes, the black hole in front of us also emits a large amount of X-rays, gamma rays and visible light radiation.

In addition to Hawking radiation, the rest of the radiation mainly exists in the accretion disk region of this black hole.

The reason is also easy to explain.


Near the black hole, the attracted stars or planets will be completely torn apart by the strong gravity until they become atoms or subatomic particles.

These particles will rotate around the black hole at high speed and form a disk-shaped structure.

This is the origin of the black hole accretion disk.


Due to the different speeds of the materials in the accretion disk, collisions and frictions between them are bound to occur.

This process produces a large amount of light and heat.

The extremely high temperature prompts the particles in it to transform into excited states, thereby releasing a large amount of rays.

This is why black hole accretion disks are so bright.

The areas highlighted by Lu Yongchang are basically the places with strong radiation in the accretion disk.


Lu Yongchang's voice sounded again: "Modify some detectors, add enough radiation-proof shells to them, and then let them enter the accretion disk area for in-depth exploration."


He Binlin's voice sounded at the door of Laboratory No. 1.

"Professor, have you figured out what communication method these detectors will use?"

He Bilin's question made Lu Yongchang stunned.

He responded subconsciously: "Of course it's a quantum long-distance communication device."

"Professor, have you ever considered the [event form] theory?" He Bilin asked extremely seriously.

The so-called [event form] theory, simply put, means that the evolution of quantum states in strange space-time and flat space-time is different. Under the influence of gravity, entangled quantum pairs will suffer probabilistic losses.

Hearing this, Lu Yongchang frowned instantly.

"[Event form] theory..."

"Many experiments have been done before, and it is basically certain that quantum long-distance communication will not be affected by gravity."

"Professor, previous experiments were conducted around planets or stars." He Bilin reminded softly, "But this is a black hole."

"We are not sure whether the distortion of space-time caused by black holes will affect quantum long-distance communication."

Lu Yongchang's expression gradually became serious.

He Bilin is right.

Compared with black holes, the distortion of space-time caused by stars and planets is really inconspicuous.

He tapped his knuckles lightly on the experimental table in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "If this is the case, we may have to return to primitive electromagnetic wave communication."

"In this way, the efficiency of information transmission will drop to another level."

Lu Yongchang looked at the holographic projection helplessly: "Zero, add electromagnetic wave communication modules to those detectors."


"There is another problem." He Bilin continued, "the problem of time flow rate around the black hole."

"The closer the detector is to the black hole, the slower its time flows under the influence of gravity."

"Whether it is electromagnetic wave communication or quantum long-distance communication, there is no way to avoid this problem."

"A detector delivers information in one second, but it may take us decades or even centuries to receive it in its entirety."

The look of helplessness in Lu Yongchang's eyes became even heavier.

"I have also considered this issue."

"Currently, we can only spend a lot of time completing this observation experiment."

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